Free Hero Mesh

250 Largest Artifacts
This is a mirror of the main repository for Free Hero Mesh. New tickets and changes will not be accepted at this mirror.
SizeRID FromHashDescriptionDate
38693 2497  b9695758a6  file class.doc 2024-05-11 06:16:03
33711 2498  191a372e4a  file exec.c 2024-05-11 06:16:03
21385 2496  572afd4230  file class.c 2024-05-11 06:16:03
19598 971  5b626ea62e  cluster 2021-02-17 03:36:36
19557 2322  cfa31aa309  cluster 2022-11-07 07:29:44
16070 2489  9a00c6e87e  file edit.c 2023-10-31 23:36:23
15333 2491  64a615a82b  file game.c 2023-10-31 23:36:23
15254 2285  e11269f40c  file picedit.c 2022-08-30 22:12:45
13944 2480  691117504c  file function.c 2023-10-17 01:33:53
11508 2406  b9732826a2  file main.c 2023-07-16 19:46:43
11433 2494  559e5ca260  file picture.c 2023-10-31 23:36:23
8969 2327  e7ca6fecc8  file mbtofhm.c 2022-12-27 07:07:14
7744 1296  17d630f7e1  cluster 2021-04-17 05:54:04
7211 2501  f9c82173f2  file misc/compare/meshhero.doc 2024-05-29 22:13:54
6990 2436  4504881799  file misc/mbform.doc 2023-08-14 03:58:54
6705 2081  5ced4d6739  file hash.c 2022-06-13 23:57:13
5961 2319  4da45cf61a  file FAQ 2022-11-07 07:29:30
5807 2456  de573b2b32  file instruc.h 2023-08-28 19:02:25
5720 2457  00d29c2af9  file misc/compare/puzzlescript.doc 2023-08-28 19:02:25
5638 2321  f064d208b8  cluster 2022-11-07 07:29:43
5071 2332  bfe9ea3a6c  file PORTING 2023-01-02 20:42:13
4989 2459  1df54e51e4  file misc/compare/zzt_megazeux.doc 2023-08-28 21:46:16
4927 2266 2271  601dd2e738  file instruc.h 2022-08-17 06:54:47
4834 2244  f2bb0c2e49  file sound.c 2022-08-10 05:45:57
4647 2148 2221  244f5ae7d8  file instruc.h 2022-07-06 05:20:21
4608 422  1d25b2a6fd  wiki "Class definition file" 2019-05-27 06:53:35
4489 1819 1928  e7c63d7525  file instruc.h 2021-12-25 00:11:02
4469 2490  7d3fa7cbe5  file edit.doc 2023-10-31 23:36:23
4362 1697 1765  fc65209686  file instruc.h 2021-10-28 02:37:01
4256 2446  2a6921a8fb  file README 2023-08-27 04:31:36
4245 58  ffa250dfdb  file cursorshapes.h 2018-10-22 05:41:54
4234 1387 1410  281b1c7b18  file instruc.h 2021-04-28 17:10:38
4193 1349 1357  184c39d2de  file instruc.h 2021-04-24 19:09:08
4117 2483  2156835595  file sql.doc 2023-10-17 01:33:53
4089 970  47878340c1  cluster 2021-02-17 03:36:36
4082 2353  88eef743fa  unknown
4079 2263  bc360d3774  file fileformat.doc 2022-08-17 01:15:50
4060 1357 1363  0dfbf47a7b  file instruc.h 2021-04-25 19:54:13
4016 414  1582809378  wiki "Messages" 2018-11-30 04:42:21
3988 2499  da2e133513  file heromesh.h 2024-05-11 06:16:03
3786 2443  27db209f5d  file tutorial.doc 2023-08-25 21:54:36
3756 1834 1851  0ff85aa564  file README 2021-12-29 00:04:25
3756 2286  181395115a  file picedit.doc 2022-08-30 22:12:45
3738 77  d8916f864d  wiki "Features" 2018-04-20 06:10:10
3728 1228 1259  9467248115  file instruc.h 2021-04-05 05:50:10
3687 1046 1051  9fcfb8d96f  file instruc.h 2021-03-03 22:42:08
3676 2239  dcc38ad60c  file bindings.c 2022-08-10 05:45:57
3619 2341  bf5debb8a9  file config.doc 2023-01-11 06:11:14
3506 939 946  99711f673d  file instruc.h 2021-02-10 06:52:16
3426 511 561  5e92866556  file instruc.h 2020-12-14 07:27:11
3410 491  10ab950b8a  wiki ".heromeshrc" 2020-12-01 22:10:53
3276 2469  014c92b498  file comconfig.doc 2023-10-13 04:11:26
3226 2487  9c9b1b17c1  file bindings.doc 2023-10-31 23:36:23
3162 2492  96a141372a  file game.doc 2023-10-31 23:36:23
3058 132 131  6eea7d367d  file instruc.h 2018-04-16 00:14:32
3016 1026 1028  e7e0e8408f  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-02-25 07:04 2021-02-25 07:04:12
3016 1093 1117  6daa55039f  file instruc.h 2021-03-11 07:38:47
2996 357  19f90272d8  wiki "SQL tables" 2018-11-29 02:50:38
2963 587 619  ebbc66b70f  file instruc.h 2020-12-17 03:29:36
2860 1717  02e60ddc20  file imgtofhm.c 2021-10-30 00:01:47
2859 2476  3374ee89ff  file internals.doc 2023-10-16 00:12:09
2642 2339  5467f6c01b  file quarks.h 2023-01-11 06:11:14
2579 28  4b3decb0ca  file smallxrm.h 2018-03-09 06:00:54
2538 2058 2135  13db57267f  file instruc.h 2022-04-30 23:18:57
2524 2135 2148  d89fb3bd28  file instruc.h 2022-07-04 05:43:46
2462 2411  7a04a2cb03  file CONTRIBUTING 2023-08-01 19:50:59
2454 2293 2306  62a01ab909  file instruc.h 2022-09-01 21:59:44
2439 1928 1940  7d4bbe3ce8  file instruc.h 2022-02-08 02:51:58
2433 2488  336d543bb0  file default.heromeshrc 2023-10-31 23:36:23
2427 2502  e00ea7f335  check-in to trunk by user on 2024-05-29 22:13 2024-05-29 22:13:54
2399 26  b4352f885e  file smallxrm.c 2018-04-09 04:15:17
2261 519  87c6128caa  wiki "Compatibility notes" 2020-12-05 08:05:53
2260 88  e9fac2e80c  wiki "Program instructions" 2018-04-07 20:46:58
2202 2343  739eb37995  file puzzleset.doc 2023-01-14 22:39:55
2136 1661 1667  2667fe2918  file instruc.h 2021-10-07 05:51:30
2104 1788 1819  a3d7764239  file instruc.h 2021-12-10 00:00:13
2088 1765 1788  b557069e88  file instruc.h 2021-11-26 05:12:27
2078 2424 2433  ee3354bb1f  file instruc.h 2023-08-04 23:03:10
2072 2278  5f84a97175  file ARCHITECTURE 2022-08-17 21:34:23
2071 839  9bb248112a  file keyicons.xbm 2021-01-07 07:42:53
2069 430  60024011a5  wiki "SQL functions" 2020-11-27 00:28:06
1924 2455  43b3c154cd  file instruc 2023-08-28 19:02:25
1914 462  63a2f9a87d  wiki "Level file format" 2020-11-23 23:19:04
1887 1334  b9c5627019  file pcfont.h 2021-04-22 03:00:57
1819 1202 1228  6d4bc1a2f8  file instruc.h 2021-03-31 19:26:10
1792 113  eb653d258c  wiki "keybindings" 2018-10-22 05:04:16
1770 1381 1387  b1532be7cf  file instruc.h 2021-04-27 23:08:50
1767 1326 1340  e02ef5707d  file instruc.h 2021-04-19 22:04:02
1745 1722  82cbe880f1  file misc/vtower.class 2021-11-01 05:42:37
1726 1970 1975  0651293b43  file instruc.h 2022-02-16 07:09:32
1715 2256  862853a4a5  file commandline.doc 2022-08-11 20:11:07
1662 272  87b3bc62d1  wiki "Preprocessor" 2018-06-24 03:02:18
1617 62 64  ab2178c197  file main.c 2018-03-31 02:14:54
1603 327  05af457b25  wiki "Picture file format" 2018-08-19 23:19:53
1587 1340 1349  53b9bd40aa  file instruc.h 2021-04-22 03:00:57
1553 2277  9f35976bf3  file man6/heromesh.6 2022-08-17 21:34:23
1533 2439 2443  ca248fd4af  file tutorial.doc 2023-08-18 05:14:06
1527 1459 1491  bdce706361  file instruc.h 2021-05-20 00:47:05
1505 1576 1661  2cbce0738d  file instruc.h 2021-09-11 07:00:31
1498 2076  6ff8088996  file export.doc 2022-06-08 04:39:36
1460 147 158  2460412a09  file instruc.h 2018-04-27 20:25:35
1450 471  088764bd72  wiki "Command-line arguments" 2020-11-27 00:04:46
1413 1952 1970  c6eaacfc4c  file instruc.h 2022-02-13 19:32:54
1401 505 511  a04f6d3aa7  file instruc.h 2020-12-05 03:51:14
1386 1878  9ad890221b  file codepage.doc 2022-01-12 02:28:26
1381 1346  cc6c7e2d15  file codepage.har 2021-04-22 03:00:57
1380 2393  c026ba45a4  file names.js 2023-05-12 06:43:13
1353 1022 1046  9be41debf3  file instruc.h 2021-02-25 07:04:12
1315 2426  8c4700a5e2  file TODO 2023-08-06 19:44:01
1306 181 265  e59ed81496  file quarks.h 2018-06-24 02:12:44
1302 1807 1890  e296cad002  file quarks.h 2021-12-17 03:01:04
1294 2334  398da2db3e  file misc/har.c 2023-01-07 06:07:38
1263 220 484  f3d6a8eac9  file instruc.h 2020-11-30 21:37:41
1251 83 90  9c681f49a8  file main.c 2018-04-08 23:31:47
1237 351  d842c401e3  wiki "bizarro world" 2018-09-02 22:12:26
1228 1117 1143  f997fef66a  file instruc.h 2021-03-21 06:42:56
1197 1155 1161  af49a4968c  file instruc.h 2021-03-25 06:31:29
1193 2392  7ff55d411f  file names.h 2023-05-12 06:43:13
1108 2338  5602e2bd99  file quarks 2023-01-11 06:11:14
1105 137 147  be3608b2e3  file instruc.h 2018-04-22 00:44:59
1097 1051 1093  15ac771ea5  file instruc.h 2021-03-04 05:42:31
1074 2221 2266  191c31ad7e  file instruc.h 2022-08-02 17:46:10
1046 352  83c2440aca  wiki "formatting controls" 2018-10-13 01:29:09
1023 2092 2095  dd24aafcf7  file game.c 2022-06-26 04:05:02
1007 151  1f7cdd45d2  wiki "Hero Mesh key name" 2018-04-27 19:36:42
997 13  528626beff  file readpicture.c 2018-03-05 09:32:23
943 2147  05c2728680  file instruc.js 2022-07-06 05:20:21
887 410  add7bc1a0f  wiki "Turn order" 2018-11-29 04:58:25
882 1251  9691b5f1d9  file misc/sokoban.tar.gz 2021-04-10 01:11:20
881 290 488  def9f2d174  file quarks.h 2020-12-01 22:09:48
871 21  edd6349237  file notes 2018-03-09 01:33:11
865 2275  b9564d34c1  file compile 2022-08-17 20:57:13
857 1990 2005  364162f345  file instruc.h 2022-03-04 02:03:16
825 417  fec85f2c15  wiki "Internal program encoding" 2019-05-18 03:12:16
797 2014 2049  d8eb492638  file instruc.h 2022-03-31 02:12:56
773 1516  ade12521c4  file TODO 2021-06-10 18:36:40
766 215  dd65302bc9  wiki "Limits" 2018-06-10 01:52:19
757 123  864867af0c  wiki "Puzzle Games" 2018-04-15 23:15:49
733 2  96e46c5fe1  file colorpalette 2018-03-05 09:32:23
716 1940 1952  bdabcd4ee7  file instruc.h 2022-02-11 21:25:41
698 1206  3783b4826e  file sounds.js 2021-04-01 04:00:57
676 1491 1541  89714eb101  file instruc.h 2021-05-27 02:17:14
631 426  5ebb913e3e  wiki "IgnoreKey" 2019-07-15 03:47:19
623 2152 2163  156b0a7c35  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-06 05:20 2022-07-06 05:20:21
603 324  547e61b28b  wiki "Solution file format" 2018-08-18 05:13:43
596 1641 1653  28b482dea1  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-09-30 21:08 2021-09-30 21:08:35
590 1333 1347  2885d776fc  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-20 02:32 2021-04-20 02:32:02
581 1161 1198  9577840e31  file instruc.h 2021-03-26 03:55:45
580 1908 1919  a724f44255  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-01-25 06:31 2022-01-25 06:31:07
576 1530  8212149bf5  wiki "Free Hero Mesh" 2021-06-18 18:45:30
567 1863 1878  1ddaf3a23f  file codepage.doc 2022-01-04 06:02:11
557 2140 2152  08e7014805  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-04 05:43 2022-07-04 05:43:46
544 555 557  2f75954b21  file exec.c 2020-12-13 21:28:43
526 619 851  0ce4d3ad81  file instruc.h 2021-01-06 07:31:04
523 1935 1946  5ea66f6525  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-02-08 02:51 2022-02-08 02:51:58
518 2303 2310  0a234d4210  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-09-14 23:14 2022-09-14 23:14:25
508 1683 1863  d8f7c530cd  file codepage.doc 2021-10-15 06:47:31
506 1719 1746  f04d0de65a  file README 2021-10-31 23:05:17
503 992 1001  c8c249b7be  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-02-22 03:16 2021-02-22 03:16:38
500 2310 2318  1114ae75d5  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-10-05 23:26 2022-10-05 23:26:45
492 2109 2118  f4c84adc9c  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-06-30 02:50 2022-06-30 02:50:45
487 1926 1935  e7826dace2  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-02-05 22:54 2022-02-05 22:54:29
483 1887 1895  1293433867  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-01-13 06:48 2022-01-13 06:48:00
481 1934 2019  6ca9d9a4d9  file internals.doc 2022-02-08 02:51:58
476 1572 1581  9ded322f4f  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-09-09 06:18 2021-09-09 06:18:34
472 976 980  42049107bf  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-02-17 06:00 2021-02-17 06:00:46
468 1987 2141  27b23be7e2  file names.h 2022-03-04 02:03:16
461 18  501f32344c  wiki "Free Hero Mesh" 2018-11-18 22:14:53
461 1714  aafb5674f5  file misc/ 2021-10-29 23:44:28
454 2486 2495  1ca3a03298  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-10-18 04:56 2023-10-18 04:56:08
452 1563 1572  b295172546  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-09-06 19:18 2021-09-06 19:18:28
452 2082  42028383bc  file hash.h 2022-06-13 23:57:13
451 1624 1634  8d8766182a  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-09-28 21:54 2021-09-28 21:54:41
451 1805 1814  656b937843  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-12-15 07:12 2021-12-15 07:12:25
447 2235 2246  c8c053656e  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-08-06 07:47 2022-08-06 07:47:41
445 1694 1703  730d600d55  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-10-24 07:41 2021-10-24 07:41:39
443 530 535  db44bf14be  file exec.c 2020-12-11 03:22:53
440 876 879  8524828a0e  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-01-09 03:03 2021-01-09 03:03:31
439 2251 2259  eaea2c00a7  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-08-11 04:38 2022-08-11 04:38:21
437 1223 1231  72fc19f911  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-03 00:30 2021-04-03 00:30:58
436 1447 1455  1ce408e53f  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-05-16 05:32 2021-05-16 05:32:41
434 603 605  b1126053b5  check-in to trunk by user on 2020-12-16 20:51 2020-12-16 20:51:44
431 250 259  9ffad27cd3  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-06-22 07:17 2018-06-22 07:17:54
430 1737 1745  c76e659783  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-11-16 20:02 2021-11-16 20:02:47
429 86 95  3df78ec087  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-04-08 23:31 2018-04-08 23:31:47
429 1792 1800  665dcd24be  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-12-10 00:00 2021-12-10 00:00:13
429 2219 2224  07386d0511  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-29 00:09 2022-07-29 00:09:51
426 889 891  839e21c938  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-01-10 23:58 2021-01-10 23:58:31
423 1360 1367  932a5231ed  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-25 19:54 2021-04-25 19:54:13
422 2192 2201  d1dcb9242a  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-18 03:06 2022-07-18 03:06:09
421 2132 2140  169561bd42  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-02 16:14 2022-07-02 16:14:27
421 2451 2458  b2164c4f63  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-08-28 04:25 2023-08-28 04:25:39
417 276 278  59319cbd25  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-07-02 21:27 2018-07-02 21:27:07
417 628 631  4dabc08567  file exec.c 2020-12-18 02:00:30
417 1581 1588  2a3e5126fe  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-09-11 07:00 2021-09-11 07:00:31
414 1363 1374  38aa7a3b09  file instruc.h 2021-04-26 01:05:54
412 1950 1955  28294a20b2  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-02-12 00:59 2022-02-12 00:59:53
411 2387 2394  b39b71353a  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-05-09 20:06 2023-05-09 20:06:46
410 1269 1272  9f00b04720  file picedit.c 2021-04-12 03:43:36
409 1753 1761  3a26643be9  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-11-18 19:39 2021-11-18 19:39:43
409 2377 2383  563de83a02  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-03-31 17:21 2023-03-31 17:21:01
408 1005 1013  e838ccc089  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-02-23 04:10 2021-02-23 04:10:51
408 1164 1172  7db27bc31e  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-03-26 03:55 2021-03-26 03:55:45
407 1822 1828  3b02288a18  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-12-25 00:11 2021-12-25 00:11:02
406 364 368  4d0fdefe0c  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-10-20 18:09 2018-10-20 18:09:19
406 1372 1378  8c73b0a17e  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-26 03:20 2021-04-26 03:20:55
402 732 734  7b83e02ee7  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-01-04 06:29 2021-01-04 06:29:55
401 211 214  a55e51e100  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-06-09 00:42 2018-06-09 00:42:29
401 2205 2210  ed54db3698  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-20 05:10 2022-07-20 05:10:08
400 2276 2281  ccfbb23881  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-08-17 20:57 2022-08-17 20:57:13
399 82 86  88e748ef6d  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-04-06 21:00 2018-04-06 21:00:00
398 1973 1978  3532fea858  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-02-16 07:09 2022-02-16 07:09:32
396 2429 2434  22d38aadb5  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-08-06 19:44 2023-08-06 19:44:01
395 1675 1681  9692a28768  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-10-10 00:08 2021-10-10 00:08:25
394 1188 1196  07dd5d8d17  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-03-29 23:48 2021-03-29 23:48:21
393 2126 2132  1aadd6299e  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-07-01 21:09 2022-07-01 21:09:11
392 1074 1078  7337cfa590  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-03-07 06:27 2021-03-07 06:27:19
392 2011 2017  79b77f8924  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-03-23 00:46 2022-03-23 00:46:50
391 1385 1392  757d440f6b  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-27 23:08 2021-04-27 23:08:50
391 1986 1993  b08bf22096  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-03-04 01:56 2022-03-04 01:56:22
390 2477 2484  cc0df8402f  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-10-16 00:12 2023-10-16 00:12:09
389 578 583  b9ac4c0116  check-in to trunk by user on 2020-12-15 05:21 2020-12-15 05:21:02
388 2085 2090  4d77f3e034  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-06-15 21:33 2022-06-15 21:33:16
388 2418 2425  9930393c98  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-08-04 18:15 2023-08-04 18:15:29
388 2471 2477  8ad7607451  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-10-13 04:11 2023-10-13 04:11:26
385 1428 1432  3c35f09e50  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-05-09 01:21 2021-05-09 01:21:42
385 1634 1641  2119a02b07  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-09-30 03:21 2021-09-30 03:21:12
385 1785 1792  33fb27825a  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-12-04 06:13 2021-12-04 06:13:04
382 1408 1414  1b9b475745  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-05-01 01:10 2021-05-01 01:10:08
380 1840 1845  d24dfda327  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-12-29 00:29 2021-12-29 00:29:24
378 1828 1833  66cf1d39ad  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-12-25 06:33 2021-12-25 06:33:53
376 140 149  c36edda367  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-04-22 00:44 2018-04-22 00:44:59
376 278 286  c5926b50b9  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-07-08 00:13 2018-07-08 00:13:54
376 1763 1769  fe6e5facdc  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-11-26 04:57 2021-11-26 04:57:41
376 1856 1861  a731b53535  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-01-02 21:04 2022-01-02 21:04:59
375 1019 1026  33593e7ab7  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-02-25 05:36 2021-02-25 05:36:38
375 1311 1318  ce10815b30  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-18 22:20 2021-04-18 22:20:17
373 71  a3dad95697  file quarks.js 2018-04-09 04:15:17
373 717 719  cb74a8d881  check-in to trunk by user on 2020-12-31 04:32 2020-12-31 04:32:36
373 1539 1544  db4b88bbcd  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-06-24 06:15 2021-06-24 06:15:21
372 1378 1385  e742adc13a  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-04-26 04:05 2021-04-26 04:05:17
372 1895 1900  5c902e7a3f  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-01-15 05:59 2022-01-15 05:59:20
372 2042 2047  345563f394  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-04-22 20:11 2022-04-22 20:11:15
372 2090 2094  77553ee70b  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-06-22 22:40 2022-06-22 22:40:15
370 847 849  d81bafda40  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-01-06 01:14 2021-01-06 01:14:02
369 2079 2083  a36346d28e  check-in to trunk by user on 2022-06-13 23:08 2022-06-13 23:08:14
368 60 63  cae3f2d69d  check-in to trunk by user on 2018-03-26 23:56 2018-03-26 23:56:31
367 329 462  e9a31b5346  wiki "Level file format" 2018-08-19 20:40:18
367 942 944  225cba49fa  check-in to trunk by user on 2021-02-10 05:02 2021-02-10 05:02:49
367 2399 2405  032593e3cb  check-in to trunk by user on 2023-07-11 06:59 2023-07-11 06:59:52