* Copyright (c) 2021 Frank Fischer <frank-fischer@shadow-soft.de>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include "CutView.hxx"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include "Convert.hxx"
#include "EdgeDetection.hxx"
#include "ScanImage.hxx"
#include "Scanner.hxx"
static QPointF scale(const QPointF& p, int width, int height)
return {p.x() / width, p.y() / height};
static QPointF scale(const QPointF& p, const std::unique_ptr<EdgeDetection>& edges)
return scale(p, edges->width(), edges->height());
static QPointF unscale(const QPointF& p, int width, int height)
return {p.x() * width, p.y() * height};
static QPointF unscale(const QPointF& p, const std::unique_ptr<EdgeDetection>& edges)
return unscale(p, edges->width(), edges->height());
struct CutView::Data {
std::unique_ptr<EdgeDetection> edges;
std::shared_ptr<ScanImage> scanImage;
QMetaObject::Connection orientationChangedConnection = {};
bool updatePaintedSize = false;
QPointF getPoint(int which) const
if (scanImage == nullptr || edges == nullptr) return {};
auto orien = scanImage->orientation();
QPointF pnt;
switch ((4 + which - orien) % 4) {
case 0: pnt = edges->topLeft(); break;
case 1: pnt = edges->topRight(); break;
case 2: pnt = edges->bottomRight(); break;
case 3: pnt = edges->bottomLeft(); break;
default: Q_ASSERT(false); break;
pnt = ::scale(pnt, edges);
switch (orien % 4) {
case 0: return pnt;
case 1: return {1 - pnt.y(), pnt.x()};
case 2: return {1 - pnt.x(), 1 - pnt.y()};
case 3: return {pnt.y(), 1 - pnt.x()};
return {};
bool setPoint(int which, const QPointF& p)
if (scanImage == nullptr || edges == nullptr) return false;
if (getPoint(which) == p) return false;
auto orien = scanImage->orientation();
QPointF pnt = p;
switch (orien % 4) {
case 0: break;
case 1: pnt = {pnt.y(), 1 - pnt.x()}; break;
case 2: pnt = {1 - pnt.x(), 1 - pnt.y()}; break;
case 3: pnt = {1 - pnt.y(), pnt.x()}; break;
pnt = ::unscale(pnt, edges);
switch ((4 + which - orien) % 4) {
case 0: edges->setTopLeft(pnt); break;
case 1: edges->setTopRight(pnt); break;
case 2: edges->setBottomRight(pnt); break;
case 3: edges->setBottomLeft(pnt); break;
return true;
QPointF getEdgePoint(int which) const
if (scanImage == nullptr || edges == nullptr) return {};
auto orien = scanImage->orientation();
QPointF pnt;
switch ((4 + which - orien) % 4) {
case 0: pnt = edges->topPoint(); break;
case 1: pnt = edges->rightPoint(); break;
case 2: pnt = edges->bottomPoint(); break;
case 3: pnt = edges->leftPoint(); break;
default: Q_ASSERT(false); break;
pnt = ::scale(pnt, edges);
switch (orien % 4) {
case 0: return pnt;
case 1: return {1 - pnt.y(), pnt.x()};
case 2: return {1 - pnt.x(), 1 - pnt.y()};
case 3: return {pnt.y(), 1 - pnt.x()};
return {};
bool setEdgePoint(int which, const QPointF& p)
if (scanImage == nullptr || edges == nullptr) return false;
if (getPoint(which) == p) return false;
auto orien = scanImage->orientation();
QPointF pnt = p;
switch (orien % 4) {
case 0: break;
case 1: pnt = {pnt.y(), 1 - pnt.x()}; break;
case 2: pnt = {1 - pnt.x(), 1 - pnt.y()}; break;
case 3: pnt = {1 - pnt.y(), pnt.x()}; break;
pnt = ::unscale(pnt, edges);
switch ((4 + which - orien) % 4) {
case 0: edges->setTopPoint(pnt); break;
case 1: edges->setRightPoint(pnt); break;
case 2: edges->setBottomPoint(pnt); break;
case 3: edges->setLeftPoint(pnt); break;
return true;
CutView::CutView(QQuickItem* parent)
: ScanImageView(parent),
d(new Data)
CutView::~CutView() = default;
int CutView::orientation() const
return d->scanImage != nullptr ? d->scanImage->orientation() : 0;
void CutView::setOrientation(int orientation)
if (d->scanImage != nullptr) d->scanImage->setOrientation(orientation);
QPointF CutView::topLeft() const
return d->getPoint(0);
void CutView::setTopLeft(QPointF topleft)
if (d->setPoint(0, topleft)) {
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit leftChanged();
QPointF CutView::topRight() const
return d->getPoint(1);
void CutView::setTopRight(QPointF topright)
if (d->setPoint(1, topright)) {
emit topRightChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit rightChanged();
QPointF CutView::bottomRight() const
return d->getPoint(2);
void CutView::setBottomRight(QPointF bottomright)
if (d->setPoint(2, bottomright)) {
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit rightChanged();
QPointF CutView::bottomLeft() const
return d->getPoint(3);
void CutView::setBottomLeft(QPointF bottomleft)
if (d->setPoint(3, bottomleft)) {
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit leftChanged();
void CutView::setTop(QPointF top)
if (d->setEdgePoint(0, top)) {
emit topChanged();
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
QPointF CutView::top() const
return d->getEdgePoint(0);
void CutView::setRight(QPointF right)
if (d->setEdgePoint(1, right)) {
emit rightChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
QPointF CutView::right() const
return d->getEdgePoint(1);
void CutView::setBottom(QPointF bottom)
if (d->setEdgePoint(2, bottom)) {
emit bottomChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
QPointF CutView::bottom() const
return d->getEdgePoint(2);
void CutView::setLeft(QPointF left)
if (d->setEdgePoint(3, left)) {
emit leftChanged();
emit topLeftChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
QPointF CutView::left() const
return d->getEdgePoint(3);
void CutView::rotateLeft()
if (d->scanImage != nullptr) {
d->scanImage->setOrientation(d->scanImage->orientation() - 1);
d->updatePaintedSize = true;
void CutView::rotateRight()
if (d->scanImage != nullptr) {
d->scanImage->setOrientation(d->scanImage->orientation() + 1);
d->updatePaintedSize = true;
bool CutView::hasAutoSelection() const
return d->edges != nullptr ? d->edges->hasAutoDetection() : false;
bool CutView::isAutoDetectionRunning() const
return d->edges != nullptr ? d->edges->isAutoDetectionRunning() : false;
void CutView::selectAll()
if (d->edges != nullptr) {
d->edges->setTopLeft({0, 0});
d->edges->setTopRight({static_cast<qreal>(d->edges->width()), 0});
d->edges->setBottomRight({static_cast<qreal>(d->edges->width()), static_cast<qreal>(d->edges->height())});
d->edges->setBottomLeft({0, static_cast<qreal>(d->edges->height())});
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
void CutView::selectAuto()
if (d->edges != nullptr && d->edges->selectAuto()) {
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
void CutView::paint(QPainter* painter)
if (d->scanImage == nullptr) return;
auto cv_image = d->scanImage->original();
auto image = cvMatToQImage(cv_image);
auto orien = orientation();
auto imgw = image.width();
auto imgh = image.height();
if (imgw > 0 && imgh > 0) {
auto wratio = static_cast<qreal>(orien % 2 == 0 ? width() : height()) / imgw;
auto hratio = static_cast<qreal>(orien % 2 == 0 ? height() : width()) / imgh;
auto ratio = std::min(wratio, hratio);
auto w = imgw * ratio;
auto h = imgh * ratio;
if (orien % 2 == 1) std::swap(w, h);
setPaintedSize(w, h);
painter->rotate(orien * 90);
QPointF target;
switch (orien) {
case 0: target = {(width() - w) / 2, (height() - h) / 2}; break;
case 1: target = {height() / 2 - h / 2, -width() / 2 - w / 2}; break;
case 2: target = {-width() / 2 - w / 2, -height() / 2 - h / 2}; break;
case 3: target = {-height() / 2 - h / 2, width() / 2 - w / 2}; break;
default: Q_ASSERT(false);
painter->drawImage(QRectF{target, QSize(imgw * ratio, imgh * ratio)}, image);
if (d->updatePaintedSize) {
d->updatePaintedSize = false;
// We need to postpone the rotation until the repaint is
// complete because otherwise paintedWidth and paintedHeight
// will not be up-to-date. The problem is that we do not know
// `width` and `height` until we actually repaint the widget,
// hence we do not now `paintedWidth` and `paintedHeight`
// either.
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
emit rotationChanged();
void CutView::onNewImage()
d->orientationChangedConnection = {};
if (auto s = scanner(); s != nullptr) {
d->scanImage = s->currentImage();
if (d->scanImage != nullptr) {
// set up connections for the new ScanImage ...
d->orientationChangedConnection = connect(d->scanImage.get(), &ScanImage::orientationChanged, this, &CutView::onOrientationChanged);
// ... and its edge-detection data structure
d->edges = std::make_unique<EdgeDetection>(d->scanImage->original());
connect(d->edges.get(), &EdgeDetection::hasAutoDetectionChanged, this, &CutView::hasAutoSelectionChanged);
connect(d->edges.get(), &EdgeDetection::isAutoDetectionRunningChanged, this, &CutView::isAutoDetectionRunningChanged);
emit hasAutoSelectionChanged();
emit isAutoDetectionRunningChanged();
// start right away
// this means that the settings will be initialized from the scanImage
d->setPoint(0, d->scanImage->topLeft());
d->setPoint(1, d->scanImage->topRight());
d->setPoint(2, d->scanImage->bottomRight());
d->setPoint(3, d->scanImage->bottomLeft());
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
emit rotationChanged();
QImage CutView::image() const
return d->scanImage != nullptr ? cvMatToQImage(d->scanImage->original()).copy() : QImage();
void CutView::onOrientationChanged()
if (d->scanImage != nullptr) {
emit topLeftChanged();
emit topRightChanged();
emit bottomRightChanged();
emit bottomLeftChanged();
emit topChanged();
emit bottomChanged();
emit leftChanged();
emit rightChanged();
emit rotationChanged();
emit orientationChanged();
void CutView::updateSnappyEdges()
if (d->edges != nullptr) {
void CutView::apply()
if (d->edges != nullptr && d->scanImage != nullptr) {