basegui - combobox - dgw - drawcanvas - hyperhelp - sbuttonbar - seditor - sfilebrowser - sfinddialog - sqlview - statusbar - tablelist - tlistbox - tvmixins

dgw::hyperhelp 0.8.2

Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany



dgw::hyperhelp help system with hypertext facilitites and table of contents outline



Usage as package:

package require dgw::hyperhelp
dgw::hyperhelp pathName -helpfile filename ?-option value ...?
pathName help topic

Usage as command line application:

tclsh hyperhelp.tcl filename ?--commandsubst true?


The dgw::hyperhelp package is hypertext help system which can be easily embedded into Tk applications. It is based on code of the Tclers Wiki mainly be Keith Vetter see the Tclers-Wiki The difference of this package to the wiki code is, that it works on external files, provides some subst support for variables and commands as well as a browser like toolbar. It can be as well used as standalone applications for browsing the help files. Markup syntax was modified towards Markdown to simplify writing help pages as this is a common documentation language. In practice you can create a document which is a valid Markdown document and at the same time an usable help file. The file gives an example for such a file.


dgw::hyperhelp pathName -helpfile fileName ?-option value ...?

creates a new hyperhelp widget using the given widget pathName and with the given fileName.


The dgw::hyperhelp snit widget supports the following options which should be set only at widget creation:

-bottomnavigation boolean

Configures the hyperhelp widget if at the bottom of each help page a textual navigation line should be displayed. Default false.

-commandsubst boolean

Configures the hyperhelp widget to do substitutions using Tcl commands within the text. This might give some security issues if you load help files from dubious sources, although for this most critical commands like file, exec and socket are disaable even if this option is set to true. Default: false

-dismissbutton boolean

Configures the hyperhelp widget to display at the button a "Dismiss" button. Useful if the help page is direct parent in a toplevel to destroy this toplevel. Default: false.

-font fontname

Configures the hyperhelp widget to use the given font. Fontnames should be given as [list fontname size] such as for example \[list {Linux Libertine} 12\]. If no fontname is given the hyperhelp widget tries out a few standard font names on Linux and Windows System. If none of those fonts is found, it falls back to "Times New Roman" which should be available on all platforms.

-helpfile fileName

Configures the hyperhelp widget with the given helpfile option to be displayed within the widget.

-toctree boolean

Should the toc tree widget on the left be displayed. For simple help pages, consisting only of one, two, three pages the treeview widget might be overkill. Please note, that this widget is also not shown if there is no table of contents page, regardless of the -toctree option. Must be set at creation time currently. Default: true

-toolbar boolean

Should the toolbar on top be displayed. For simple help pages, consisting only of one, two pages the toolbar might be overkill. Must be set at creation time currently. Default: true


The hyperhelp widget provides the following methods:

pathName getPages

Returns the page names for the current help file.

pathName getTitle

Returns the current topic shown in the hyperhelp browser.

pathName help topic

Displays the given topic within widget. If the page does not exists an error page is shown.


package require dgw::hyperhelp
set helpfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] hyperhelp-docu.txt]
set hhelp [dgw::hyperhelp .help -helpfile $helpfile]
pack $hhelp -side top -fill both -expand true
$hhelp help overview


The Markup language of the hyperhelp widget is similar to Tclers Wiki and Markdown markup. Here are the most important markup commands. For a detailed description have a look at the file hyperhelp-docu.txt which contains the hyperhelp documentation with detailed markup rules.

Page structure:

A help page in the help file is basically started with the title tag at the beginning of a line and adds with 6 dashes. See here an example for three help pages. To shorten links in the document later as well an alias can be given afterwards. There is also support for Markdown headers as the last page shows.

title: Hyperhelp Title Page
alias: main

Free text can be written here with standard *Markdown* 
or ''Wiki'' syntax markup.

title: Other Page title
alias: other
icon: acthelp16

Follows more text for the second help page. You can link
to the [main] page here also.

## <a name="aliasname">Page title</a>

Text for the next page after this Markdown like header, the anchor is now an alis 
which can be used for links like here [aliasname], the link [Page title] points to the same page.

For the second page an other icon than the standard file icon was given for the help page. This icon is used for the treeview widget on the left displayed left of the page title. The following icons are currently available: acthelp16, bookmark, idea, navhome16, help, sheet, folder, textfile.

"Table of Contents" page:

There is a special page called "Table of Contents". The unnumbered list, probably nested, of this page will be used for the navigation outline tree on the left. Below is the example for the contents page which comes with the hyperhelp help file "hyperhelp-docu.txt". The "Table of Contents" page should be the first page in your documentation. Please indent only with standard Markdown syntax compatible, so two spaces for first level and four spaces for second level.

title: Table of Contents 
alias: TOC
  - [Welcome to the Help System]
  - [What's New]
  - Formatting
    - [Basic Formatting]
    - [Aliases]
    - [Lists]
    - [Substitutions]
    - [Images]
    - [Code Blocks]
    - [Indentation]
  - [Creating the TOC]
  - [Key Bindings]
  - [To Do]


Font styles:


Code blocks:


 > * indented one with `code text`
   * indented two with **bold text**
   * indented three with *italic text*

 this text is again unindented



Key bindings:

The hyperhelp window provides some standard key bindings to navigate the content:


Installation is easy you can install and use the dgw::hyperhelp package if you have a working install of:

For installation you copy the complete dgw and the dgtools folder into a path of your auto_path list of Tcl or you append the auto_path list with the parent dir of the dgw directory. Alternatively you can install the package as a Tcl module by creating a file dgw/ in your Tcl module path. The latter in many cases can be achieved by using the --install option of hyperhelp.tcl. Try "tclsh hyperhelp.tcl --install" for this purpose. Please note, that in the latter case you must redo this for the dgtools::shistory package.


Example code for this package can be executed by running this file using the following command line:

$ wish hyperhelp.tcl --demo

The example code used for this demo can be seen in the terminal by using the following command line:

$ wish hyperhelp.tcl --code


The script contains embedded the documentation in Markdown format. To extract the documentation you need that the dgwutils.tcl file is in the same directory with the file hyperhelp.tcl. Then you can use the following command lines:

$ tclsh hyperhelp.tcl --markdown

This will extract the embedded manual pages in standard Markdown format. You can as well use this markdown output directly to create html pages for the documentation by using the --html flag.

$ tclsh hyperhelp.tcl --html

This will directly create a HTML page hyperhelp.html which contains the formatted documentation. Github-Markdown can be extracted by using the --man switch:

$ tclsh hyperhelp.tcl --man

The output of this command can be used to feed a markdown processor for conversion into a html or pdf document. If you have pandoc installed for instance, you could execute the following commands:

tclsh ../hyperhelp.tcl --man >
pandoc -i -s -o hyperhelp.html
pandoc -i -s -o hyperhelp.tex
pdflatex hyperhelp.tex





The dgw::hyperhelp package was written by Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany using Keith Vetters code from the Tclers Wiki as starting point.


The dgw::hyperhelp package version 0.8.2

Copyright (c) 2019-20 Dr. Detlef Groth, E-mail: <detlef(at)dgroth(dot)de> This library is free software; you can use, modify, and redistribute it for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions.

This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.