Comment: | Added sum.tex representation -- this was in a very old MTT and summerises the structure. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | origin/master | trunk |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: |
057517f76cadc539f9f91cc793008eb2 |
User & Date: | on 2014-04-18 02:02:08 |
Other Links: | branch diff | manifest | tags |
| ||
03:50:56 | No parentheses for SISO systems. check-in: 04d3e694fc user: tags: origin/master, trunk | |
02:02:08 |
Added sum.tex representation -- this was in a very old MTT and summerises the structure. check-in: 057517f76c user: tags: origin/master, trunk | |
00:36:40 | No parentheses. check-in: feeb4b50c2 user: tags: origin/master, trunk | |
Modified mttroot/mtt/bin/mtt from [84ca816297] to [e38912a134].
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | # Copyright (C) 2001 by Peter J. Gawthrop ############################################################### ## Version control history ############################################################### ## $Header$ ## $Log$ ## Revision 1.417 2008/07/22 17:37:01 geraint ## Fixed case of MTT_EXAMPLES ## ## Revision 1.416 2006/09/27 13:03:20 geraint ## Fixed fr.view and enabled commands to directly build ??fr.m ## ## Revision 1.415 2006/02/09 23:58:24 geraint | > > > | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | # Copyright (C) 2001 by Peter J. Gawthrop ############################################################### ## Version control history ############################################################### ## $Header$ ## $Log$ ## Revision 1.418 2013/07/19 05:40:26 gawthrop ## Added -nas (No alphabetic sort) switch in help options ## ## Revision 1.417 2008/07/22 17:37:01 geraint ## Fixed case of MTT_EXAMPLES ## ## Revision 1.416 2006/09/27 13:03:20 geraint ## Fixed fr.view and enabled commands to directly build ??fr.m ## ## Revision 1.415 2006/02/09 23:58:24 geraint |
3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 | #SUMMARY ese elementary system equations (r) #SUMMARY def definitions - system orders etc. (r) #SUMMARY def definitions - system orders etc. (m) #SUMMARY def definitions - system orders etc. (h) #SUMMARY struc* structure - list of inputs, outputs and states (txt) #SUMMARY struc structure - list of inputs, outputs and states (tex) #SUMMARY struc* structure - list of inputs, outputs and states (view) #Elementary system equations + definitions ${sys}_ese.r: ${sys}_cbg.m cbg2ese_m2r $partition $info_switch $Subsystem; #ese_tidy $1 ifeq ($sort_method,seqn) ${sys}_sese.m: ${sys}_def.r ${sys}_sese.r ${sys}_sympar.txt echo Creating \$@ | > > | 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 | #SUMMARY ese elementary system equations (r) #SUMMARY def definitions - system orders etc. (r) #SUMMARY def definitions - system orders etc. (m) #SUMMARY def definitions - system orders etc. (h) #SUMMARY struc* structure - list of inputs, outputs and states (txt) #SUMMARY struc structure - list of inputs, outputs and states (tex) #SUMMARY struc* structure - list of inputs, outputs and states (view) #SUMMARY sum structure summary - matrix of inputs, outputs and states (tex) #SUMMARY sum* structure summary - matrix of inputs, outputs and states (view) #Elementary system equations + definitions ${sys}_ese.r: ${sys}_cbg.m cbg2ese_m2r $partition $info_switch $Subsystem; #ese_tidy $1 ifeq ($sort_method,seqn) ${sys}_sese.m: ${sys}_def.r ${sys}_sese.r ${sys}_sympar.txt echo Creating \$@ |
3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 | touch $1_def.r $1_struc.txt: $1_ese.r touch $1_struc.txt $1_aliased.txt: $1_ese.r touch $1_aliased.txt $1_struc.tex: $1_struc.txt struc_txt2tex $1 $1_struc.m: $1_struc.txt struc_txt2m $1 $1_def.m: $1_def.r def_r2m $1; matlab_tidy $1_def.m; $1_def.h: $1_def.m $1_sympar.txt $1 | > > | 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 | touch $1_def.r $1_struc.txt: $1_ese.r touch $1_struc.txt $1_aliased.txt: $1_ese.r touch $1_aliased.txt $1_struc.tex: $1_struc.txt struc_txt2tex $1 $1_sum.tex: $1_struc.txt struc2sum_txt2tex $1 $1_struc.m: $1_struc.txt struc_txt2m $1 $1_def.m: $1_def.r def_r2m $1; matlab_tidy $1_def.m; $1_def.h: $1_def.m $1_sympar.txt $1 |