
SynModal is a plugin for the SynEdit editor component for the Lazarus IDE. It provides a framework for extending the editor with modal editing capabilities. In particular, SynModal comes with Vi-like key bindings.

Although SynModal is regular plugin that can be added to any SynEdit component, it can also be added to Lazarus itself, hence bringing the flavor of Vi-like editing to our beloved IDE.


Latest tagged release: lazsynmodal-0.2.0.tar.gz

Latest development version: lazsynmodal-trunk.tar.gz


  1. Download the source code
  2. Open the package in the Lazarus IDE
  3. Recompile the IDE with the package enabled


As component

The plugin can be found as a non-visual component in the SynEdit tab. Component to your form and set the Editor property to the SynEdit component to which the plugin should be added.

In the Lazarus IDE

The plugin (LazSynModal) must be added to the IDE and the plugin must be enabled afterwards in the settings dialog.


Please send an email to frank-fischer at