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Dyng::Net Class Reference

A dynamic time expanded network. More...

#include <Net.hxx>

Data Structures

class  BaseInIterator
 Iterator over the incoming arcs of a base node. More...
class  BaseInList
 Wrapper to provide an iterator over the incoming arcs of a base node. More...
class  BaseOutIterator
 Iterator over the outgoing arcs of a base node. More...
class  BaseOutList
 Wrapper to provide an iterator over the outgoing arcs of a base node. More...
class  InIterator
 Iterator over the incoming arcs of a node. More...
class  InList
 Wrapper to provide an iterator over the incoming arcs of a node. More...
class  OutIterator
 Iterator over the outgoing arcs of a node. More...
class  OutList
 Wrapper to provide an iterator over the outgoing arcs of a node. More...

Public Types

enum  Result { Result::Solved =1, Result::Expanded =2 }
 Return states of the shortest path computation. More...
typedef index_type Group
 Type of groups.
typedef index_type BaseNode
 Type of base nodes.
typedef index_type BaseArc
 Type of base arcs.
typedef index_type Node
 Type of nodes.
typedef index_type Arc
 Type of arcs.
typedef index_type Time
 Type of time indices.
typedef index_type RunTime
 Type of running times.

Public Member Functions

 Net ()
 Constructor. More...
 ~Net ()
 Net (const Net &net)=delete
 No copy constructor.
Netoperator= (const Net &net)=delete
 No assignment operator.
 Net (Net &&net)
 Move constructor.
Netoperator= (Net &&net)
 Move assignment operator.
Base graph functions
index_type n_groups () const
 Return the number of groups in the base graph. More...
Group add_group ()
 Add one group to the base graph. More...
Group add_groups (index_type ngroups)
 Add several groups to the base graph. More...
index_type n_basenodes () const
 Return the number of base nodes. More...
BaseNode add_basenode (Group group)
 Add a base node to the network. More...
Group base_group (BaseNode bnode) const
 Returns the index of the group of a base node. More...
index_type base_groupidx (BaseNode bnode) const
 Returns the number of the node in its group. More...
bool base_waitnode (BaseNode bnode) const
 Returns true if the base node is a wait node. More...
BaseArc base_firstout (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return first outgoing arc of a node in the base graph. More...
BaseArc base_firstin (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return first incoming arc of a node in the base graph. More...
index_type n_basearcs () const
 Return the number of base arcs. More...
BaseArc add_basearc (BaseNode bsrc, BaseNode bsnk)
 Add an arc to the base graph. More...
BaseArc base_arc (BaseNode bsrc, BaseNode bsnk) const
 Returns the id of a base arc. More...
void add_runningtime (BaseArc arc, RunTime running_time)
 Add one possible running time to a base arc. More...
void add_runningtimes (BaseArc arc, std::size_t ntimes, const RunTime running_times[])
 Add several possible running times to a base arc. More...
void add_runningtimes (BaseArc arc, const std::vector< RunTime > &running_times)
BaseArc base_nextout (BaseArc arc) const
 Return the next outgoing base arc. More...
BaseArc base_nextin (BaseArc arc) const
 Return the next incoming base arc. More...
BaseNode base_src (BaseArc arc) const
 Return the number of the source base node of a base arc. More...
BaseNode base_snk (BaseArc arc) const
 Return the number of the sink base node of a base arc. More...
BaseOutList base_outarcs (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return a list of outgoing arcs of a base node.
BaseInList base_inarcs (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return a list of incoming arcs of a base node.
Time expansion functions
void init ()
 Initializes the time expansion. More...
Time group_mintime (Group group) const
 Return the minimal possible time associated with a group. More...
Time basenode_mintime (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return the minimal possible time associated with a basenode. More...
index_type n_nodes () const
 Returns the number of nodes in the time expansion. More...
Node node (BaseNode bnode, Time time) const
 Returns the id of a node in the time expansion. More...
BaseNode basenode (Node node) const
 Returns the id of the base node associated with a node. More...
Time time (Node node) const
 Returns the time index associated with a node in the time expansion. More...
Arc firstout (Node node) const
 Returns the id of the first outgoing arc in the time expansion. More...
Arc firstin (Node node) const
 Returns the id of the first incoming arc in the time expansion. More...
index_type n_arcs () const
 Returns the number of arcs in the time expansion. More...
Arc arc (Node src, Node snk) const
 Returns the id of an arc in the time expansion. More...
Arc find_arc (BaseNode bsrc, Time srctime, BaseNode bsnk, Time snktime) const
 Returns the id of an arc in the time expansion. More...
bool isactive (Arc arc) const
 Returns true iff the given arc is contained in the active subgraph. More...
Node src (Arc arc) const
 Returns the id of the source node of an arc in the time expansion. More...
Node snk (Arc arc) const
 Returns the id of the sink node of an arc in the time expansion. More...
Arc nextout (Arc arc) const
 Returns the id of the next outgoing arc in the time expansion. More...
Arc nextin (Arc arc) const
 Returns the id of the next incoming arc in the time expansion. More...
OutList outarcs (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return a list of outgoing arcs of a node.
InList inarcs (BaseNode bnode) const
 Return a list of incoming arcs of a node.
Shortest path functions
void force_active (Group grp, Time time_active)
 Forces the active subgraph to contain certain arcs. More...
Time active_time (Group grp) const
 Return the active subgraph boundary for the given group.
Result shortest_path (const double basecosts[], const double augcosts[], index_type &nnodes, index_type &narcs)
 Solve the shortest path problem. More...
Result shortest_path (const std::vector< double > &basecosts, const std::vector< double > &augcosts, index_type &nnodes, index_type &narcs)
Result shortest_path (const double basecosts[], const double augcosts[])
Result shortest_path (const std::vector< double > &basecosts, const std::vector< double > &augcosts)
index_type get_n_newnodes () const
 Return number of new nodes of last expansion.
index_type get_n_newarcs () const
 Return number of new arcs of last expansion.
index_type get_pathlen () const
 Return the length of the shortest path. More...
double get_path (Arc path[]) const
 Returns the latest computed shortest path. More...
double get_path (std::vector< Arc > &path) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
index_type get_num_new_active () const
 Return the number of newly activated arcs. More...
void get_new_active (Arc active[]) const
 Return the list of newly activated arcs. More...
void get_new_active (std::vector< Arc > &active) const
 Return the list of newly activated arcs. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const Node nonode = -1
 ID of a non-existing node.
static const Arc noarc = -2
 ID of a non-existing arc.

Detailed Description

A dynamic time expanded network.

This is the central class representing a time expanded network. In the following we give a formal definition of time expanded networks as they are understood by this class as well as the problems to be solved with the help of this class. For an in-depth discussion on the topic of dynamic graph generation we refer to [1].

The current implementation only supports base graphs that are paths up to groups (i.e. the group graph must be a path).


Theoretical Background

In this section we give a short overview over the theoretical ideas behind the dynamic graph generation approach implemented in this class.

Time expanded networks

A time expanded network is defined as follows.

Let $G=(V,A)$ be a finite, acyclic (except for loops), connected, directed graph with a unique source node $\usrc$ and a sink node $\usnk$. Furthermore, assume that the nodes can be partitioned into so called groups (or equivalence classes) $ [u], u \in V$. The groups must satisfy the following three properties:

  1. $u,v\in [w], u \neq v \then (u,v) \notin A $ (note, loops are allowed inside a class),
  2. $(u,v) \in A \then [u] \times [v] \subseteq A$, -# $[\usrc] = \{\usrc\}, [\usnk] = \{\usnk\}$.

The graph $G$ is called the base graph of the time expanded network. In order to define the time expansion of $G$ let $\T=\{0,1,2,\dotsc\}$ be the set of (discrete) time steps. Each arc of the base graph is assigned a non-empty, finite set of non-negative transfer times

\[ \tr\colon A \to 2^{\N_0} \setminus \{\emptyset\}, \]

such that $\tr((u,u)) = \{1\}$ for each loop $(u,u) \in A$.

The follow picture shows an example of a base graph with exactly one running time assigned to each arc.

Fig1: Example base graph with alternative routes. The numbers at the arcs are the (single) transfer times for that arc. The dashed boxes mark the groups of base nodes. Each group consists of up to two nodes and waiting (loops) is allowed only at the black nodes.
The time expansion of $G$ is the graph $\Gt=(\Vt,\At)$ with

\begin{align*} \Vt & := \left\{(u,t_u)\colon u \in V, t_u \in \T\right\} \\ \At & := \left\{((u,t_u),(v,t_v)) \in \Vt\times\Vt\colon (u,v) \in A, t_v - t_u \in \tr((u,v))\right\} \\ \end{align*}

The following picture shows the time expansion of the above base graph.

Fig2: Time expansion of the previous base graph.

The shortest path problem in time expanded networks

The problem to be solved in $\Gt$ is a to find a minimum-cost path from a node $(\usrc,0) \in \Vt$ to a node $(\usnk,t) \in \Vt$. For this, the user has to provide a weight function that assigns each arc of $\Gt$ a weight:

\[ c\colon \At \to \R.\]

Note that $\Gt$ is acyclic, so negative weights are allowed. The problem to be solved is then

\begin{align*} \operatorname{minimize}\quad & \sum_{a \in \At} c(P), \\ \text{subject to}\quad & P \in \Pths, \end{align*}


\[\Pths := \{P \subset \Gt\colon P \text{ is $(\usrc,0)$-$(\usnk,t)$ path in \Gt}\},\]


\[c(P) := \sum_{a \in \At(P)} c(a)\]

denotes the sum of the weights of the edges in the path $P \in \Pths$.

There are several difficulties in solving this problem mainly related to the fact that the time expansion $ $\Gt$ is extremely large, even infinite in the definition above. This has several theoretical and practical consequences:

  1. the shortest path problem might not have an optimal solution,
  2. the memory requirements to store $\Gt$ or even only the weight function might be very high.

Dynamic Graph Generation

In order to overcome these problems, the dynamic graph generation approach has been developed in [1]. The idea is to store only a small finite subgraph $\Gcur \subseteq \Gt$ and to solve the shortest path problem only on $\Gcur$. The algorithm then automatically detects whether the resulting path is a solution of the shortest path problem on the whole graph $\Gt$ or otherwise enlarges $\Gcur$ by adding further nodes and arcs. Then the shortest path problem is resolved on the enlarged graph. It can be shown that, under some conditions, this approach finds a shortest path in $\Gt$ after a finite number of iterations.

In order to be able to apply the dynamic graph generation approach, several conditions on the weight function $c$ must be satisfied.

  1. there must exist a finite optimal solution of the shortest path problem in $\Gt$ (e.g. if the weights grow for $t\to\infty$)
  2. the weight functions must have the form $c = \cbase + \caug$ such that -# $\caug(a) \ge 0$ for all arcs $a \in \At$ that are not contained in the so called active subgraph $\Gact \subseteq \Gcur$, which is managed by this Net class.
    1. $\cbase(P) \le \cbase(Q)$ for any path $P$ that visits no group later than $Q$ (for the exact condition see [1]).

The most important condition to ensure is the last one, which is a structural assumption on the basic objective function. The non-negativity condition on $\caug$, however, is often met easily depending on the problem context. For instance, dynamic graph generation is designed to be used in Lagrangian relaxation approaches, where $\caug$ corresponds to the augmented costs induced by the Lagrangian multipliers of some coupling constraints. If these coupling constraints are inequalities with non-negative coefficients (which is typically the case for resource constraints), these augmented costs are automatically non-negative.

Remark: although the split of $c$ into $\cbase$ and $\caug$ is often defined by the problem context, any valid decomposition works. In fact, one only has to ensure that $\cbase$ is a lower bound (but increasing) on the real objective functions so that the residual term $\caug = c - \cbase$ is non-negative. In fact, $\cbase$ can be thought of a well behaving, convex lower bound on $c$. However, a tighter (larger) $\cbase$ typically leads to less iterations of the dynamic graph generation cycle until the shortest path in $\Gt$ is found (and keeps the stored subgraph $\Gcur$ smaller). Hence, it is favorable to choose $\cbase$ as large as possible.

Using the class Net

In this section we describe how to use the Net class for implementing a dynamic graph generation approach. The Net class consists of the following three components:

  1. It represents the base graph $G=(V,A)$: Defining the Base Graph -# It creates and handles the time expansion $\Gt$: Working with the Time Expanded Network
    In particular, it tracks the current subgraph $\Gcur \subseteq \Gt$ and the active subgraph $\Gact \subseteq \Gcur$, possibly enlarging them automatically during shortest path computations.
  2. It provides methods to solve the shortest path problem on $\Gt$ w.r.t. a user defined objective function: Solving the Shortest Path Problem

Defining the Base Graph

The first step in using Net is to specify the base graph $G=(V,A)$. The base graph consists of a finite set of nodes $V=\{0,...,n-1\}$ and arcs $A=\{0,...,m-1\}$. Nodes and arcs are always numbered starting at 0, a new node or arc is assigned the smallest unused integer number. Furthermore, the set of base nodes is partitioned into a family of groups, also numbered from $i=0,\dotsc,g-1$. Finally, each base arc is associated with a finite number of non-negative integer running times.

In order to specify the base graph one has to do the following steps: -# add the required number of groups $i=0,\dotsc,g-1$ using the methods Net::add_group and Net::add_groups,

  1. add the required base nodes $u=0,\dotsc,n-1$ with their associated group using Net::add_basenode
  2. add the base arcs $a=0,\dotsc,m-1$ by specifying their source and sink nodes using Net::add_basearc,
  3. specify the set of running times for each arc $a=0,\dotsc,m-1$ using Net::add_runningtimes.

A wait node $u$ is specified by adding a loop $(u,u)$. Note that the only valid running time for loops is $1$.

The base graph can be queried by iterating over the incoming and outgoing arcs of a node using the methods Net::base_firstin, Net::base_nextin, Net::base_inarcs and Net::base_firstout, Net::base_nextout, Net::base_outarcs.

The following code demonstrates how to create the base graph shown in Fig1.

using namespace Dyng;
Net net;
// add groups
// List of all running times of transfer arcs.
enum What { Run=0, Wait=1 };
typedef std::tuple<Net::Group, What, Net::Group, What, Net::RunTime> R;
const auto RTimes = {
R{0, Run, 1, Run, 0},
R{0, Run, 1, Wait, 0},
R{1, Run, 2, Run, 1},
R{1, Run, 2, Wait, 2},
R{1, Wait, 2, Run, 2},
R{1, Wait, 2, Wait, 3},
R{2, Run, 3, Run, 0},
R{2, Run, 3, Wait, 1},
R{2, Wait, 3, Run, 1},
R{2, Wait, 3, Wait, 2},
R{3, Run, 4, Wait, 1},
R{3, Wait, 4, Wait, 2},
R{4, Wait, 6, Run, 0},
R{4, Wait, 6, Wait, 1},
R{2, Run, 5, Run, 1},
R{2, Wait, 5, Run, 3},
R{5, Run, 6, Run, 0},
R{5, Run, 6, Wait, 1},
R{6, Run, 7, Run, 0},
R{6, Wait, 7, Run, 0}
// add nodes
std::vector<std::vector<Net::Node> > nodes(8, {Net::nonode, Net::nonode});
for (auto rt : RTimes) {
auto i = std::get<0>(rt);
auto what = std::get<1>(rt);
if (nodes[i][what] == Net::nonode) nodes[i][what] = net.add_basenode(i);
// add the final node
nodes[7][Run] = net.add_basenode(7);
// add wait arcs (loops)
for (auto n : nodes) {
auto u = n[Wait];
if (u != Net::nonode) net.add_basearc(u, u);
// add transfer arcs and running times
for (auto rt : RTimes) {
Net::Group i, j;
What wi, wj;
std::tie(i, wi, j, wj, t) = rt;
auto u = nodes[i][wi];
auto v = nodes[j][wj];
auto a = net.add_basearc(u, v);
net.add_runningtimes(a, {t});

Working with the Time Expanded Network

The time expansion $\Gt$ or, more accurately, the subgraph $\Gcur$, is generated automatically. The graph is initialized by calling Net::init after creating the base graph. After calling Net::init the base graph must not be modified anymore.

The nodes and arcs of the time expansion may be queried in very much the same way as the base graph. Furthermore Net contains methods to query attributes of the nodes and arcs, e.g., the associated base node and time indices associated with a node. In particular, the attribute Net::isactive returns a flag indicating whether an arc is contained in the active subgraph $\Gact$ or not.

The following code prints some information about all nodes and arcs in the time expansion.

Net net;
for (auto u = 0; u < net.n_nodes(); u++) {
std::cout << "node:" << u
<< " basenode:" << net.basenode(u)
<< " time:" << net.time(u)
<< " wait:" << net.base_waitnode(net.basenode(u))
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " incoming arcs";
for (auto a : net.inarcs(u)) {
std::cout << " arc:" << a << " to:" << net.snk(a) << std::endl;
std::cout << " outgoing arcs";
for (auto a : net.outarcs(u)) {
std::cout << " arc:" << a << " from:" << net.src(a) << std::endl;
for (auto a = 0; a < net.n_arcs(); a++) {
std::cout << "arc:" << a
<< " source:" << net.src(a)
<< " sink:" << net.snk(a)
<< " wait:" << (net.src(a) == net.snk(a))
<< std::endl;

Solving the Shortest Path Problem

The basic function to solve the shortest path problem is Net::shortest_path. This function is called with four arguments: the basic objective function basecosts ( $\cbase(a), a\in\Acur$), the augmented costs augcosts ( $\caug, a \in \Acur$) and two output parameters nnodes and narcs. The two objective functions are arrays of weight values for each existing arc (i.e. the weights of an arc $a \in \Acur$ are basecosts[a] and augcosts[a], respectively). The function returns either Result::Solved, if the shortest path problem in $\Gt$ has been solved successfully, or Result::Expanded if the stored subgraph was too small and has been enlarged.

The interpretation of the variables nnodes and narcs depends on the return value of Net::shortest_path. If the return value is Result::Solved, they contain the number of nodes and arcs in the shortest path. The shortest path itself can be queried using Net::get_path.

If the return value is Result::Expanded, the shortest path problem could not be solved. In this case the graph $\Gcur$ has been enlarged by adding further nodes and arcs. The number of new nodes and arcs is returned in the two variables nnodes and narcs.

In order to solve the shortest path problem, the user must call Net::shortest_path in loop as long as the return value is Result::Expanded. In that case the arrays containing the objective function basecosts and augcosts must be enlarged by the user to contain the values for the new arcs. Then the shortest path problem must be resolved.

If the problem has been solved, the shortest path as well as its length can be retrieved using the Net::get_path method.

The following example demonstrates how to solve the shortest path problem.

std::vector<double> basecosts, augcost;
compute_costs(basecosts, augcosts); // compute the objective function
while (1) {
index_type nnodes, narcs;
if (net.shortest_path(basecosts, augcosts, nnodes, narcs) == Net::Result::Solved) break;
update_costs(basecosts, augcosts, nnodes, narcs); // enlarge objective
// get the shortest path
std::vector<index_type> path;
double len = net.get_path(path);

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Result

enum Dyng::Net::Result

Return states of the shortest path computation.

See also

The shortest path problem has been solved.


The shortest path problem has not been solved because the algorithm detected that the time expansion is too small.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Net()

Dyng::Net::Net ( )



Member Function Documentation

◆ add_basearc()

BaseArc Dyng::Net::add_basearc ( BaseNode  bsrc,
BaseNode  bsnk 

Add an arc to the base graph.

bsrcthe source base node
bsnkthe sink base node
bsrc and bsnk must be valid node numbers
number of the new arc
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ add_basenode()

BaseNode Dyng::Net::add_basenode ( Group  group)

Add a base node to the network.

groupthe group number of the new node
group must be a valid group number
the number of the new node
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ add_group()

Group Dyng::Net::add_group ( )

Add one group to the base graph.

the number of the new group

◆ add_groups()

Group Dyng::Net::add_groups ( index_type  ngroups)

Add several groups to the base graph.

The new groups are numbered in ascending order, the number of the first group is returned.

ngroupsthe number of new groups to be added.
ngroups > 0
The new groups are numbered $\{i,i+1,\ldots,i+\mbox{ngroups} - 1\}$, where $i$ is the returned number.

◆ add_runningtime()

void Dyng::Net::add_runningtime ( BaseArc  arc,
RunTime  running_time 

Add one possible running time to a base arc.

arcthe base arc
running_timea possible running time
arc must be a valid arc number
running_time >= 0
running_time == 1 if the arc is a loop
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ add_runningtimes() [1/2]

void Dyng::Net::add_runningtimes ( BaseArc  arc,
std::size_t  ntimes,
const RunTime  running_times[] 

Add several possible running times to a base arc.

arcthe base arc
ntimesthe number of new running times
running_timesan array of new running times
arc must be a valid arc number
ntimes >= 0
running_times[i] >= 0 for all i
running_times[i] == 1 for all i if arc is a loop
the array running_times must contain at least ntimes values, otherwise the behaviour is undefined
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ add_runningtimes() [2/2]

void Dyng::Net::add_runningtimes ( BaseArc  arc,
const std::vector< RunTime > &  running_times 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ arc()

Arc Dyng::Net::arc ( Node  src,
Node  snk 
) const

Returns the id of an arc in the time expansion.

The arc is identified by its source and sink nodes.

See also
srcthe id of the source node in the time expansion
snkthe id of the sink node in the time expansion
net must be initialized
src and snk must be valid node ids.
the id of the arc if exists
Return values
<tt>noarc</tt>if the arc does not exist
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_arc()

BaseArc Dyng::Net::base_arc ( BaseNode  bsrc,
BaseNode  bsnk 
) const

Returns the id of a base arc.

The arc is identified by its source and sink nodes.

See also
bsrcthe id of the source node
bsnkthe id of the sink node
bsrc and bsnk must be valid node ids.
the id of the arc if exists
Return values
<tt>noarc</tt>if the arc does not exist
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_firstin()

BaseArc Dyng::Net::base_firstin ( BaseNode  bnode) const

Return first incoming arc of a node in the base graph.

bnodethe base node
bnode must be a valid node number
the number of the incoming first arc or noarc if no such arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_firstout()

BaseArc Dyng::Net::base_firstout ( BaseNode  bnode) const

Return first outgoing arc of a node in the base graph.

bnodethe base node
bnode must be a valid node number
the number of the outgoing first arc or noarc if no such arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_group()

Group Dyng::Net::base_group ( BaseNode  bnode) const

Returns the index of the group of a base node.

bnodethe ID of the base node
bnode must be a valid
the group of the base node
std::invalid_argumentif bnode is invalid

◆ base_groupidx()

index_type Dyng::Net::base_groupidx ( BaseNode  bnode) const

Returns the number of the node in its group.

The bases nodes contained in the same group are numbered in the order they have been added to the network. This function returns this index.

bnodethe ID of the base node
bnode must be valid
the number of the base node in its group
std::invalid_argumentif bnode is invalid

◆ base_nextin()

BaseArc Dyng::Net::base_nextin ( BaseArc  arc) const

Return the next incoming base arc.

The next incoming arc is an arc with the same sink node.

arcthe base arc
arc must be a valid arc number
the number of the next incoming arc, noarc if no such arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_nextout()

BaseArc Dyng::Net::base_nextout ( BaseArc  arc) const

Return the next outgoing base arc.

The next outgoing arc is an arc with the same source node.

arcthe base arc
arc must be a valid arc number
the number of the next outgoing arc, noarc if no such arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_snk()

BaseNode Dyng::Net::base_snk ( BaseArc  arc) const

Return the number of the sink base node of a base arc.

arcthe base arc
arc must be a valid arc number
on success, the number of the sink node
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_src()

BaseNode Dyng::Net::base_src ( BaseArc  arc) const

Return the number of the source base node of a base arc.

arcthe base arc
arc must be a valid arc number
on success, the number of the source node
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ base_waitnode()

bool Dyng::Net::base_waitnode ( BaseNode  bnode) const

Returns true if the base node is a wait node.

bnodethe ID of the base node
bnode must be valid
true iff the base node is a wait node
std::invalid_argumentif bnode is invalid

◆ basenode()

BaseNode Dyng::Net::basenode ( Node  node) const

Returns the id of the base node associated with a node.

See also
nodethe id of the node
net must be initialized
node must be a valid
the id of the associated base node
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ basenode_mintime()

Time Dyng::Net::basenode_mintime ( BaseNode  bnode) const

Return the minimal possible time associated with a basenode.

See also
bnodethe id of the base node
net must be initialized
bnode must be a valid base node id
the minimal time associated with the base node
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ find_arc()

Arc Dyng::Net::find_arc ( BaseNode  bsrc,
Time  srctime,
BaseNode  bsnk,
Time  snktime 
) const

Returns the id of an arc in the time expansion.

The arc is specified by id and time index of its source and sink Nodes.

See also
bsrcthe id of the source base node
srctimethe time of the source node
bsnkthe id of the sink base node
snktimethe time of the sink node
net must be initialized
the id of the arc in the time expansion
Return values
nonodeif source or sink node are not (yet) contained in the network
noarcif the arc is not contained in the time expansion. Note that if DYNG_NOARC is returned then both nodes do exist, so the requested arc will never be contained in the time expansion.
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ firstin()

Arc Dyng::Net::firstin ( Node  node) const

Returns the id of the first incoming arc in the time expansion.

See also
nodethe id of the node
net must be initialized
node must be a valid node id
the id if the first incoming arc
Return values
<tt>noarc</tt>if no incoming arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ firstout()

Arc Dyng::Net::firstout ( Node  node) const

Returns the id of the first outgoing arc in the time expansion.

See also
nodethe id of the node
net must be initialized
node must be a valid node id
the id if the first outgoing arc
Return values
<tt>noarc</tt>if no outgoing arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ force_active()

void Dyng::Net::force_active ( Group  grp,
Time  time_active 

Forces the active subgraph to contain certain arcs.

All arcs leaving a base node of the given group up to a certain time index are forced to be contained in the active subgraph.

The graph will not be expanded immediately but at the next shortest path computation. Note that this might enlarge the graph at the next iteration.

grpthe group from which the new active arcs will leave
timefirst time index not contained in the active subgraph

◆ get_new_active() [1/2]

void Dyng::Net::get_new_active ( Arc  active[]) const

Return the list of newly activated arcs.

These are the arcs that have become active in the last expansion. The number of new active arcs can be queried using get_num_new_active.

◆ get_new_active() [2/2]

void Dyng::Net::get_new_active ( std::vector< Arc > &  active) const

Return the list of newly activated arcs.

These are the arcs that have become active in the last expansion.

◆ get_num_new_active()

index_type Dyng::Net::get_num_new_active ( ) const

Return the number of newly activated arcs.

These are the arcs that have become active in the last expansion.

◆ get_path() [1/2]

double Dyng::Net::get_path ( Arc  path[]) const

Returns the latest computed shortest path.

See also
[out]pathan array containing the arcs of the path in order
the costs of the shortest path, i.e., the sum of the arc weights
net must be initialized
path must have at least the size of the path length (the path length has been returned by shortest_path).
DyngErrorif no path is available (called shortest_path?)

◆ get_path() [2/2]

double Dyng::Net::get_path ( std::vector< Arc > &  path) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.


◆ get_pathlen()

index_type Dyng::Net::get_pathlen ( ) const

Return the length of the shortest path.

the length of the shortest path
DyngErrorif no path is available (called shortest path?)

◆ group_mintime()

Time Dyng::Net::group_mintime ( Group  group) const

Return the minimal possible time associated with a group.

See also
grpthe id of the group
net must be initialized
grp must be a valid group id
the minimal time associated with a group
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ init()

void Dyng::Net::init ( )

Initializes the time expansion.

This function initializes the necessary data structures for the time expansion. After calling this function, the base graph must not modified anymore, and each attempt to do so will raise an error.

  • the group graph must be a path
  • the base graph must have a unique source
  • the each two nodes of successive groups must be connected
  • each non-wait arc must have at least one running time
DyngErrorif the base graph does not satisfy all conditions

◆ isactive()

bool Dyng::Net::isactive ( Arc  arc) const

Returns true iff the given arc is contained in the active subgraph.

arcthe id of the arc
arc must be a valid arc id
true iff the arc is active, false otherwise
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ n_arcs()

index_type Dyng::Net::n_arcs ( ) const

Returns the number of arcs in the time expansion.

net must be initialized
the number of arcs in the time expansion

◆ n_basearcs()

index_type Dyng::Net::n_basearcs ( ) const

Return the number of base arcs.

number of base arcs

◆ n_basenodes()

index_type Dyng::Net::n_basenodes ( ) const

Return the number of base nodes.

the number of base nodes

◆ n_groups()

index_type Dyng::Net::n_groups ( ) const

Return the number of groups in the base graph.

the number of groups in the base graph

◆ n_nodes()

index_type Dyng::Net::n_nodes ( ) const

Returns the number of nodes in the time expansion.

net must be initialized
the number of nodes in the time expansion

◆ nextin()

Arc Dyng::Net::nextin ( Arc  arc) const

Returns the id of the next incoming arc in the time expansion.

The next incoming arc is an arc with the same sink node.

See also
arcthe id of the arc
net must be initialized
arc must be a valid arc id
the id if the next incoming arc
Return values
<tt>noarc</tt>if no next incoming arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ nextout()

Arc Dyng::Net::nextout ( Arc  arc) const

Returns the id of the next outgoing arc in the time expansion.

The next outgoing arc is an arc with the same source node.

See also
arcthe id of the arc
net must be initialized
arc must be a valid arc id
the id if the next outgoing arc
Return values
<tt>noarc</tt>if no next outgoing arc exists
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ node()

Node Dyng::Net::node ( BaseNode  bnode,
Time  time 
) const

Returns the id of a node in the time expansion.

The node is identified by its base node id and time index.

See also
bnodethe id of the base node
timethe time index of the node
net must be initialized
time must be nonnegative
the id of the node if exists
Return values
nonodeif the node does not (yet) exist
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ shortest_path() [1/4]

Result Dyng::Net::shortest_path ( const double  basecosts[],
const double  augcosts[],
index_type nnodes,
index_type narcs 

Solve the shortest path problem.

The shortest path problem is solved w.r.t. the cost values given in basecosts and augcosts. If an arc is contained in the active subgraph then its weight is basecosts[arc] + augcosts[arc], otherwise it is basecosts[arc]. The solution may fail if the resulting path is not contained in the active subgraph. In this case the time expansion is enlarged and nnodes and narcs are set to the number of new node and arcs, respectively, and Result::Expanded is returned. The shortest path problem must be solved again with enlarged cost vectors. If the resulting path is contained in the active subgraph then the solution succeeds. Then narcs is set to the number of arcs in the shortest path and Result::Solved is returned.

The computed shortest path can be obtained by Net::get_path.

[in]basecoststhe basic objective function
[in]augcoststhe augmented cost terms
[out]nnodesthe number of newly generated nodes
[out]narcsthe number of newly generated arcs or the length of the shortest path
Return values
Result::Solvedif the shortest path problem could be solved
Result::Expandedif the time expansion must be expanded
DyngErrorif the time expansion has not been initialized

◆ shortest_path() [2/4]

Result Dyng::Net::shortest_path ( const std::vector< double > &  basecosts,
const std::vector< double > &  augcosts,
index_type nnodes,
index_type narcs 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ shortest_path() [3/4]

Result Dyng::Net::shortest_path ( const double  basecosts[],
const double  augcosts[] 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ shortest_path() [4/4]

Result Dyng::Net::shortest_path ( const std::vector< double > &  basecosts,
const std::vector< double > &  augcosts 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ snk()

Node Dyng::Net::snk ( Arc  arc) const

Returns the id of the sink node of an arc in the time expansion.

See also
arcthe id of the arc
net must be initialized
arc must be a valid arc id
the id of the sink node in the time expansion
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ src()

Node Dyng::Net::src ( Arc  arc) const

Returns the id of the source node of an arc in the time expansion.

See also
arcthe id of the arc
net must be initialized
arc must be a valid arc id
the id of the source node in the time expansion
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

◆ time()

Time Dyng::Net::time ( Node  node) const

Returns the time index associated with a node in the time expansion.

See also
nodethe id of the node
net must be initialized
node must be a valid
the time associated with the node
std::invalid_argumenta precondition is violated

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