basegui - combobox - dgw - drawcanvas - hyperhelp - sbuttonbar - seditor - sfilebrowser - sfinddialog - sqlview - statusbar - tablelist - tlistbox - tvmixins
dgw::tlistbox - a tablelist based listbox with multiline text support and a search entry.
package require dgw::tlistbox
namespace import ::dgw::tlistbox
tlistbox pathName options
pathName configure -searchentry boolean
pathName configure -browsecmd script
pathName itemconfigure index -option value
pathName itemcget index -option
pathName iteminsert index string
tlistbox - a listbox widget based on the Csaba Nemethis tablelist widget with support for multiline text which can be wrapped. As tlistbox is based on the tablelist widget, it suppports the standard options and commands of tablelist. The tlistbox widget is a two column tablelist widget where the second column is hidden to allow invisible storage of data belonging to a tlistbox item or a cell in tablelist terms.
For convinience, and to make the widget more listbox like, a few options and methods were added in addition to the tablelist options. Beside of standard listbox functionality the user of this widget can display on top of the tlistbox a search entry widget in order to dynamically search the tlistbox.
tlistbox pathName ?options?
Creates and configures a new tlistbox widget using the Tk window id pathName and the given options.
-browsecmd script
Set a command if the user double clicks an entry in the listbox or presses the
key if the widget has the focus. The widget path and the index of the item getting the event are appended to the script call as function arguments. So the implementation of the script should have two arguments in the parameter list as shown in the following example:
proc click {tbl idx} {
puts [$tbl itemcget $idx -text]
tlistbox .tl -browsecmd click
Please note that the tablelist options -listvariable should be here a nested list, where each sublist should have at maximum only two values, the first value will be in the first visible cell, the second list value will be placed in the invisible cell. The latter can be retrieved via pathName itemconfigure index -data.
-searchentry boolean
this also in agreement with the manual pages of the standard listbox widget also an item.
The user can enter text in the search widget for searching the tlistbox widget, pressing
in the entry widget invokes the script supplied with the -browsecmd option.Configure the item (first cell of the row) indicated by index with the given value. All options mentioned in cellconfigure of the tablelist manual can be used, such as -text, -foreground, -background. pathName itemcget index option
Retrieves the given option for the item (first cell of the row). See itemconfigure for an explanation of the options.
pathName itemconfigure index option value ?option value ...?
pathName iteminsert index string
Further two listbox like methods are implemented for convinience to configure individual cells, in listbox terms also called items. Please note, that you can also use in a similar way the cellconfigure and cellcget functions of the tablelist widget.
Insert the given string at position index into the tlistbox value. This is just a convinience function which does the same as tablelist insert index {"string"} But here you don't need to add add extra braces. Note, that you can not insert data text into the hidden column with this method and you can only add one element per function call. Example:
tlistbox .tl
.tl insert end {"Hello Text 1"} ;# inserts all
.tl insert end "Hello Text 2" ;# only inserts Hello
.tl iteminsert end "Hello Text 3" ;# inserts all
package require dgw::tlistbox
namespace import ::dgw::tlistbox
set data { {"B. Gates:\nThe Windows Operating System" "Hidden Data"}
{"L. Thorwalds: The Linux Operating System"}
{"C. Nemethi's: Tablelist Programmers Guide"}
{"J. Ousterhout: The Tcl/Tk Programming Language"}
proc click {tbl idx} {
puts [$tbl itemcget $idx -text]
tlistbox .tl -listvariable data -browsecmd click -searchentry true
lappend data {"A. Anonymous: Some thing else matters"}
.tl insert end {"L. Wall: The Perl Programming Language" "1987"}
pack .tl -side top -fill both -expand yes
.tl itemconfigure end -foreground red
.tl itemconfigure end -data Hello
puts "Hello? [.tl itemcget end -data] - yes!"
Installation is easy you can easily install and use this tlistbox package if you have a working install of:
If you have those Tcl packages installed, you can either use the tlistbox package by sourcing it with:
source /path/to/tlistbox.tcl
, by copying the folder dgw
to a path belonging to your Tcl $auto_path
variable or by installing it as an Tcl-module.
To do this, make a copy of tlistbox.tcl
to a file like
and put this file into a folder named dgw
where the parent folder belongs to your module path.
You must now adapt eventually your Tcl-module path by using in your Tcl code the command:
tcl::tm::path add /parent/dir/
of the dgw
For details of the latter consult see the manual page of tcl::tm.
Alternatively there is an install option you can use as well.
Try tclsh tlistbox.tcl --install
which should perform the procedure described above automatically.
This requires eventually the setting of an environment variables like if you have no write access to all
your module paths. For instance on my computer I have the following entry in my .bashrc
export TCL8_6_TM_PATH=/home/groth/.local/lib/tcl8.6
If I execute tclsh tlistbox.tcl --install
the file tlistbox.tcl
will be copied to
and is thereafter available for a
package require dgw::tlistbox
Example code for this package can be executed by running this file using the following command line:
$ wish tlistbox.tcl --demo
The example code used for this demo can be seen in the terminal by using the following command line:
$ wish tlistbox.tcl --code
The script contains embedded the documentation in Markdown format. To extract the documentation you should use the following command line:
$ tclsh tlistbox.tcl --markdown
This will extract the embedded manual pages in standard Markdown format. You can as well use this markdown output directly to create html pages for the documentation by using the --html flag.
$ tclsh tlistbox.tcl --html
This will directly create a HTML page tlistbox.html
which contains the formatted documentation.
Github-Markdown can be extracted by using the --man switch:
$ tclsh tlistbox.tcl --man
The output of this command can be used to feed a markdown document for conversion into a markdown processor for instance to convert it into a man page a html or a pdf document you could execute the following commands:
# man page
tclsh tlistbox.tcl --man | pandoc -s -f markdown -t man - > tlistbox.n
# html page
tclsh ../tlistbox.tcl --man >
pandoc -i -s -o tlistbox.html
# pdf
pandoc -i -s -o tlistbox.tex
pdflatex tlistbox.tex
The tlistbox widget is based on Csaba Nemethi's great tablelist widget.
The tlistbox widget was written with his help by Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany.
Copyright (c) 2019 Dr. Detlef Groth, E-mail: detlef(at)dgroth(dot)de
Single-column listbox widget with multiline text and search entry, dgw::tlistbox widget, version 0.2.
Copyright (c) 2019 Dr. Detlef Groth, E-mail: detlef(at)dgroth(dot)de
This library is free software; you can use, modify, and redistribute it for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.