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50 most recent check-ins

Added Windows DLLs. Leaf check-in: 92e9a60812 user: Donny tags: release, trunk
created release branch which contains the binary and media required to play check-in: 4f66fb40d1 user: tags: release, trunk
turned debug mode off for stable. remember it can be turned on with -dev commandline parameter no need to keep changing the code Leaf check-in: b2767549b7 user: tags: trunk
turned debug mode off for stable. remember it can be turned on with -dev commandline parameter no need to keep changing the code Leaf check-in: 4a46157129 user: tags: stable, trunk
fixed another typo involving last 2 revisions check-in: bdc0f39b88 user: tags: trunk
fixed another typo involving last 2 revisions check-in: 944f9d8e9c user: tags: stable, trunk
fixing revision previous to this one. program using non-debug high scores now check-in: 1e49e36967 user: tags: stable, trunk
set program to use standard high scores instead of low debug ones. but i messed up so i have to make another commit after this check-in: ae654d5b5a user: tags: trunk
set program to use standard high scores instead of low debug ones. but i messed up so i have to make another commit after this check-in: 5ae88aeb09 user: tags: stable, trunk
added latest stable release. which is at this point the finished linux version. its identical to the trunk in this same revision check-in: 530726c5a2 user: tags: stable, trunk
fixed some slight UI odiditys and fixed sideways sound so that it plays wheneve rthe block ticks successfully right or left. check-in: 55d554e8b4 user: tags: trunk
directional menu movement is now blocked properly when it should not be played. the move_sideways.wav still doesnt work though check-in: 1d4f46ec3d user: tags: trunk
sounds are now included as a result of using SDL_mixer. the only sound that isnt working correctly at the moment is move_sideways.wav i want it to move only on a left or right arrow press where the block succesffully moves. also the menu movement sounds play even tho the selected option doesnt move check-in: f1dd3ca11c user: tags: trunk
now working on adding basic sound effects to the game before i call it complete and begin windows port check-in: 8955d2139c user: tags: trunk
made random number generator more random, and cleaned up terminal output check-in: b90363158d user: tags: trunk
made random number generator more random, and cleaned up terminal output check-in: f7c7b5bbb5 user: tags: stable, trunk
small minor code change in game.c see difference check-in: 4c7349c8af user: tags: trunk
small minor code change in game.c see difference check-in: 25fd3822be user: tags: stable, trunk
commiting stable branch of last revision check-in: 9b82ae5aed user: tags: stable, trunk
fixed high scores bug not pushing down scores when a new one is attained check-in: d7bd997634 user: tags: trunk
moved pictures into pictures folder for stable branch check-in: 7adee55fd2 user: tags: stable, trunk
adding pictures folder to stable check-in: dd07b63e8f user: tags: stable, trunk
copied essential files to stable branch check-in: c41bd946bc user: tags: stable, trunk
mouse pointer is now removed from screen (both in fullscreen mode and window mode) check-in: 72be9bcd77 user: tags: trunk
things to do: change block borders to white instead of black. fix high scores entry so that the entries lower then the new one (including the one being 'replaced') are pushed down a notch instead of just replacing the one that was beaten check-in: 4ed79adddb user: tags: trunk
next things to do are: 1) remove mouse pointer from fullscreen mode. 2) create improved art. that includes fixing the high scores entry screen coordinates. and making a picture that explains the controls. while doing those 2 i will consider if i should implement sound or wait until my next project to do that. check-in: 069b5e61de user: tags: trunk
last commit was possibly a bad upload, forgot to save some files. this commit should be fine however. added -dev parameter to enable debug_mode. check-in: 2009041ac6 user: tags: trunk
game can now parse command line parameters. so far only recognized one is -fullscreen which will boot the game in fullscreen mode (fullscreen disabled by default) check-in: 0caa081e18 user: tags: trunk
fixed bug where max level would be surpassed (20) and the blocks would stop falling. not exactly a kill screen. fullscreen toggle is as simple as calling sdl_setvideomode again with the SDL_Fullscreen flag, but i dont want to go through the trouble of creating an options menu to toggle it (which i never planned to do) and i dont want fullscreen mode to be toggled on a button press so i may just leave tetris in windowed mode, or add a commandline parameter to choose if you want to be in fullscreen or not. other then that the ubuntu version is mostly complete, save for replacing placeholder art. check-in: ad43140159 user: tags: trunk
forgot to mention in the last commit that the next thing i had to do was add some text for 'GET READY', 'GO GO GO', and 'GAME OVER'. those have been implemented now and adds some polish to the game presentation. to clarify i meant to look into maximizing the window, but may just stick with the default 640x480 window and fullscreen mode (nothing in between). check-in: 2ac4851435 user: tags: trunk
when the game is lost or quit there is a better transition now to the main menu or high scores menu. dead blocks will fill the playing field up when the game is lost as well. the issue with the last points not being shown shown on the score from a soft drop bonus on the last block has been fixed. at this moment all known bugs are fixed. i will now look into expanding the window to be fullscreen. hopefully it is not much trouble. after that, ensure there is no sort of kill screen that occurs from extended game play. the last task before porting to windows (besides final testing) will be improving the quality of the art and creating new art for the placeholder bitmaps. check-in: 5c761ca89e user: tags: trunk
highscores initial input works well now with no bugs. soft dropping score now added properly when down arrow is continuously held down for multiple blocks (bonus points are reset to 0 on each new block instead of a growing tally across blocks) check-in: 080f11cf14 user: tags: trunk
bugs: initials input is crappy (fix left/right arrows at boundaries and ensure data is wiped clean each time), the score isnt calculated correctly if the final block placed was given a DAS bonus, DAS may be adding continuously if you hold the down arrow down for several blocks instead of resetting. in this build, high scores are properly considered at the end of the game and are saved into the hs.dat file when a new high score is achieved. check-in: d47c90bbc3 user: tags: trunk
if you score over 100, the screen appears to enter your initials. it doesnt actually checkt o see if you made the high score list though, and doesnt enter your entry into the high scores list. just the initial functionality is there check-in: 56f946ad25 user: tags: trunk
a 1st draft of bitmap char sheet has been created. letters appear to display properly. next, create a simple interface that uses the 4 arrow keys to enter initials (3 slots) when a high score is attained after losing. check-in: ad95ca66e3 user: tags: trunk
high scores will display the scores and blocks for letters. proper sprite sheet for characters must be created and named char_sheet.bmp... also the game must check if a high score was attained after the game ends and create a visual that allows you to enter your initials using the arrow keys check-in: ad59b6fa0a user: tags: trunk
there is a pause now before the game starts and when the game is over. printf's now just need to be replaced with text images to place on the game screen. also i must check for a new high score at the end of the game (if lost, not quit) and also make a system for entering said high score using the arrow keys check-in: bb877c2463 user: tags: trunk
highscores are now implemented but do not display. i will try to create a bitmap font to display high scores. they are already stored and read correctly. if no hs.dat exists, a default one is made. check-in: 655b1a7e18 user: tags: trunk
delayed auto shifting is now implemented for moving left and right. the level is also calculated correctly now, and is done inside of g_onDownBlocked() check-in: 71ae109a3b user: tags: trunk
blocks now capable of soft dropping and points are awarded accordingly. must make it so that letting go of the down arrow in the pause menu does not break the soft drop (as long as its held down again when u resume u should b able to continuously soft drop) check-in: 5bbb6942b6 user: tags: trunk
numbers now show for level, lines and score. level is not calculted properly (currently done inside g_updateGame) check-in: aa0aa1044c user: tags: trunk
tetrominos now drop faster based on the level. level implemented and should increase every 10 levels. need to add to the score based on how long the arrow key is held down when tetrominos are dropped at a fast rate. number font must also be added and a system for drawing 'numbers' (actually pictures of numbers) must be created check-in: 1b02d06974 user: tags: trunk
things to do next: create scoring/leveling system + display them on screen, create high scores list that is saved in between sessions, polish game (game over animation, better art, ready-set-go animation, etc). check-in: 60173d3217 user: tags: trunk
frame rate is now capped by constant TARGET_FRAME_RATE check-in: 5753d132c2 user: tags: trunk
the blocks above disappearing ones appear to drop down properly now, and it works correctly with rotated tetrominos. BUGS: sometimes moving down and to the side at the same time causes a tetromino to get stuck on a wall check-in: 9ad756d02a user: tags: trunk
rotating tetrominos have been fully implemented (press spacebar) and no bugs are known to be present at this time check-in: 6269c0135f user: tags: trunk
blocks that are above move down now, however the logic isnt perfect. see g_dropAboveBlocksDown for more info. next up is to fix that logic as well as getting tetrominos to rotate. check-in: 5c877f161e user: tags: trunk
completed lines now get erased. crappy flashing animation plays momentarily before they disappear, no stats are recorded yet and the blocks that were above don't move down yet. check-in: d1c88d0b20 user: tags: trunk
tetrominos are now created with random types check-in: 6f71be024a user: tags: trunk
next block comes into play when previous one gets blocked downward. until i get random number generation implemented, all tetrominos spawned are type O. check-in: 59925b94c0 user: tags: trunk