Free Hero Mesh

Update of "Limits"
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Artifact ID: dd65302bc90e4e435edc5bf3955b5118e5565d7b
Page Name:Limits
Date: 2018-06-10 01:52:19
Original User: zzo38
Parent: e7a73d3643a7a74e05522b9e2dfea871a42fbba9 (diff)

Here are various limits in Free Hero Mesh (many of which are much more than what they are in Hero Mesh):

Note that the limits of the hash table sizes may indirectly affect the other limits. The hash table includes macros, user functions, labels, and user variables. This means that many of the limits above cannot actually be achieved using the default settings. The hash table sizes may be changed at compile time by editing the class.c source file.

One cell of class codes is a 16-bit value (2 bytes).

A puzzle set consists of four files; each is limited to 2 gigabytes.

Changing any of these limits does not change the behaviour of the game, but may change what puzzles it is capable of loading.