Next version (in development)
New features
- Add empty placeholders to pages via the Edit menu. This can be used, if a slot on a page should be left free.
- Added a configurable, horizontal printing offset to the printer settings.
- Positive values shift the printing area to the right, negative values shift to the left.
- This allows compensating offsets in the page centering of the used printer for more accuracy when printing duplex documents.
- For now, the setting affects both direct printing and PDF exports
Changed features
- Updated the downloader to use the new Moxfield API version. Downloaded decks now include additional deck parts if present, including Companions, Signature Spells (Oathbreaker), Planes or Schemes, used attractions, contraptions or sticker sheets. Not included is the maybe-board.
Fixed issues
- Fix crash at application start when upgrading from version 0.26.1 or older
- Migrations for the local card database required after some application updates now run with the main window open instead of before opening the main window, and indicate the progress via a progress bar. The app no longer appears hanging when starting for the first time after installing updates.
- Fixed deck list downloader for Archidekt, CubeCobra and
falsely rejecting valid URLs starting with
. These are now accepted and work as intended. - Fixed deck list downloader for rejecting URLs not containing
, which Moxfield recently removed from their website URLs. - Fixed a missing button in the "Default document settings" page in the application settings
Version 0.29.1 (2024-09-14)
Changed features
- Include support for more image formats in the Windows build, increasing compatibility with custom card images
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken PDF export option
Version 0.29.0 (2024-09-13)
New features
- Localization support. Translations are managed on
- Join there, if you want to contribute translations :)
- Interface language is chosen based on the system locale, but can be explicitly set in the application settings.
- Currently, the app includes translations into US English and German.
- Goal is translations into all languages in which Magic sets get printed.
- The deck import wizard can now directly download Scryfall search queries as deck lists
- Added a text field to enter a Scryfall card search query, a button to show the result on the Scryfall website, and a button that downloads the search result as a deck list.
- Downloaded search results are treated as a list of singleton cards.
- Add option to fully automatically remove basic lands from all imported deck lists.
- When enabled in the settings, basic lands are automatically stripped from deck lists. Otherwise, the previous behavior, offering removal via a button click, is retained.
- The option honors the settings regarding inclusion of Wastes or Snow-Covered basic lands.
- Add new card filter to hide Art Series cards, which can be enabled in the application settings.
- When updating from previous versions, the filter becomes functional after the next card data update.
- Add a live-updating preview to the document settings window.
- The app now has an icon. Provided by islanders2013
Changed features
- The deck list import wizard now supports downloading links from the Scryfall API card search at
- Support decimal values in document settings, like margins, image spacings and the card bleed width.
- As a safety measure against DoS-attacks via loading malicious documents, the app now limits numerical document settings to 10000mm. Limiting the paper size to 10m (~394in) in each direction prevents the creation of indefinitely large drawing areas that could consume all system main memory until either the application or the system crashes.
- Improved the related card search: The search now finds tokens created by Dungeons.
Right-clicking a card with "Venture" or "Initiative" now also suggests the tokens created by the dungeon rooms.
- When updating from previous versions, this change takes effect after the next card data update.
Fixed issues
- Prefer cards to tokens with the same name when selecting a printing during deck list imports. This prevents the app from choosing the token for cards that can create token copies of themselves. This started to be an issue with the release of the Bloomborrow set.
- Improved performance of the image cleanup wizard, if there are many images of non-English cards stored on disk.
- Reworded and clarified some texts in the user interface, fixed grammar and spelling mistakes
- The main window no longer stays open unresponsive for multiple seconds when trying to exit the application while it waits on a hanging network socket.
Version 0.28.3 (2024-07-07)
Fixed issues
- The MTGTop8 deck list downloader no longer rejects valid URLs starting with
. These now work as expected. - When switching the language of the card search, the shown list now honors any entered card name filter.
- Fixed multiple issues with print switching via double-clicking the "Language", "Set" or "Collector #" cells in tables.
- The app now handles ambiguous card names, most prominently with tokens or some cards in Unstable. For example, it no longer treats a "1/1 colorless Spirit" token and a "1/1 black and white Spirit with Flying" token as interchangeable.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to switch a card to a different language, if all printings of the card in the source language are hidden by card filters.
- It now properly handles cases with non-English cards in sets with multiple different printings, where only parts of the set is available in the current language. In such cases, the application no longer offers switching to printings that aren't actually available in the currently selected language.
Version 0.28.2 (2024-05-07)
Fixed issues
- Fixed critical error that caused the PDF export, print dialog and print preview dialog to not show up under normal circumstances.
Version 0.28.1 (2024-05-06)
New features
- Add a landscape printing workaround that can be enabled independently for direct printing and PDF export. If enabled, landscape documents are internally rotated by 90° during the export/print process, so that they are treated as regular, portrait-mode documents.
Changed features
- Printer and PDF export options are moved to dedicated pages in the application settings window.
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken card bleed rendering when row spacing or column spacing are set to zero. The thick border around the cards is now continuous, as it was in version 0.27.
- Fix the page view not updating instantly when the application successfully downloads a card image that failed to download during previous download attempts.
Version 0.28.0 (2024-03-24)
New features
- Added a button to the document settings to toggle between portrait and landscape mode.
- Support automatic deck list downloads from
Changed features
- Rework of the document settings:
- Now, the paper size imposes an upper bound for the margins. Increasing the margins to extremely high values no longer automatically increases the configured paper size. Margins are now capped at values that guarantee fitting at least one card row and column per page.
- The page capacity display also shows how many oversized cards fit on a page, in addition to regular cards.
- Major rework of the application settings window:
- The dialog now shows the individual settings pages using a list instead of tabs.
- The "Reset" and "Revert Defaults" buttons now ask if they should apply to the currently shown page or all pages.
- Hovering the mouse over the "Reset" and "Revert Defaults" buttons highlights the settings that will be reset/reverted. This also applies to the document settings dialog.
- The card image tooltips shown by the image cleanup wizard now show the translated card names for cards not in the preferred language.
Fixed issues
- Fixed weirdness with the page capacity display: Previously, the displayed capacity always lagged one change behind. Now, it updates immediately.
- Likely fixed faint square corners lines drawn around cards. This issue was introduced by the addition of card bleeds in version 0.27.0
- Fixed hiding double-faced tokens and Dungeon cards when the token card filter is active.
- The related card search now also stops at double-faced tokens, the Ring emblem, and Dungeon cards.
- With this change, right-clicking cards that create double-faced tokens, or have "Venture into the Dungeon", "The Ring tempts you.", or "You take the initiative." no longer show an excessively large list of related cards.
Version 0.27.0 (2024-02-04)
New features
- Draw bleeds (thick outlines) with configurable width around cards. (The default width of zero disables them.)
- Combine with the "Draw 90° corners" option to also fill the remaining triangles.
- The outline color is sampled from the card images, so that it works with any border color, and somewhat plausible with extended-art or full-art cards.
Changed features
- The placeholder image used when image downloads fail is now transparent instead of pure white, which improves rendering when a dark application theme is used.
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken image download for double faced cards.
Version 0.26.1 (2024-01-27)
Changed features
- Lifted restriction on the allowed actions while the card data update runs. It is now possible to print documents, export PDFs, and edit the application settings.
- Improved behavior when editing document settings decreases the maximum amount of cards that fit on each page. Now, the overflowing cards are moved in a way that preserves the card order within the document.
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken rendering/printing when entering large row or column spacings in the document settings.
- Fixed crash when adding multiple copies of a card distributes those cards on the current and next page.
- Fixed multiple crashes that may have occurred in 0.26.0 when trying to run multiple actions in parallel, like exporting a PDF, while updating the printing filter settings runs simultaneously.
- Fixed crash in the application update checker, that occurred if the connected network redirects to a login page, like public Wi-Fi hotspots. The update check is skipped completely in that case.
Version 0.26.0 (2023-12-19)
New features
- Added option to disable borderless printing to improve printer compatibility with printer drivers that refuse to
accept borderless printing, and force-downscale prints in borderless mode.
- If your printer driver refuses to print to-size in borderless mode, you can now use an alternative mode, which explicitly sets the page margins in the printer configuration.
- This may result in shorter printed cut helper lines, that do not extend all the way up to the border of the printers physical printing area.
- Added card filters for
- cards banned in Oathbreaker: Scryfall search
- cards with extended art: Scryfall search
- Add ability to hide specific sets you don't like.
- Filters are entered using set codes (e.g.
), as listed by Scryfall. - Added a text field to enter any number of those set codes (separated by any whitespace) to the card filter tab in the Settings window.
- All cards in all entered sets are hidden.
- Please note that Scryfall uses a different set code for promotional printings and tokens, typically prefixing the set code of the main set they belong with P/T, respectively. If you want to hide those too, you have to explicitly do that. Also note that promotional cards have a lower priority when the app has to choose a printing on its own, so hiding them is generally not required.
- Filters are entered using set codes (e.g.
- Added support for direct downloads of cube lists from
- The application cannot fetch custom cards from there.
Changed features
- Centered printing: The printing area is now centered on the page, and no longer depends on the margins.
- The margins thus no longer affect the location of the printing area, and are only used to determine how many images fit on a page.
- Note that only the printing area itself is centered. Printings are still added from top-left to bottom-right within the printing area.
- Entering very large top/left margins may shift the printing area off-center.
- The default page margins for new installations are now set to 5mm in all directions.
- Reworded the image spacing document settings. These are now named "Row spacing" and "Column spacing", which should be easier to understand.
- Improved progress reporting for longer running actions: Importing deck lists and loading documents now also shows an overall progress, in addition to the download progress for individual card images.
- The card data update no longer locks the entire user interface. It is now possible to continue working while the
update runs in the background.
- For now, some actions (printing, PDF export, deleting downloaded card images via the in-app wizard, and accessing the application settings) remain unavailable during the update. (This restriction may be lifted in future versions. If you manage to circumvent the lock, expect crashes.)
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken card filter for reversible cards. The filter now works as expected.
- Fixed crash when loading a document that was saved with a numerical document title, for example "
" - Fixed default suggested PDF file name when exporting a loaded document as a PDF. The export dialog now suggests a valid file name with correct file extension.
- Fixed crash when the system color palette changes (for example by enabling/disabling system-wide application dark mode), while a document title is set or printing page numbers is enabled.
- Fixed crashes when trying to download a deck list fails. An error message is shown, if deck list downloads fail.
- Fixed potential crash when quitting the application while it is loading a document.
- Improved performance of the image cache cleanup wizard with a lot of downloaded images: Reduced loading time of the second wizard page from potentially multiple minutes to a second or two.
- Reduced CPU usage and disk writes during card data updates.
- Minor performance optimizations in the document loader and deck list importer.
Version 0.25.0 (2023-07-21)
New features
- It is now possible to set a document name in the document settings. If set, it is printed below the card images on each page. This can help distinguish multiple stacks of uncut printed sheets. (Long names may be truncated, if they do not fit on the page.)
- Added option to print page numbers on each page. It is printed as
page-number / total-pages
, e.g.2/3
. You can use this to verify that a stack of uncut printed sheets is complete.- This can be enabled by default for all documents in the application settings.
- Translate cards already added to the document.
- You can now double-click the language cells in the table showing the cards on the current page to translate card in the document to another language.
- The opened drop-down menu will only show languages for which a printing is available.
- The translation tries to keep the same set and collector number, if available in the desired language, otherwise falls back to a printing in another set.
Changed features
- Updated the print guessing heuristic in the deck import wizard that is used when it has to choose a printing
among multiple choices (for example, when requesting “
1 Island
”). Now, it prefers slightly older printings with high-resolution images over the absolutely newest printings that do not yet have high-resolution scans available. This should get better results for reprinted cards during “spoiler season”. - The Undo and Redo actions now have keyboard shortcuts assigned. They use the system-default shortcuts for
those actions, which are Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y on most systems and locales.
Fixed issues
- Fixed wrong cards being deleted when cards were selected from bottom to top and then deleted. Now, the selected cards are removed regardless of selection order.
- It is now possible to save and load documents containing DFC check cards. Those are no longer implicitly converted to the card front face in the saved document. Loading documents containing DFC check cards with older program versions will fail.
- Improvements/fixes for the wizards, like the deck import wizards
- Wizards now have a consistent style on Windows (7) and are properly centered above the main window
- Wizards are no longer placed partially out of the screen under some edge cases.
The window title bar is now always visible.
Version 0.24.1 (2023-06-27)
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken check card generation and addition of related cards. Both features failed to fetch the required images, rendering the cards as white rectangles, instead of the expected card images.
- Fixed display of the 5th column in the table showing the cards on the current page. It shows whether the image is
a front or back side of a (double-faced) card. It now has a proper header ("Side") and human-readable content.
Version 0.24.0 (2023-06-26)
New features
- Added basic support for printing custom cards. You can drag & drop image files onto the application window,
which are then added to the document as regular-sized cards
- Importing most common image formats is supported
- For best results, use images with size 745px×1040px, others will be scaled to that size
- As of now, there are a few limitations, which may be lifted in future updates:
- Custom cards cannot be saved. They are removed from saved documents
- Only regular-sized cards are supported. You can not add custom over-sized cards, i.e. no custom Planes or Schemes
- You cannot set the card name
- They cannot be defined as being double-faced, thus you cannot generate check cards for them (see point below)
- Generation of check cards for double faced cards. Check cards render both sides of a double-faced card next to each
other on a single card side, like a split card. They can be used to represent double-faced cards in the library or
hand, in case you prefer playing DFCs with fully transparent sleeves.
- Check cards can be added by right-clicking any side of a DFC card. Additional ways may be added in the future.
- Export of individual card images as files, including generated check cards. Right-click a card and select the export option to save the image file to a location of your choice.
- Loading documents via drag & drop. The application now supports loading saved documents
file extension) dropped onto the main window.
Version 0.23.0 (2023-06-08)
New features
- Added context menu to the table that shows the cards on the current page. You can now:
- Right-click a card to add additional copies of that card to the document
- Right-click a card to add specific or all related cards, like cards referenced by name or created tokens. For example, right-click a Swan Song to add the 2/2 Bird token created by that spell.
- Added additional card filters to hide potentially unwanted printings in the settings.
- Borderless cards, i.e. cards without a defined, solid border. Scryfall search
- Reversible cards. Some Secret Lair double-sided printings of otherwise single-sided cards. Scryfall search
The new card filters and adding related cards via the new context menu require re-downloading the card data from Scryfall once to start working, as previous versions did not store the required information in the local card database.
Changed features
- Redesigned the document save file format. Older versions will not be able to load documents saved with this version,
and it is not possible to save documents in the old format.
- Loading older documents (internal format versions 2 to 5) is still supported. Older documents will be automatically converted to version 6 when saved over.
- Improved display of hidden printings hidden in the downloaded image cleanup wizard.
- It now shows full information for hidden printings, instead of identifying them as "unknown garbage".
Fixed issues
- Handle the back sides of Secret Lair reversible cards when switching card printings. The application no longer offers alternative printings for the back sides of those cards and then silently fails to switch the printing.
- Subsequent card data download attempts no longer always fail, if the first attempt
failed due to receiving invalid data from the Scryfall API.
- This also prevents entering an invalid state with partially imported card data.
- Restored displaying the download progress when using the “Download card data as file” option in the Debug settings.
Version 0.22.0 (2023-04-18)
New features
- Added support for importing Magic Workstation Deck Data (
) deck lists - Support for direct downloads from additional card list database websites:
- MTG Arena Zone (
- MTGTop8 (
- MTGDecks (
- Archidekt (
- TCGPlayer Infinite (
Changed features
- Drawing sharp card corners is no longer always enabled, when loading documents created with MTGProxyPrinter version 0.18.0 or older. The option now follows the global application settings.
- The "funny cards" card filter no longer hides tournament-legal cards from Un-sets like Unfinity.
Fixed issues
- Fixed crash that occurred when compacting the document moved cards from other pages onto the currently shown page.
Version 0.21.0 (2023-02-08)
New features
- Added Undo and Redo actions. It is now possible to undo changes to the document, and also redo undone changes.
- The undo and redo button tooltip shows a short description of the change that is performed when the button is clicked.
Changed features
- Temporarily disable automatic dark mode rendering on Windows 10, if dark mode rendering for applications is active,
because of rendering issues in the deck import wizard and card image cleanup wizard.
The feature will return with better rendering at some point in the future.
- Linux is unaffected by this change, as following the system color scheme generally just works there.
Fixed issues
- Fixed crash in the settings validation logic, introduced in version 0.19.0, that may occur when manually fiddling with the app configuration file creates an invalid document page size.
- Fixed crash when shuffling a document that contains both regular-sized and over-sized cards. Individual cards of the same size will be shuffled around across pages, but regular and over-sized card pages will stay in their relative order and position.
- After completing a card data update, properly hide cards which got banned in a format for which hiding banned cards is enabled in the settings. This prevents potential crashes when trying to add these cards to the document. (Cards already added to the document are unaffected by such a card data update)
- Optimized the document renderer and improved rendering quality
- Fixed location of horizontal cut helper lines for over-sized cards, which were off by one pixel
- Fixed a sub-pixel overlap of card images when image spacing is set to zero (the default).
- Images are now always placed on full pixels, avoiding aliasing artifacts.
Version 0.20.1 (2022-10-27)
- Fixed crash in the card data importer: The importer now handles double faced cards with missing back face images. These cards are skipped during the import.
- Rewritten GUI handling. This results in a slightly faster application startup
Version 0.20.0 (2022-10-09)
New features
- Automatic deck list downloads. The deck list import wizard now has an input field that accepts links to deck lists on various deck list database websites.
Changed features
- Re-structured the deck list import wizard. The deck list input is now the first step.
Version 0.19.0 (2022-10-02)
New features
- Implemented optional drawing of 90° card corners. This can be enabled for all new documents globally in the application settings or individually in the document settings.
- The one-click basic land removal in the deck list import is now configurable in the application settings: You can now individually enable the automatic removal of Wastes and Snow-Covered basic lands in addition to plain basic lands.
Fixed issues
- Fixed HTTP 403 errors when attempting to download card data or images. The new hoster used by Scryfall rejects the previously used HTTP User-Agent value, so set it to a new one that isn’t blocked.
- Fixed crashes when accepting to open the Application website in the update notification. This now works properly
- Fixed card images overlapping by one pixel when image spacing is set to zero.
Version 0.18.0 (2022-07-09)
New features
- Proper, full support for oversized cards, like Archenemy schemes or Planechase plane cards. Regular cards and larger
cards are always kept on separate pages to ensure that drawn cut marker lines (if enabled) are always 100% accurate.
- Note: Some cards, like the Legacy Championship winner rewards, are tagged as being oversized, but are then served with regular-size images by Scryfall. When the image is downloaded, it will be treated as a regular card, even if the deck import wizard warns about it being potentially oversized.
Fixed issues
- Significantly optimized card database size and import speed. (The database now takes roughly 25% less time to update on fast internet connections and uses about 30% less disk space)
- Fixed the “Remove selected” cards button in the deck list importer unexpectedly staying active when clicked while multiple cells of the same row in the card table were selected.
- Fixed unintended immediate removal of freshly-downloaded low-resolution images. These should only be removed, if a high-resolution image becomes available.
Version 0.17.0 (2022-06-13)
New features
- Added card removal feature to the deck import wizard: It is now possible to remove selected cards or all basic lands from the deck list before finishing the import.
- Added Deck shuffling: A new button in the Edit menu allows shuffling the cards in the document. Use this to reduce shuffling effort required after putting the printed deck in sleeves. Beware: The shuffling currently separates front and back faces of double faced cards. This may be improved in future versions.
Changed features
- The “New” document button will now ask for confirmation, before replacing the currently edited document with a new one.
- Improved the advanced deck list parser that allows defining a custom regular expression to parse the deck list:
- Added buttons that insert preset regular expression building blocks. This reduces typing effort required to build a working RE.
- The wizard only accepts the input regular expression, if it deems it being able to extract sufficient information for card identification.
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken file type filters when loading deck lists. The file selection dialog now properly filters for deck list files instead of showing nothing.
- Fixed potential crash when exiting the application while a card image download runs
Version 0.16.1 (2022-05-23)
Changed features
- The application update checker now offers visiting the project website, if an update is available.
Fixed issues
- Improved deck list translation when the source deck list is not in English.
- Improved card translation when the card in the target language has multiple translations.
- Improved operation while offline or with flaky internet connection: MTGProxyPrinter will now attempt to re-download missing images when trying to print or export the current document to PDF. Additionally, a warning is issued, if obtaining the missing images fails.
- Enable basic dark mode rendering on Windows. Proper system theme support is only available on Linux, because the used GUI toolkit doesn’t fully support the dark mode setting on Windows yet.
Version 0.16.0 (2022-05-06)
After upgrading to this version, re-downloading the card data from Scryfall is required to use the new or enhanced capabilities.
New features
- The page preview can now be zoomed in for a better card view. Zooming can be triggered using
[Ctrl]+Mouse wheel
, or the platform dependant default zoom keyboard shortcut ([Ctrl]+[+]
on most systems) - Improved dark mode and global color theme compatibility: The page preview now follows the systems global color theme. On dark mode, the page background is dark and the optional cut marker lines are light (if enabled). (This does of course not affect the print preview, exported PDFs and printed pages.)
- Added short descriptions when the progress bar is shown at the bottom of the main window.
- In the settings window, the card filters check boxes now have buttons next to them that open a web browser showing the Scryfall query highlighting the cards affected by the corresponding filter.
Changed features
- Card download filters are now filters used to hide printings.
- Updating the settings no longer requires re-downloading the data from Scryfall.
- Inverted the display: Instead of specifying which cards or printings are included, the settings now state which printings are hidden. (Settings saved with previous versions are migrated.)
- The deck list import wizard now shows only matching files when browsing the file system for a deck list to load. The filtering can be disabled by switching to the “All files” filter.
- When the deck list import wizard has the freedom of printing choice, it will now prefer the newest, regular, tournament-legal printings over others like oversized cards or art series cards, even if those are not hidden in the settings. You can still access them, but these printings won’t be automatically chosen.
- The document and PDF save path now defaults to the local Documents directory.
- Improved card name translation consistency, if the to-be translated name is ambiguous. There are a few cards with name clashes in translations, i.e. different cards being translated to the same name across different sets. In this case, context information is used to obtain a correct translation, if available. Otherwise, a majority vote is performed to guess the most likely meaning of a given card name.
Fixed issues
- Added potentially missing icons to buttons in the document settings dialog.
- Fixed the incomplete Magic Arena deck list parser.
- Added support for the simple and more common card list format that does not specify the exact printing.
(I.e. the parser now accept valid entries like
5 Island
instead of only accepting5 Island (SNC) 265
) - Also recognizes the segment headers that may be present in the deck list, that are “Deck”, “Commander”, “Companion” and “Sideboard”, and will no longer complain that these are unidentified cards.
- Added support for the simple and more common card list format that does not specify the exact printing.
(I.e. the parser now accept valid entries like
- Mitigate crashes when using the wrong CSV deck list parser with a given CSV file. An error message is now shown in this case.
Version 0.15.1 (2022-04-13)
Changed features
- Improved the user interface of the Image Cache cleanup wizard: Increased default window size. Removed unnecessary columns in the card listing table. Also adjusted the column widths to make better use of the available space.
- Adjustments to default column widths of the table in the deck import wizard to better fit card and set names.
- The card data download and card image download now resume interrupted downloads caused by a flaky internet connection, making the download process more reliable. If MTGProxyPrinter encounters a network error, it will re-try the network operation up to 10 times.
Fixed issues
- Reduced RAM usage by around 190 MiB while downloading the card data from Scryfall.
- Improved the hit rate of the Scryfall deck list importer, when the deck list contains cards affected by enabled download filters. The importer will now use suitable replacement printings, where possible, instead of failing to import affected cards.
- Fixed bug in the deck import wizard that caused the wizard to perform a deck list translation, even if that option was disabled.
- The deck import wizard now shows an error message when a binary file is selected for loading from disk, instead of silently failing or crashing.
- The deck import wizard now asks for confirmation, if an unexpectedly large file is selected.
Version 0.15.0 (2022-04-03)
Implemented features
- Document settings, like paper size, margins, spacings are now stored in saved documents. When loading a document,
the stored settings overwrite the default values set in the application settings.
- The Edit menu in the main window has a new option to edit these document settings for the current document only.
- Older save files do not contain the relevant data and have to be saved explicitly to perform a save file migration.
- Added new card download filter that allows excluding digital cards. The new filter matches both digital “reprints” of existing cards (for example Magic Online-exclusive promotional card versions) and digital-only cards that aren’t available as physical cards at all (like the Magic Arena Alchemy cards).
- Added a new user interface layout that uses tabs to only show one part of the main window at a time. This is mainly useful for small and high-DPI monitors in portrait mode, i.e. when using a monitor with an aspect ratio of 9:16.
- The card table in the deck import wizard is now sortable by clicking on any of the header cells. When sorted, the cards will be added to the document in the same order.
- When loading a document that contains printings matching a download filter, the affected printings are now replaced with other, available printings, if possible. When migrating from older versions of MTGProxyPrinter, the internal card database has to be refreshed for this to work.
Changed features
- Smarter printing selection when the option to prefer already downloaded printings is enabled: MTGProxyPrinter will now prefer printings that were printed/exported more often over less often used printings. Uses image usage information already available since version 0.9.0
- Renamed the “vertical” user interface variant in the settings. It is now referred to as “Columnar”, because it shows the main window content in four columns.
- Improved sorting behaviour in the image cache cleanup wizard, when sorting the image table by collector number.
- Re-grouped and moved some settings in the settings window, resulting in a more logical options grouping
- It is now possible to open the log directory from the debug settings tab, to ease log file access, when the option to write log files to disk is enabled.
Fixed issues
- MTGProxyPrinter now validates the document save file format when loading documents to prevent Denial of Service attacks via maliciously crafted save files.
- It is now possible to retry downloading card data updates, if the download fails due to a flaky internet connection.
- Fixed broken custom regular expression deck parser option in the deck import wizard. The option now works as intended.
- Fixed broken Tappedout deck list parser. The options to include the maybe-board and acquire-board did nothing when enabled and now work as intended.
- Added icons to buttons that were missing them on Windows.
Version 0.14.2 (2022-01-22)
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken card data download, which was caused by a change in the Scryfall API.
- Prevent application crashes should the card data format received from the API change again in the future. The application will now show an error message if it is unable to process the data.
Version 0.14.1 (2021-09-29)
Fixed issues
- Fixed bug in database migration code that prevented upgrading the application from ancient alpha versions.
- The download progress bar properly disappears, after images finish downloading during the document loading process.
- Removed online requirement for the card database update when upgrading from version 0.13.0 or before.
- Fixed broken image cache cleanup for locally stored low resolution images, if the equivalent high resolution image is available for download from Scryfall.
Version 0.14.0 (2021-09-23)
Implemented features
- Show warnings in the deck import wizard, if oversized cards are present in the imported card list.
Changed features
- Show copyright notices for many of the used software libraries in the About window.
- Improved the accuracy of the card data update checker, if it is enabled in the settings. It should now only report available updates, if Scryfall actually has new data.
- Reduced application bundle size for Windows by 25%.
Fixed issues
- Fixed broken printing selection in the deck list import wizard. Although it looked like it selected another printing, the import wizard actually imported the unedited deck list, completely discarding any edits done. This now works as expected.
- Fixed potentially wrong card translations for cards having multiple names, like double-faced cards or split cards.
- The card information download no longer locks up the application if a database error occurs. This might happen, if two instances of MTGProxyPrinter try to write to the internal, local card database at the same time.
- Support importing card data from a file via command line argument
. Mostly useful for debugging, but can also be used to update the card database of a PC without internet access. - Larger re-write of the on-disk card database structure. Older versions will not be able to run, after the database is migrated to the latest version. Downgrading the application will require deleting the database file.
Version 0.13.0 (2021-08-09)
Implemented features
- Implemented optional, automatic deck list translations. When enabled, the deck list import wizard will try to automatically translate all cards in the list into the selected language, where images are available. This can be enabled by default in the settings.
- Automatically replace locally stored low resolution card images with better images, when Scryfall upgrades the provided images to high-resolution scans. Low-resolution card images fetched during set spoilers no longer stay in the image cache indefinitely.
Changed features
- Optimized the card data update process to update the local data in-place instead of wiping everything and starting from scratch. This speeds up the import process and reduces disk writes.
Fixed issues
- Fixed duplication of imported deck list entries when going back and forward in the deck list import wizard after viewing the parsing result. (Bug was introduced in version 0.12.0.)
- The page preview now renders correctly after changing paper sizes in the settings.
- PDFs exported now use the actual, configured paper size, instead of defaulting to the system default value. Exporting documents in landscape mode or using esoteric paper sizes now creates usable, correct PDF files.
- Printing documents in landscape mode now works as expected, outputting correctly scaled printouts. Additionally, the print preview dialog now has the appropriate mode (portrait or landscape) pre-selected, based on the configured paper size.
Version 0.12.1 (2021-07-31)
Implemented features
- While changing the paper size settings, the settings window displays the resulting page capacity in cards.
- The settings window now informs, if changed settings will cause existing pages to overflow and move cards around automatically. The user now has the choice to cancel saving the settings, if they don’t wish for this to happen.
Changed features
- Application and card data update checks now run in the background, if enabled. This reduces application startup time.
Fixed issues
- Fixed interface inconsistency when clicking on the "New Document" button.
- Prevent the user from entering invalid combinations of paper sizes and margins that result in a page capacity of zero. This prevents the application from entering an invalid state that causes crashes or infinite loops.
Version 0.12.0 (2021-07-28)
Implemented features
- Implemented re-selecting printings of added cards by double-clicking the set or collector number in the table showing the current page.
- Implemented re-selecting printings in the deck import wizard by double-clicking the set or collector number in the table showing the parsing result.
Fixed issues
- Fixed crash, when trying to quit the application while a document loads.
- Larger re-write of internal data structures
- Reduced local card database size
Version 0.11.1 (2021-05-17)
Fixed issues
- Fixed crashes when adding art-series cards (again).
Version 0.11.0 (2021-05-12)
Implemented features
- Suggest a PDF document file name based on the loaded document’s file name, if the current document was saved to or loaded from disk.
- Added optional, automatic update checks, both for MTGProxyPrinter itself and the card data from Scryfall.
- The application asks for consent for both when starting the application for the first time or when updating from prior versions
- For now, the application update check only notifies about updates, and does not perform any automatic update.
- Integrated the changelog into the application, as a new tab in the About dialog.
- Automatically show the changelog once after each application update.
Changed Features
- Use cx_Freeze instead of PyInstaller for stand-alone distributions. This yields cleaner, but larger builds, and an actual installer for Windows. The application can now be installed and uninstalled using standard OS features on Windows.
Fixed issues
- The application now handles offline operation and network outages during download processes.
- Shows a message box whenever a download fails
- The card database will revert to the last state, if downloading fresh card data fails.
- When downloading card images fails, the card will be added to the document using a blank placeholder. The user can save the document and load it the next time network access is available to fetch the missing images.
Version 0.10.0 (2021-04-21)
Implemented features
- Added a "New document" entry to the File menu and the toolbar. It closes the currently edited document and creates a new one.
- The toolbar can now be hidden/shown using an entry in the Settings menu, which can be useful when MTGProxyPrinter is used on very small screens. This setting is saved across application restarts.
- Implemented optional print guessing when importing deck lists. This can increase the hit-rate during import at the expense of some accuracy.
- When guessing printings, added option to prefer printings with already downloaded images.
Changed Features
- Clearing the document when importing a deck list now creates a new document, as if the "New document" button was used. I.e. it also forgets the association with the previously loaded document, if one was loaded from disk before.
- Use platform-dependent default keyboard shortcuts for some common menu entries. These adjust to the operating system’s default values.
Fixed issues
- Canceling a directory selection dialog for default save paths in the settings window no longer clears the previously selected directory, if any was selected.
- Art-Series cards can now be added to the document and be printed.
Version 0.9.4 (2021-04-03)
Implemented features
- New, enabled by default download filter for cards with placeholder images. Skips import of card printings for which no proper images are available, because these can’t be printed.
- New, disabled by default download filter for oversized cards. Enable to not import any oversized cards.
Fixed issues
- Fixed crash during card data import caused by cards without images. These may occur in the Scryfall database during running spoilers for new sets. Such cards will be skipped during card data import.
- Fixed blurry icons on platforms without native icon theme support.
- Enabled high DPI monitor support. The application will now properly scale on high DPI displays.
- The Deck import wizard uses better validation when using the custom RE parser. The user-supplied RE is now required to have at least one meaningful named group, matching a known card property. REs that do nothing at all are no longer accepted.
Version 0.9.3 (2021-03-17)
Fixed issues
- Deck list import: Fixed import of cards with letters or symbols in collector numbers.
- Fixed wrong item order in the
menu when using the horizontal search layout - Fixed several missing icons on platforms without icon theme support, like Windows, or with incomplete icon themes
- Fixed unintended display of empty rows in the current page content table, if changing page layout settings decreases the page capacity below the number of cards on the current page. The table now properly trims the empty slots caused by moving away overflowing images.
Version 0.9.2 (2021-03-16)
Changed Features
- The card table shown in the cache cleanup wizard is now sortable by all columns and also shows the card image as a tooltip when hovering over the card name.
Fixed issues
- Reworded some displayed texts and fixed minor issues in strings.
- Show an error message if the user tries to load a file that is not a valid document.
- Show a warning if the loaded document contains unknown entries that were skipped during the loading process.
- Optimized the card data import. It should run a bit faster on slow CPUs or really fast internet connections.
- Fixed potential issues during import when the user re-downloads the card data multiple times in a row.
- Unified the handling of long-running background operations. All three (loading documents, importing decks and downloading card data) now behave in the same way and disable most buttons in the main window during the process
- During a long-running background operation, also disable the print preview button and the cache cleanup button to prevent issues.
- Optimized GUI responsiveness while a document is being loaded.
- Reduced CPU load during the document loading process.
- Fixed application crashes when directly upgrading from version
Version 0.9.1 (2021-03-04)
Fixed issues
- Prevent the printing dialog from opening twice in a row on Windows systems.
- Ask the user if they want to compact documents prior to printing, when that saves pages, similarly to exporting PDFs.
Version 0.9.0 (2021-03-04)
Implemented features
- Added direct printing support. The user can now directly print documents using a physical printer attached to the computer. It uses the systems native printing support, where available.
- Added command line arguments: The application now accepts a document path as a positional argument.
This allows opening documents when starting the application.
- On Windows, this can be used to drag&drop saved documents onto the EXE and load the file, and it can be used to associate the file type with the program and then automatically open saved documents by clicking on them.
- When changing download filter settings, ask the user if they want to re-download the card data. The user can do so when asked or any time later.
- Implemented a way to trim down the locally stored images: Added a wizard to the Settings menu that allows deletion of unused or seldom used card images based on configurable criteria. If the user wishes, they can exactly select which images to delete.
Changed Features
- The card database download now runs in the background. Most of the UI elements stay disabled while the download runs.
Fixed issues
- Fixed issues when trying to load invalid documents. The application will now do nothing, if the file can not be read instead of locking up the GUI.
- Custom RE-based deck importer: Handle user-supplied regular expressions that causes a RecursionError in the parser. Such input is now treated as invalid and can’t be entered into the input text field.
Version 0.8.2 (2021-02-28)
Implemented Features
- Configurable application logging for debugging purposes
Changed Features
- Moved most long-running operations (downloading images, importing deck lists and loading documents) to a background thread. The UI is now more responsive during these operations.
- Disable some buttons and menu entries in the main window while a document is being loaded to prevent possible issues, like printing partially loaded documents or saving a partially loaded document over itself.
- Added some more information to the About dialog window and re-designed the information display.
Fixed issues
- Adding multiple cards in quick succession, for example by double-clicking the "Add" button, no longer freezes the GUI. The cards are now properly added in the correct order
- Adding a card that requires an image download and then adding the same card again, while the download is still in progress no longer downloads the image twice and no longer inserts a broken, blank card into the current page
- Fixed application hangs until a long-running operation is completed when trying to quit the application while a document is being loaded or a deck list import is running
- Fixed the PyInstaller Hooks. It is now possible to build a PyInstaller bundle, even if the application is installed via pip.
Version 0.8.1 (2021-02-24)
Fixed issues
- Fixed Crash on startup, if the card image cache is not present.
- Make sure to not install the PyInstaller hooks in the user’s Python
, when installing via pip. In previous versions, these files were placed there unintentionally. These don’t do anything outside PyInstaller and only pollute thesite-packages
Version 0.8.0 (2021-02-24)
Changed features
- Re-written the card search to use a hierarchical search, focussing primarily on the card name.
The card search now shows a list of suggestions that can be filtered using a search term,
including basic wildcard support. When a card name is selected from the suggestion list,
a specific printing can be selected. The search selects a random printing as a suggestion by default
to speed up the process, if the user doesn’t care about the specific printing used.
- The new search displays sets using their human-readable English name.
- The search does not reset itself anymore, when adding a card.
- Added a setting to choose between a horizontal search area layout above the currently edited page and a
vertical search area that sits between the page list and the currently edited page.
- The horizontal layout resembles a traditional search bar, as used in other programs, looking more familiar
- The vertical layout makes better use of the available screen space, requires less mouse movement and works better on widescreen monitors
- Switching the layout requires an application restart.
- The overview table showing the cards of the current page now shows the full, human-readable English set name plus the short, three(-or-more)-letter set code, instead of showing only the cryptic set code.
Fixed issues
- Vastly improved accuracy of all download progress bars, especially for the card data download.
- Prevent inserting damaged PNG files into the local image cache, if the image transfer is interrupted for any reason.
- Improved deck list importer hit rate when importing MTG Arena deck lists from
- If manual editing of the configuration file causes a setting to have an invalid value, the default will be restored, instead of crashing the application while it tries to parse the invalid data.
- Fixed missing icons in the deck list import wizard when used on Windows
Version 0.7.1 (2012-02-18)
Fixed issues
- Fixed a bug that prevented MTGProxyPrinter from starting when it was installed.
Version 0.7.0 (2012-02-18)
Implemented features
- Implemented automatic deck list imports
- Implemented as a wizard that guides the user through the process. Accessible via an entry in the File menu.
- Supports Magic Online, MTG Arena and XMage deck files (And Websites that export compatible files)
- Appends the imported list to the currently edited document or optionally completely replaces it.
- Current limitation: Cards have to be matched exactly. Cards that do not specify a unique printing are not imported.
Fixed issues
- Fixed that when the current page overflows, each card batch got added to a completely new page, even if the next pages had free slots. Now, free slots on pages after the currently viewed page are used up, before adding new pages.
Version 0.6.0 (2021-02-17)
Implemented features
- When adding a double-faced card, automatically add it’s opposing face. This automatically adds the appropriate other side, matching set, art style, border style, etc., if multiple choices are available. Can be disabled in the settings.
- Configurable default storage location for Proxy documents and PDF documents. The locations can be set in the settings window.
- Added optional download filter for token cards to exclude all tokens from the card database.
- When compacting the current document will save pages, ask the user if they want to compact the document prior to exporting it as a PDF.
Changed features
- Adjusted the download filters to only exclude explicitly banned cards, when filtering cards banned in certain formats.
Fixed issues
- Properly remove trailing, empty pages when compacting a document.
Version 0.5.0 (2021-02-15)
Implemented features
- Added optional, automatic splitting of generated PDF documents, based on a new page count limit setting. If enabled, documents with more pages than the set limit will be exported as multiple PDF files. This can be used when exported PDFs exceed the printer’s internal file size limit.
- Added document compacting: Completely fill partially filled pages by moving images from the end into free slots. This may help reduce the page count and therefore reduce wasted paper when printing.
- Lifted the limitations on the amount of card copies that can be added at once. It is now possible to add up to 99 copies of cards at once. If the added cards do not fit on the current page, any remaining copies are automatically put on new pages.
Fixed issues
- When changing document settings decreases the page capacity, move images from any overflowing pages to free slots on existing pages or new pages.
- Display card image download progress when an image has to be downloaded from Scryfall instead of freezing the GUI
- Fixed broken rendering of cut markers, if image spacing is active.
- Fixed that the maximum number of card copies possible to add to the current page did not increase when cards were deleted from the current page. This limiting was completely removed, so it is now always possible to add cards, even if the current page is full.
- Fixed handling of double-faced cards. It is now possible to add both sides of double-faced cards. Additionally, support for those was added to the document format, so documents including those can be saved and loaded.
- Further reduced document file size for newly created documents.
Version 0.4.0 (2021-01-05)
Implemented features
- Added option to remove images from the current page. There is a new button below the table showing the current page content that can be used to remove all selected images from the current page.
- Added optional drawing and printing of cut helper lines. These lines can help machine-cutting the printed pages. They are disabled by default and can be enabled in the settings.
- Reduced document file sizes. This mainly benefits documents with few pages, where new documents take about 10% of the disk space when compared to documents saved with version 0.3.
Version 0.3.0 (2020-12-18)
- Implemented saving and loading documents to and from disk. The created files do not contain the image data and are therefore small.
- Added an About… dialog that shows a message box with the application name, version, homepage and the license text.
- Suppress showing a CMD console window on Windows while MTGProxyPrinter runs.
Version 0.2.1 (2020-12-02)
This version incorporates major performance optimisations.
Important notice
When Updating to 0.2.1
, please delete the old CardDataCache.sqlite3
file in your user account’s cache directory
and let MTGProxyPrinter re-create it from scratch.
Fixed issues
- Improved card search speed by roughly factor 100 and card data import speed by factor ~ 40. Searching cards should now feel instant, as the up-to one-second delay after each key press is gone for good.
- Decreased the card database size. The new database roughly takes two/thirds the space previously required.
Version 0.2.0 (2020-12-01)
This is the second alpha version of MTGProxyPrinter.
Implemented features
- Filter cards during the card data import based on criteria stored in the settings. You can now skip "funny" (silver-bordered), gold-bordered, white-bordered cards and cards banned or illegal in various constructed formats.
Additional filters may come in the future.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed down-scaling of card images when exporting PDFs. Generated PDF documents should now have the proper size.
Version 0.1.1 (2020-11-30)
This version fixes a bug that prevents MTGProxyPrinter from running on Windows using Python 3.8.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed issue that prevented 0.1.0 from running under Windows when using Python 3.8.6, as obtained from
- Fixed missing application icons when run in Windows. Now the main toolbar and menus show the icons as intended.
Version 0.1.0 (2020-11-30)
This is the first alpha version of MTGProxyPrinter.
Implemented features
- Obtaining the card information and images for all Magic cards in all languages from the Scryfall API
- Creating a document and adding card images to each page
- Searching cards by language, name, set and collector number
- Application settings to specify the preferred language, and document settings like default page size, paper margins and spacing between images
- Automatically determine how many images fit a page considering the document layout settings
- Exporting the created document to high-quality PDF documents.