50 descendants of 11101e05adb0c525
| ||
00:40:18 | Fixed stupid typo in max and min functions. check-in: f7f1dc1e6a user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/merging-ode2odes-exe, trunk | |
| ||
05:05:53 | Minor revisions. check-in: 449e55e2e4 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/merging-ode2odes-exe, trunk | |
| ||
03:53:55 | Minor revisions. (ode2odes.exe works on GNU/Linux and ~GNU/Irix) check-in: 7f5b9f0bd7 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/merging-ode2odes-exe, trunk | |
| ||
06:41:40 |
Initial merge of ode2odes.exe into main mtt. standalone_rep.make deleted: rules moved to mtt, variables to mttrc. check-in: 63813a1049 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/merging-ode2odes-exe, trunk | |
| ||
06:33:20 | Created branch merging-ode2odes-exe check-in: 97dc03b3f3 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/merging-ode2odes-exe, trunk | |
06:33:19 | Removed operation form loop. check-in: fe41f9074c user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
06:32:02 | Octave path change, remove libblas check-in: b352ebad6c user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
09:18:49 | Removed temporary Matrices from mtt_implicit.cc check-in: 2a56f89412 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
00:10:30 | Print message. check-in: e80a06d712 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
00:08:21 | Simplified. check-in: bb7af62f84 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
03:48:17 |
Use assignment LHS to gather tmp variable names. Prevents collection of long expressions, eg: tmp34*(tmp75 check-in: f4fd201171 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
06:06:34 | Removed octave_value_list wrappers from standalone.exe - speed improvements check-in: 2b317a41b7 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
07:08:59 | Static declarations of octave_value_lists: small .exe speed improvement check-in: f58032ca4b user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
05:25:53 | Reduced number of matrix operations during .oct simulation data write check-in: c2e73d2c57 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
02:56:46 |
Translate some binary operators Allows use of ! in logic.txt check-in: 9745aba946 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
00:39:56 | Removed clear from code generated by: mtt -c -i euler -o check-in: cb90ccb3c1 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
12:40:44 | typo check-in: 2fefd10db6 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
06:08:34 | Added gnuplot.txt representation. check-in: 6796ef70a0 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
04:39:08 | Added _standalone.exe representation. check-in: cfaa1be057 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
17:27:40 | Make sure _def.r exists before creating _state.txt check-in: b65340b323 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
17:19:52 |
Now gives unique names to the states of multiports. Second name onwards labeled with port number check-in: 34651ed0d4 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
17:17:09 |
New state format Sets initial capacitor displacement to unity check-in: ec61c22ca1 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:03:19 |
Restrict scope of variables to file (static). Warn GCC that variables may be unused. check-in: 1415a3c534 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:57:13 | Removed unnecessary files. check-in: 0f05f75f0f user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
08:50:58 | Octave 2.1.x compatability. check-in: f53801a595 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
08:32:31 | typo check-in: bb0ed37feb user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
04:32:35 | Octave version 2.1.x compatability and #ifdef statements for standalone rep check-in: 6b01e9c010 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
04:23:09 | Simplified. check-in: 89f987075f user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
04:16:06 |
Prevent match of zero occurences of a letter between "mtt" and a digit. Fixes bug #116426. check-in: ae5f2291e7 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
04:11:26 | Added _logic.txt check-in: d14aabb42d user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
03:33:18 |
Convert user-defined txt to lower-case in translation. Required by logic.m (Octave is case sensitive). check-in: afa911e795 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
03:07:10 | angular displacement units: changed rads to radians check-in: 820a695c45 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
01:50:29 | No unit type comparison at ports if either is "none". check-in: 3d05dc2bd4 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
14:00:01 | Geraint's temp. variable patch applied check-in: f70a014035 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:54:02 | Geraint's broken number patch applied check-in: 6a40005962 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:40:45 | Added explicit MTTNu check-in: 2dc4650985 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
21:35:05 | First version of kernel algorithm check-in: 2a7104531d user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
21:26:30 | *** empty log message *** check-in: 2c77a50aab user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
18:52:25 | Updated for new formats check-in: cc854cc932 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
18:42:18 |
New input definition. NB Needs to handle mutiports properly and state.txt modified accordingly check-in: f46da74fa9 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
18:17:57 | To RCS check-in: 3fd9d6efa9 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
17:12:57 | To RCS check-in: a822056bb5 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
17:04:39 | To RCS check-in: a5452a618d user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:53:10 | *** empty log message *** check-in: 3d5410607c user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:48:53 | Put under RCS check-in: 5ca7145984 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:31:15 | *** empty log message *** check-in: 7c2e142b43 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:29:52 | Initial revision check-in: 9928b68158 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:02:48 | Initial revision check-in: 5f1e8a3807 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:02:19 | *** empty log message *** check-in: 409432c3fd user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
11:58:07 | Put under RCS check-in: d4245be859 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
11:51:32 | Initial revision check-in: 11101e05ad user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |