Fresh IDE . Artifact [4418b56f6e]
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Artifact 4418b56f6e16e7de3d93af5374be8f6b22482ca8:

; _______________________________________________________________________________________
;|                                                                                       |
;| ..::FreshLib::..  Free, open source. Licensed under "Fresh artistic license."         |
;  Description: Win32 exception handling macros.
;  Target OS: Win32
;  Dependencies:
;  Notes:

..TryLevel = 0

macro beginTry {
    ptrExceptionContext equ esp+$0c
    ptrExceptionRecord  equ esp+$04

    local ..handler, ..endtry
    end@try equ ..endtry

  if defined ..handler
        ..TryLevel = ..TryLevel+1
        pushd   ..handler
        pushd   [fs:0]
        mov     [fs:0], esp
  end if

  macro onException \{
        jmp     ..endtry

  macro Ignore \{
        mov     eax, [ptrExceptionContext]
        mov     [eax+CONTEXT.regEip], ..endtry
        xor     eax, eax

  macro Retry \{
        xor     eax, eax

  macro Next \{
        mov     eax, 1

macro endTry {
  label end@try
  if ..TryLevel > 0
        popd    [fs:0]
        add     esp, 4
        ..TryLevel = ..TryLevel - 1
  end if
  purge onException
  purge Ignore
  purge Next
  purge Retry
  restore end@try
  restore ptrExceptionContext
  restore ptrExceptionRecord