SQLITE_NOTICE(283): recovered 5 frames from WAL file /data/mtt.fossil-wal
function ppp_examples () ## usage: ppp_examples () ## ## Various menu-driven PPP examples str="menu(""Predictive Pole-Placement (PPP) examples"",""Exit"",""All examples"; # Menu string used = 2; option=used; while option>1 exists=1; i_example=1; # Example counter while exists name=sprintf("ppp_ex%i",i_example); exists=(exist(name)==2); if exists title = eval(sprintf("%s(1);", name)); str = sprintf("%s"",""%s",str,title); i_example++; endif endwhile n_examples = i_example-1; str = sprintf("%s"" );\n",str); option=eval(str); # Menu - ask user if option>1 # Do something - else return if option==2 # All examples Examples=1:n_examples; else # Just the chosen examples Examples = option-used; endif for example=Examples # Do the chosen examples eval(sprintf("Title = ppp_ex%i(1);",example)); disp(sprintf("Evaluating example ppp_ex%i:\n\t %s\n", example, Title)); eval(sprintf("ppp_ex%i;",example)); endfor endif endwhile endfunction