
The Tcl/Tk transpops package displays popup messages. Fit for demos, though may be used otherwise.

The messages are read from a text file and after pressing a hotkey are shown one by one, in transparent mode. The most representative examples of the text files are in demos/alited/ subdirectories which result in demos of alited.

First called, the popup message is displayed under the mouse pointer. The following messages will be displayed at the same screen coordinates if not reset with an alternative hotkey.

The popup messages will be hidden at clicking them.

Also, you can draw on the screen, by means of drawscreen.

Note for apave package. The apave's showModal method includes a specific bind of Ctrl-Alt-0 keys to hide the transpops messages with these keys (because a modal window captures any clicks).

Runs this way:

package require transpops ::transpops::run transpops.txt wins ?events? ?fg? ?bg? ?events2? ?options?


  • transpops.txt - name of text file containing messages
  • wins - list of toplevel windows the events are bound to
  • events - events to show messages at mouse pointer as last and forced, default "Alt-t Alt-y"
  • fg, bg - foreground and background colors
  • events2 - list of events to start drawing on the screen, default "Control-x Control-X"
  • options - options of drawscreen

License: MIT.

Commandstranspops, Top

run [::transpops]transpops, Top

Runs my::Run and catches errors. Logs errors to a log file.

run ?args?
argsarguments of my::Run.

proc ::transpops::run {args} { # Runs my::Run and catches errors. Logs errors to a log file. # args - arguments of my::Run. if {[catch {my::Run {*}$args} err]} { catch { set ch [open /home/apl/TMP/transpops.log a] puts $ch $err close $ch } } }


The ::transpops::my namespace contains procedures for internal usage by transpops package.

Commandsmy, Top

OptionVar [::transpops::my]my, Top

Name of variable for transpops options.

OptionVar tag
tagoptions' tag (common name or message's index)

proc ::transpops::my::OptionVar {tag} { # Name of variable for transpops options. # tag - options' tag (common name or message's index) return "::transpops::my::_TP_OPTIONS_$tag" }

Popup [::transpops::my]my, Top

Popups a message in the popup window.

Popup msg
msgthe message

proc ::transpops::my::Popup {msg} { # Popups a message in the popup window. # msg - the message variable wmsgs variable wtxt variable alpha variable alphaincr variable cntwait variable waitfactor if {![winfo exists $wmsgs]} return if {$cntwait>0} { incr cntwait -1 } else { set alpha [expr {$alpha+$alphaincr}] if {$alpha>1.0} { set cntwait [expr {int(max(2,[string length $msg]/$waitfactor)/$alphaincr)}] set alphaincr [expr {-$alphaincr}] set alpha 1.0 } elseif {$alpha<0.0} { catch {destroy $wtxt} catch {destroy $wmsgs} return } catch {wm attributes $wmsgs -alpha $alpha} } after 10 "::transpops::my::Popup {$msg}" }

Run [::transpops::my]my, Top

Initializes and runs the popup messages.

Run fname wins ?events? ?fg1? ?bg1? ?events2? ?args?
fnamename of file containing the messages
winsthe list of parent window pathes
eventsevents on the window to run bound popups; optional, default ""
fg1foreground of popups; optional, default ""
bg1background of popups; optional, default ""
events2events to start drawing; optional, default ""
argsoptions of drawscreen

proc ::transpops::my::Run {fname wins {events {}} {fg1 {}} {bg1 {}} {events2 {}} args} { # Initializes and runs the popup messages. # fname - name of file containing the messages # events - events on the window to run bound popups # wins - the list of parent window pathes # fg1 - foreground of popups # bg1 - background of popups # events2 - events to start drawing # args - options of *drawscreen* variable draw variable msgs variable imsgs variable fg variable bg variable islinks variable textTags if {[set i [string first -nolink $args]]>=0} { set textTags [lrange $textTags 0 end-1] ;# cancel link tags set args [lreplace $args $i $i] set islinks 0 } if {$events eq {}} {set events {{<Alt-t> <Alt-T>} {<Alt-y> <Alt-Y>}}} if {$fg1 eq {}} {set fg1 #000000} if {$bg1 eq {}} {set bg1 #FBFB95} set fg $fg1 set bg $bg1 set chan [open $fname] chan configure $chan -encoding utf-8 set msgs [list] set merge no foreach line [split [read $chan] \n] { # skip comments if {[string index $line 0] eq {#}} { # comments may be valuable set line [string trim [string range $line 1 end]] set ov [split $line] lassign $ov o v if {[string match TRANSPOP* $o]} { # set/use options of transpops # e.g. # # TRANSPOPred -foreground #000 -background red # # TRANSPOP2 -foreground #fff -background black # then using them: # # TRANSPOP2 # # TRANSPOPred # also to set tags r, b, g: # TRANSPOP TAG b -font {-weight bold -size 20 -family Mono} -foreground red # and using: # this is <b>bolded text</b> if {[string match {TRANSPOP TAG *} $line]} { set nam [lindex $line 2] set tag [list $nam [lrange $line 3 end]] if {[set i [lsearch -exact -index 0 $textTags $nam]]>-1} { set textTags [lreplace $textTags $i $i $tag] } else { lappend textTags $tag } continue } set varOPTS [OptionVar $o] if {$v ne {}} { # setting options set $varOPTS [lrange $ov 1 end] } elseif {[info exists $varOPTS]} { # using options set llen [llength $msgs] if {!$merge} {incr llen} set [OptionVar $llen] [set $varOPTS] } } continue } # if it's a list of items, mark them accordingly if {[regexp {^\s*[*]\s+} $line]} { set i [string first * $line] set line [string range $line 0 $i-1]\u2022[string range $line $i+1 end] } # if line has "\\" at its end, it continues a message set line2 [string map {{ } {} - {} + {} / {} \\ {} * {} = {}} $line] set continued [expr {$line2 ne {} || $line eq {}}] if {$continued} { if {$merge} { set last [lindex $msgs end] append last \n $line set msgs [lreplace $msgs end end $last] } else { lappend msgs $line } } set merge $continued } close $chan set imsgs 0 set timo 300 set draw(events) $events2 set draw(opts) $args foreach w $wins { set ei 0 foreach event2 $events { incr ei foreach ev $event2 { ;# for {Alt-t Alt-T} etc. after $timo [list ::transpops::my::RunMe $w $ev [list ::transpops::my::Show %w $ei]] } } if {$draw(app)} {bind $w <Escape> exit} } }

RunMe [::transpops::my]my, Top

Binds an event on a window to a script.

RunMe win ev scrp
winthe window's path
evevent on the window
scrpthe bound script

The binding is made only on an existing window. The windows may be created and destroyed, so Run watches if they are available.

proc ::transpops::my::RunMe {win ev scrp} { # Binds an event on a window to a script. # win - the window's path # ev - event on the window # scrp - the bound script # The binding is made only on an existing window. # The windows may be created and destroyed, so Run watches if they are available. variable draw set w $win catch { # the window's path may be a glob pattern - compare the current toplevel to it set wfoc [winfo toplevel [focus]] if {[string match $w $wfoc]} {set w $wfoc} } if {[winfo exists $w]} { set sc "[string map [list %w $w] $scrp] ; break" if {![string match <*> $ev]} {set ev <$ev>} if {[string first $sc [bind $w $ev]]==-1} { bind $w $ev $sc } catch {::drawscreen run $w $draw(events) {*}$draw(opts)} } after 500 [list ::transpops::my::RunMe $win $ev $scrp] }

Show [::transpops::my]my, Top

Makes the popup toplevel window and starts popups.

Show win evn
winparent window's path
evnindex of event (2nd sets the geometry)

proc ::transpops::my::Show {win evn} { # Makes the popup toplevel window and starts popups. # win - parent window's path # evn - index of event (2nd sets the geometry) variable geom variable text variable textTags variable islinks variable msgs variable imsgs variable wmsgs variable wtxt variable alpha variable alphaincr variable cntwait variable fg variable bg if {![winfo exists $win]} return set fS red set wmsgs [string trimright $win .].transpops set wtxt $wmsgs.labtrans catch {destroy $wtxt} catch {destroy $wmsgs} while {1} { if {[incr imsgs]>[llength $msgs]} return set msg [string trim [lindex $msgs $imsgs-1]] if {$msg ne {}} break } set rows 0 set cols 10 set text {} foreach row [split $msg \n] { set row [string trimright $row] append text $row \n set row [string map [list <link> {} </link> {}] $row] foreach c [split rbgABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ {}] { set row [string map [list <$c> {} </$c> {}] $row] } if {[set c [string length $row]]>$cols} {set cols $c} incr rows } catch { # when used within apave theme, disable theming transpops ::apave::obj untouchWidgets *.transpops* } toplevel $wmsgs wm withdraw $wmsgs wm overrideredirect $wmsgs 1 wm attributes $wmsgs -topmost yes set varOPTS [OptionVar $imsgs] if {[info exists $varOPTS]} { set opts [set $varOPTS] } else { set opts {} } set font {-weight bold -size 16 -family Mono} if {[catch { set text [string trim $text] text $wtxt -padx 30 -pady 30 -foreground $fg -background $bg -font $font -relief solid {*}$opts -width $cols -height $rows -state disabled pack $wtxt if {$islinks} { ::apave::obj initLinkFont -underline 1 {*}$font -foreground $fg -background $bg } ::apave::obj displayTaggedText $wtxt ::transpops::my::text $textTags } e]} then { catch {destroy $wtxt} label $wtxt -padx 30 -pady 30 -foreground $fg -background $bg -font $font -relief solid -text $msg -justify left {*}$opts pack $wtxt -fill both -expand true } set alpha 0.0 set alphaincr [expr {abs($alphaincr)}] set alpha 0.0 set alphaincr 0.007 set cntwait 0 bind $wtxt <ButtonPress-1> {set ::transpops::my::cntwait 0; break} if {[regexp {^http[s]?://\S+$} $msg]} { catch { ::apave::obj makeLabelLinked $wtxt "::apave::openDoc $msg@@$msg@@" $fg $bg $fg yellow } } set x [expr {[winfo pointerx $win]+10}] set y [expr {[winfo pointery $win]+10}] if {$geom eq {} || $evn==2} {set geom +$x+$y} wm geometry $wmsgs $geom after 10 "wm deiconify $wmsgs; wm attributes $wmsgs -alpha 0.0 -topmost 1" after 15 "::transpops::my::Popup {$msg}" }

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