Tcl OData Documentation — OData Service Class

odata::Service — class representing an OData Service
svc begin
svc commit ?as patch|update? ?options...?
svc count entitySetName ?restrictionDict?
svc info subCommand ?arg ...?
action unboundActionName
entityset entitysetName
function unboundFunctionName
type typeName
svc insert entitySetName
svc invoke action|function unboundName ?parameterDict? ?options...?
svc query entitySetName ?restrictionDict? ?options...?
svc rollback


odata::Service — class representing an OData Service


package require TclOO

odata::Service URL


Please see the parent class for inherited methods.


The service class creates an object for an OData service. As part of the creation process the OData Service is queried for the types, entity sets, etc that are supported.

When entity sets are queried, the service class creates odata::Entity objects for each entity returned.


The constructor of the odata::Service class takes a single argument which is the URL of the OData service. The URL must be accessible for the life of the created odata::Service object.


The odata::Service class' destructor will delete all remaining odata::EntitySet and odata::Entity instances created by this service.


svc begin
This method is begins batch mode processing. From the time this method is invoked until a commit is done. All "writes" (i.e. inserts, updates/patches and deletes) are deferred and sent in as a single HTML transaction. NOTE -- begins may not be nested, an attempt to do so will cause an error to be raised.

svc commit ?as patch|update? ?options...?
This method sends deferred "writes" and takes the service out of "batch" mode. NOTE -- commit when not in "batch" mode will cause an error to be raised.

The following options are supported:

-callback command
This causes the commit to be invoked asynchronously. When the commit completes, the command is invoked with the following appended to it:
  1. The http numeric return code.
  2. The result, i.e. the http body, of the invocation.

svc count entitySetName ?restrictionDict?
This command is used to execute query on a entitySetName with the query and restrictions specified in restrictionDict and return the number of entities that would be in the entity set. The keys and values of restrictionDict can be any of the query options (note that the leading "$" is part of the query option) as specified by OData Specification.

Please note this is not the same as the restrictionDict $count key. Please also note that the $top and $top restriction key are removed when doing the query.

svc info subCommand ?arg ...?
This method is used to query information about the service and its components. Valid subCommand are:

Returns the URL of the service.

Returns a list of unbound actions advertised by the service.

action unboundActionName
Returns a dictionary (see parameter dictionary) describing the parameters and return value of the action with the name unboundActionName. If no such action exists, an error will be raised.

Returns a list of collections advertised by the service.

entitySet entitySetName
Returns a dictionary describing entitySetName. The dictionary is structured as follows:
The type of items (aka entities) that compose the entity set.
A boolean indicating if this entity sets represents a singleton.

Returns a list of unbound functions advertised by the service.

function unboundFunctionName
Returns a dictionary (see parameter dictionary) describing the parameters and return value of the function with the name unbounFunctionName. If no such function exists, an error will be raised.

Returns a list of types that the service uses.

type typeName item
This subcommand returns dictionary describing type. Valid keys are:

    Returns a list of the pairs that are the property name and its data type for this type.

    Returns a list of other types that this type has a relationship to.

    Returns a list of the properties that are keys, if any, for this type.

Returns a list of odata::Entity objects that have not been saved back to the OData Service.

svc insert entitySetName ?itemDict?
This creates a new odata::Entity instance, which is returned as the result of this method, of the type associated with entitySetName. The state of the instance is set to new and the mode is set to readwrite. Additionally the commit method is made visible on the object. If itemDict is present, then the properties of the instance are set to the values of itemDict. The format of the dictionary is:.

The value is a dictionary of property information where the key is the property name with the following structure:

The value of the property.

The value is a dictionary of attribute information where the key is the property name with the following structure:

The value of the property.

The namespace alias of the property.

The URI of the namespace of the property.

svc invoke action|function unboundName ?parameterDict? ?options...?
This command is used to invoke the action/function about the service and its components. The returned value is null for those action/functions that do not return a result, for those that do return a result it is the defined result (see the info command for information on how to query what the result of an action/function will be).

The following options are supported:

-callback command
This causes the action/function to be invoked asynchronously. When the action/function completes, the command is invoked with the following appended to it:
  1. The http numeric return code.
  2. The result, i.e. the http body, of the invocation.

svc query entitySetName ?restrictionDict? ?options...?
This command is used to execute query on a entitySetName with the query and restrictions specified in restrictionDict. The keys and values of restrictionDict can be any of the query options (note that the leading "$" is part of the query option) as specified by OData Specification.

Additionally, the key Key is supported whose values is a dictionary where the keys are a property name of a key of the entity and the value is the key value. This can be used to select an individual item entity.

The following options are supported for easy of use:

-callback command
This causes the query to be performed asynchronously. When complete, the command will be called with the instance of the odata::EntitySet class containing the results appended to it.

-headers headerDict
This allows protocol header options, as defined by OData Protocol Specification, to be passed. The keys to the dictionary are the header item and the value for a key is the value for that header item.

-pageSize resultSetSize
This is basically the same as specifying the $top restriction key in the restrictionDict. It specifies the maximum number of items to return in entity set. Note that you

-pageNumber startingPage
This option is only valid when -pageSize is specified. Page numbers start at zero (0). This is the same as specifying $skip as the result of resultSetSize multiplied by startingPage.

-sortBy propertyList
This is basically the same as specifying the $orderby restriction key in the restrictionDict except that the list of property names is a proper Tcl list instead of a comma separated list.

svc rollback
This method causes the rollback method to be invoked on all entities associated with this service that have changes pending. Future changes to entities associated with the service will not be batched (at least until another begin is issued).


While the odata::Service class has several non-exported methods, the are considered "private" and as such their APIs are subject to change without notice and not supported; thus the non-exported methods should not be used.


This example uses one of the sample services from the site show the use of the odata::Service class and of an instance of that class.

set obj [::odata::Service new {}]
puts stdout "The following entity sets are supported: [join [$obj info entityset] {,}]"


OData, odata::OData odata::EntitySet and odata::Entity

Parameter Dictionary

This dictionary has the following structure (note either key may be absent if not used by the action/function):

A dictionary representing the input parameters. The keys are the parameter name and the value is a dictionary with the following keys:
Type (this key is always present)
The type of what item is to be passed in.
Nullable (this key is always present)
A boolean indicating if the parameter is optional.
Specifies the maximum length of the parameter value. The precise meaning is dependent on the actual parameter type.
Specifies the precision of the parameter value. The precise meaning is dependent on the actual return type.
Specifies the precision of the parameter value. The precise meaning is dependent on the actual return type.
Identifies which spatial reference system is applied to parameter value. This is only present for spatial data types.

A dictionary representing with the following keys:
Class (this key is always present)
The class of what is returned. It will be either Collection or Item.
Type (this key is always present)
The type of what item(s) returned.
Nullable (this key is always present)
A boolean indicating if a null value or empty collection may be returned.
Specifies the maximum length of the return value. The precise meaning is dependent on the actual return type.
Specifies the precision of the return value. The precise meaning is dependent on the actual return type.
Specifies the precision of the return value. The precise meaning is dependent on the actual return type.
Identifies which spatial reference system is applied to returned value. This is only present for spatial data types.

Copyright © 2014, 2017 Gerald W. Lester