SQLITE_NOTICE(283): recovered 5 frames from WAL file /data/mtt.fossil-wal
function i_ppp = ppp_ippp (n_ppp,sympar,sympars) ## usage: i_ppp = ppp_ippp (n_ppp,sympar,sympars) ## nppp number of ppp parameters ## sympars symbolic parameter structure for system ## sympar symbolic parameter structure for sensitivity system ## Returns a matrix i_ppp with n_ppp rows and 3 columns ## First col: index of ith ppp parameter of sensitivity system ## Second col: index of ith ppp sensitivity parameter of sensitivity system ## Third col : index of ith ppp parameter of system ## Copyright (C) 2002 by Peter J. Gawthrop i_ppp = []; for i=1:n_ppp i_ppp_i = eval(sprintf("[sympars.ppp_%i, sympars.ppp_%is \ sympar.ppp_%i];",i,i,i)); i_ppp = [i_ppp ; i_ppp_i]; endfor endfunction