50 descendants of 429028f25c952d06
| ||
22:28:06 | Templates allow return types to differ from arguments. check-in: 75fb277a47 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
22:25:29 | Plots each column individually. check-in: 73894dd24e user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
16:23:30 |
Now stips ; from bottlom level argument list - allows aliasing of parts of a,b,c (eg a,b by using a,b;c check-in: 9f2a5ebb7e user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
15:06:21 | Removed stdin bug workaround check-in: 86564c67a2 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
14:59:43 | New CR for 2-port form of sC,sR etc check-in: 9346aac9b8 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
14:48:13 | Now uses new 2-port C and R sensitivity components check-in: ab09ec2254 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
11:04:57 | New C component with state detector check-in: 95089b4ab4 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
22:22:06 | *** empty log message *** check-in: 34b4d367e7 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
21:15:41 | Added interface definition rep: _ICD.(txt|c|cc|m). check-in: 550dfb07d1 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
21:09:49 | Corrected number of columns in SciGraphica worksheet. check-in: 3c9561eccf user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
05:11:02 | Added conversion of simulation data to SciGraphica XML format (_odes.sg). check-in: 5db3ee1985 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
07:14:12 | Implemented lower level lbl.txt recognition of #NOT[V|P]AR check-in: 2716fc0220 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
03:08:00 |
Improved sh->csh conversion, reduces environment namespace pollution. Still need to do proper if [ -z $MTT_BASE ] ... else ... fi conversion. check-in: 13c87384a1 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
00:49:13 | Fixed .oct use of Octave globals: MTT_input_last MTT_input_index check-in: dde64a9300 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
15:41:45 | New identification example - friction components only check-in: 3c4ab88a3c user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
15:34:56 | Fixed bug to do with multiple outputs check-in: aa312240ea user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
09:44:26 |
Fixed cc and c problems to do with pow(x,y) and integers mtt/lib/reduce/fix_c.r is included in rdae2dae and cse2smx_lang for -c, -cc and -oct options check-in: 9612ed3ef0 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
07:52:45 | Temporary fix to avoid incorrect _input.cc with stdin check-in: ca16ae9fae user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
07:36:10 |
Now uses system_cr.h in place of system.h in .c rep - compatible with older code check-in: 3d83aec7ca user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
02:13:29 | Fixed input.oct for compatibility with input.m. check-in: 8fcb8ac6a0 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
13:57:33 | Fixed bash/sh compatibility bug check-in: 07cafda43d user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:56:13 | Uses standard mkoctfile check-in: d70e82e32e user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:09:13 | *** empty log message *** check-in: 42273c2d00 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:08:19 | Smoother translation to .cs using sh2csh check-in: 3b8cbf87d1 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
12:54:50 | Minor fixes for sensitivity versions check-in: c071b8a298 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
05:24:31 | -stdin for .cc reps. check-in: 19df88b4b1 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
12:00:18 | Identification example check-in: e2aded79c6 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
11:51:42 | Model-based identification for PPP check-in: 36dbdfe9cc user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
11:50:12 | Tidied up documentation + verbose mode check-in: 9e81f2113f user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
11:49:07 | Fixed a number of bugs to as to work with reports. check-in: a6e307d2da user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
03:46:13 |
Added mtt_prepend.sh, -p preserves time attribute of base file - eliminates error in dependencies due to update of ese.r by modpar.r. check-in: b47b852b72 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
10:06:49 | New ssim (sensitiveity simulation) rep check-in: aa507541d5 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
10:05:38 | Reresentation for system identification for ppp check-in: 7483f97d8c user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
08:36:25 |
Restuctured to be more logical. Data is now in columns to be compatible with MTT. check-in: 2a56dd249c user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
01:03:01 | Fixed elimination of 0 in xxx(0...) when ... does not start with a digit. check-in: 66c73b4221 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
14:51:30 | Equivalent to the c pow function (computes x^y) check-in: a0c19a9a56 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
14:49:42 |
Revised to incorporate new ssim (sensitivity simulation) representation (m only just now). check-in: 5aefc73131 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
17:36:20 | Resolved $sys name clash when using -s check-in: 0ef4f792c2 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
15:02:35 | Putting the PPP library under cvs check-in: 4864fa2242 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
10:57:57 | Added missing ; check-in: 26c73dcaa2 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
08:19:18 | Translates modulated parameters into reduce check-in: 801d56870d user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
05:18:57 |
Octave 2.0.16 compatibility. Removed static declarations - gave wrong results. check-in: 29b9700f0a user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
05:17:22 | Removed static declarations - gave wrong results with multiple calls of ode2odes. check-in: 6751d6e73d user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
03:38:54 |
Reset row to zero after write to file, ready for subsequent runs. Eliminates SIGSEGV in Octave when _ode2odes called multiple times. check-in: 73e682b20b user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
15:13:58 | Rationalised simulation modes to each return mtt_data check-in: 82f17ad042 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
19:24:14 | Can now use c representations of crs when using -c option check-in: d42eec3600 user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
01:50:40 | Fix for ambiguous Matrix instantiation (Octave 2.0.16). check-in: 46142f5211 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
| ||
13:47:53 | First version check-in: fb233b4b1a user: gawthrop@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:21:59 | Octave version compatibility for save_ascii_data(_for_plotting). check-in: 336cfaa431 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
13:10:23 | Improved determination of Octave version. check-in: 241ec66090 user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |
01:14:27 | Improved determination of Octave version. check-in: 429028f25c user: geraint@users.sourceforge.net tags: origin/master, trunk | |