Fresh IDE . Documentation
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Setting Up

The first thing to do is to download fasm in your platform of choice. Fasm does not require installation nor do you need special administrative privileges or a root account in order to start using it.

The second thing is to get a copy of FreshLib. FreshLib is just fasm source code, simply save it in a directory of choice.

FreshLib needs an environment variable called TargetOS in order to know the target platform of the generated application. Currently, the allowed values are: Win32 and Linux.

A second environment variable is suggested called lib having the full path to FreshLib. The library does not need this, but it will make your own sources more portable.

From Linux:

export TargetOS=Linux
export lib=/home/test/freshlib

From Windows:

set TargetOS=Win32
set lib=c:\projects\freshlib

That's all. Now it is time to produce the first FreshLib application using just Fasm.

Hello World

include '%lib%/compiler/'
include '%lib%/macros/'
include '%lib%/equates/'

_BinaryType console

include '%lib%/system/process.asm'
include '%lib%/simpledebug/debug.asm'




        DebugMsg 'Hello world!'

        call    Terminate


include '%lib%/imports/allimports.asm'



The most important thing to note is that regardless the platform you have chosen, the code is exactly the same. In other words, if you change the value of your environment variable TargetOS, the same code will produce a different executable file targeting that platform. This is the main characteristic of the FreshLib and this is the first design criteria that you will want to follow to have a truly platform independent application.

This is a highly portable development environment, perhaps the most portable among non interpreted languages. The entire development process could run from removable media and the same set of source code files could be used from Win32 and Linux to produce binaries for either of them.

Creating Files

include '%lib%/compiler/'
include '%lib%/macros/'
include '%lib%/equates/'

_BinaryType console

include '%lib%/simpledebug/debug.asm'
include '%lib%/system/files.asm'
include '%lib%/system/process.asm'




        DebugMsg 'FreshLib Tutorials - Module: Files'

        filename        db './tut01.txt',0
        sizeof.filename = $-filename

        hFile   dd ?

        stdcall FileCreate, filename
        jc      .error
        mov     [hFile], eax
        DebugMsg "A new file was created:"
        stdcall OutputNumber, [hFile], 16, 2
        DebugMsg " is the handle of the file"

        stdcall FileWrite, [hFile], filename, sizeof.filename
        jc      .error
        stdcall OutputNumber, eax, 10, 2
        DebugMsg " bytes were written into the file"

        stdcall FileClose, [hFile]
        jc      .error
        DebugMsg "The file was properly closed"

        stdcall FileDelete, filename
        jc      .error
        DebugMsg "The file was finally deleted"
        jmp     .exit

        DebugMsg "Sorry, an error occurred"

        stdcall Terminate, 0


include '%lib%/imports/allimports.asm'



Simple Console

Basic GUI