module sfsums; % Calculation of infinite sums of reciprocal
% Powers, see e.g. Abramowitz/Stegun ch 23.
% Author: Winfried Neun, Sep 1993
algebraic <<
sum((-1)^~k /(2*(~k)-1)^~n,~k,1,infinity) =>
Pi^n*abs(Euler(n-1))/(factorial(n-1) * 2^(n+1))
when fixp n and n > 0 and not evenp n,
sum((-1)^~k /(2*(~k)-1)^2,~k,1,infinity) => - Catalan,
sum((-1)^~k /(2*(~k)+1)^2,~k,0,infinity) => Catalan,
sum(1/(2*(~k)-1)^~n,~k,1,infinity) => Zeta(n) *(1-2^(-n))
when fixp n and n > 0 and evenp n,
sum(1/~k^~s,~k,1,infinity) => Zeta(s),
sum((-1)^~k/~k^~n,~k,1,infinity) => Zeta(n)* (1-2^(1-n))
when fixp n and n > 0 and evenp n
} ;
% from Abigail Leeves Sep 15, 97
let {
prod((1+(1/~n**2)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r>=1 and r<15),
prod((1+(1/~n**3)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r>=1 and r< 15),
prod((1+(1/~n**4)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r>=1 and r<15),
prod((1+(1/~n**5)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r>=1 and r<15),
prod((1-(4/~n**2)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r<15 and r>=3),
prod((1-(8/~n**3)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r<15 and r>=3),
prod((1-(16/~n**4)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r<15 and r>=3),
prod((1-(32/~n**5)),~n,~r,infinity) =>
when (fixp r and r<15 and r>=3)