SQLITE_NOTICE(283): recovered 5 frames from WAL file /data/mtt.fossil-wal
function o_pol = g2o_pol (g_pol, object) ## usage: o_pol = g2o_pol (g_pol) ## ## Converts a ginsh polynomial to an octave polynomial ## Both o_pol and g_pol are strings ## o_pol can be an argument to eval if nargin<1 error("usage: o_pol = g2o_pol (g_pol)"); endif if nargin<2 object="s"; endif g_pol = g_expand(g_pol); n = g_degree(g_pol, object); n = eval([n,";"]); o_pol = ""; for i=n:-1:0 pol_i = g_coeff(g_pol,object,int2str(i)); o_pol = sprintf("%s %s", o_pol, pol_i); endfor o_pol = sprintf("[%s ];", o_pol); endfunction