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23:49 Closed ticket [450ab2dd15]: Make unread stories a different color from read stories in the story list plus 3 other changes artifact: f2a125a46f user: spiffytech
[450ab2dd15] Read stories are now a different color from unread stories check-in: 137407b6e5 user: spiffy tags: develop
22:58 New ticket [450ab2dd15] Make unread stories a different color from read stories in the story list. artifact: f6d8c76ac8 user: spiffytech

Ticket Hash: 450ab2dd15117de210db1f183d229fc22819b257
Title: Make unread stories a different color from read stories in the story list
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2011-11-20 23:49:06
Version Found In:

spiffytech added on 2011-11-20 23:49:06 UTC:
Closed with commit [137407b6e506dcc9e29c4f63df64e0894df50617]