
Commandsklnd, Top

calendar [::klnd]klnd, Top

The main procedure of the calendar's toplevel.

calendar ?args?
argsoptions of the calendar

proc ::klnd::calendar {args} { # The main procedure of the calendar's toplevel. # args - options of the calendar variable my::p set my::p(isWidget) no # get options and initialize the calendar's settings lassign [my::InitCalendar {*}$args] title datevalue tvar parent centerme geo entry set args [clearArgs {*}$args] # priority of geometry options: -geometry, -entry, -parent, -centerme # if no geometry option, show the calendar under the mouse pointer if {$geo ne {}} { set geo "-geometry $geo" } elseif {$entry ne {} && [string first GEO $entry]<0} { set x [winfo rootx $entry] set y [expr {[winfo rooty $entry]+32}] set geo "-geometry +$x+$y" } elseif {$parent ne {}} { set geo "-centerme $parent" ;# to center in a toplevel window } elseif {$centerme ne {}} { set geo "-centerme $centerme" ;# it's an option of apave's } else { set geo "-geometry +[expr {[winfo pointerx .]+10}]+[expr {[winfo pointery .]+10}]" } set parent [string trimright $parent .] set win [set my::p(win) "$parent._apave_CALENDAR_"] catch {$my::p(obj) destroy} # create apave object and layout its window set my::p(obj) [::apave::APave create APAVE_CLND $win] $my::p(obj) makeWindow $win.fra $title $my::p(obj) paveWindow $win.fra [list {*}[my::MainWidgets] {seh fra T 1 7 {-pady 0}} {fraBottom seh T 1 7 {-st ew -pady 1}} {fraBottom.h_ - - - - {pack -fill both -expand 1 -side left} {}} {fraBottom.ButOK - - - - {pack -side left} {-t OK -com ::klnd::my::PickDay}} {fraBottom.ButClose - - - - {pack -side left} {-t "$my::Close" -com "$my::p(obj) res $win 0"}} ] unset -nocomplain ::klnd::TMPTIP unset -nocomplain ::klnd::TMPPACKW # binds for day buttons and 'Close' foreach {ev prc} { <Home> "::klnd::my::GoYear -1 yes" <End> "::klnd::my::GoYear 1 yes" <Prior> "::klnd::my::GoMonth -1 yes" <Next> "::klnd::my::GoMonth 1 yes"} { for {set i 1} {$i<38} {incr i} { set but [$my::p(obj) BuT_KLNDSTD$i] bind $but $ev $prc bind $but <FocusIn> "::klnd::my::Enter $i" bind $but <Button-1> "::klnd::my::Enter $i 0 {-code break}" bind $but <KeyPress> "::klnd::my::KeyPress $i %K %s" bind $but <Double-1> "::klnd::my::PickDay $i {-code break}" } catch {bind [$my::p(obj) ButClose] $ev $prc} } bind $win <F3> ::klnd::my::SetCurrentDay bind $win <KeyPress> "::klnd::my::Leave" set bok [$my::p(obj) ButOK] bind $bok <FocusIn> {::klnd::my::ChosenDay yes} bind $bok <FocusOut> "$bok configure -text OK" # show and work with the calendar after idle "::klnd::my::ShowMonth $my::p(m) $my::p(y) yes" set res [$my::p(obj) showModal $win -resizable no {*}$args {*}$geo] # get the result of the selection if any if {$res && $my::p(dvis)} { set res [my::ChosenDay] if {$tvar ne {}} {set $tvar $res} } else { set res {} } catch {$my::p(obj) destroy} catch {destroy $win} return $res }

clearArgs [::klnd]klnd, Top

Removes specific options from args.

clearArgs ?args?
argslist of options

proc ::klnd::clearArgs {args} { # Removes specific options from args. # args - list of options ::apave::removeOptions $args -title -value -tvar -locale -parent -dateformat -weekday -com -command -currentmonth -united -daylist -hllist -popup -tip -weeks -hlweeks }

clearup [::klnd]klnd, Top

Clearance for klnd data (variable my::p).


proc ::klnd::clearup {} { # Clearance for klnd data (variable my::p). variable my::p array unset my::p * }

currentYearMonthDay [::klnd]klnd, Top

Gets current year, month, day.

Return value

Returns a list of current year, month, day.

proc ::klnd::currentYearMonthDay {} { # Gets current year, month, day. # Returns a list of current year, month, day. set cl [clock seconds] foreach d {Y N e} {lappend res {*}[clock format $cl -format %$d]} return $res }

maxYear [::klnd]klnd, Top

Gets maximal year that is correct.


proc ::klnd::maxYear {} { # Gets maximal year that is correct. return 9999 }

minYear [::klnd]klnd, Top

Gets minimal year that is correct.


proc ::klnd::minYear {} { # Gets minimal year that is correct. return 1753 }

months [::klnd]klnd, Top

Gets a list of months according to a locale.

months ?loc?
locthe locale; optional, default ""

proc ::klnd::months {{loc {}}} { # Gets a list of months according to a locale. # loc - the locale if {$loc eq {}} {set loc [my::DefaultLocale]} set months [list] foreach i {01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12} { lappend months [clock format [clock scan "$i/01/2021" -format %D -locale $loc] -format %B -locale $loc] } return $months }

weekdays [::klnd]klnd, Top

Gets a list of week days according to a locale.

weekdays ?loc?
locthe locale; optional, default ""

Return list of weekdays and week format (%u or %w)

proc ::klnd::weekdays {{loc {}}} { # Gets a list of week days according to a locale. # loc - the locale # Return list of weekdays and week format (%u or %w) variable my::locales if {$loc eq {}} {set loc [my::DefaultLocale]} if {[array names my::locales $loc] ne {}} { set wformat $my::locales($loc) } else { set wformat %u ;# by default, 1st day of week is Monday } if {$wformat eq {%u}} { ;# Sunday be the last day of week set wdays {1 2 3 4 5 6 7} } else { set wdays {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} } set days [list] foreach i $wdays { lappend days [clock format [clock scan "03/[expr {14+$i}]/2021" -format %D -locale $loc] -format %a -locale $loc] } list $days $wformat }


Commandsmy, Top

ChosenDay [::klnd::my]my, Top

Formats a chosen day and displays it at need.

ChosenDay ?show?
showif yes, displays the result; optional, default no

proc ::klnd::my::ChosenDay {{show no}} { # Formats a chosen day and displays it at need. # show - if yes, displays the result variable p set res {} if {$p(dvis)} { set res [clock format [clock scan $p(mvis)/$p(dvis)/$p(yvis) -format %D] -format $p(dformat)] if {$show} {[$p(obj) ButOK] configure -text $res} } return $res }

CurrentDate [::klnd::my]my, Top

Gets the current date.


proc ::klnd::my::CurrentDate {} { # Gets the current date. variable p set sec [clock seconds] lassign [split [clock format $sec -format $p(FINT)] /] p(y) p(m) p(d) return $sec }

DefaultLocale [::klnd::my]my, Top

Gets a default locale currently used in a system.


proc ::klnd::my::DefaultLocale {} { # Gets a default locale currently used in a system. return [lindex [::msgcat::mcpreferences] 0] }

Enter [::klnd::my]my, Top

Highlights a button and makes it current.

Enter i ?focusin? ?ret?
ibutton index
focusinyes, if the button is clicked and focused; optional, default 0
ret"return -code" optional, default ""

proc ::klnd::my::Enter {i {focusin 0} {ret {}}} { # Highlights a button and makes it current. # i - button index # focusin - yes, if the button is clicked and focused # ret - "return -code" variable p if {![IsDay $i]} {return {*}$ret} Leave lassign [fgHL $i $p(fgsel)] w fg fg2 $w configure -fg $fg -bg $p(bgsel) set p(ienter) $i set p(dvis) [$w cget -text] catch {after cancel $p(after2)} set p(after2) [after 10 "if \[winfo exists $w\] {focus -force $w}"] if {$focusin && $p(com) ne {}} { eval [MapYMD $p(com) $p(yvis) $p(mvis) $p(dvis)] } }

fgHL [::klnd::my]my, Top

Highlights day from -hllist option.

fgHL n fg
nday button's index
fgdefault fg color
Return value

Returns list of button path, fg for day, fg for week

proc ::klnd::my::fgHL {n fg} { # Highlights day from -hllist option. # n - day button's index # fg - default fg color # Returns list of button path, fg for day, fg for week variable p set but [$p(obj) BuT_KLNDSTD$n] set d [$but cget -text] lassign [fgMayHL $fg $p(yvis) $p(mvis) $d] fg fg2 list $but $fg $fg2 }

fgMayHL [::klnd::my]my, Top

Gets -fg option for day cell & week number.

fgMayHL fg1 y m d
fg1default fg color

proc ::klnd::my::fgMayHL {fg1 y m d} { # Gets -fg option for day cell & week number. # fg1 - default fg color # y - year # m - month # d - day variable p variable red set fg [set fgw $fg1] set d [string trim $d] set m [string trim $m] if {$d ni {0 ""}} { set fmt %Y/%N/%e set day1 $y/$m/$d set week1 [clock format [clock scan $y/$m/$d -format $fmt] -format %V] foreach day $p(hllist) { lassign [split $day /] y2 m2 d2 set y2 [string range 20$y2 end-3 end] set m2 [string trimleft $m2 0] set d2 [string trimleft $d2 0] set day2 $y2/$m2/$d2 if {$p(hlweeks)} { set week2 [clock format [clock scan $day2 -format $fmt] -format %V] if {$week1 eq $week2 && $y==$y2} { set fgw $red break } } elseif {$day1 eq $day2} { set fg $red break } } } list $fg $fgw }

GoMonth [::klnd::my]my, Top

Shifts the month backward/forward.

GoMonth i ?dobreak?
iincrement for the current month
dobreakyes when called from 'bind'; optional, default no

proc ::klnd::my::GoMonth {i {dobreak no}} { # Shifts the month backward/forward. # i - increment for the current month # dobreak - yes when called from 'bind' variable p set m [expr {$p(mvis)+($i)}] if {$m>12} {set m 1; incr p(yvis)} if {$m<1} {set m 12; incr p(yvis) -1} ShowMonth $m $p(yvis) yes if {$dobreak} {return -code break} }

GoYear [::klnd::my]my, Top

Shifts the year backward/forward.

GoYear i ?dobreak?
iincrement for the current year
dobreakyes when called from 'bind'; optional, default no

proc ::klnd::my::GoYear {i {dobreak no}} { # Shifts the year backward/forward. # i - increment for the current year # dobreak - yes when called from 'bind' variable p ShowMonth $p(mvis) [expr {$p(yvis)+($i)}] yes if {$dobreak} {return -code break} }

HighlightCurrentDay [::klnd::my]my, Top

Highlights the current day's button.


proc ::klnd::my::HighlightCurrentDay {} { # Highlights the current day's button. variable p catch { lassign [fgHL $p(icurr) $p(fg2)] but fg fg2 $but configure -fg $fg -bg $p(bg2) } }

InitCalendar [::klnd::my]my, Top

Initializes the settings of the calendar.

InitCalendar ?args?
argsOptional arguments.

proc ::klnd::my::InitCalendar {args} { # Initializes the settings of the calendar. variable p variable locales InitSettings lassign [::apave::parseOptions $args -locale [::msgcat::mclocale] -title {} -value {} -tvar {} -parent {} -dateformat %D -weeks 0 -weekday {} -centerme {} -geometry {} -entry {} -com {} -command {} -currentmonth {} -united no -daylist {-} -hllist {} -popup {} -tip {} -width 2 -hlweeks 0] loc title datevalue tvar parent p(dformat) p(weeks) p(weekday) centerme geo entry com1 com2 p(currentmonth) p(united) p(daylist) p(hllist) p(popup) p(tip) p(width) p(hlweeks) if {$com2 eq {}} {set p(com) $com1} {set p(com) $com2} # get localized week day names lassign [::klnd::weekdays $loc] p(days) p(weekday) # get localized month names set p(months) [::klnd::months $loc] set p(loc) $loc set p(tvar) $tvar if {$tvar ne {}} { set datevalue [set $tvar] } elseif {$p(daylist) ne {-}} { set datevalue [lindex $p(daylist) 0] } catch {unset p(after)} ;# to pause more at start # colors to be used CurrentDate set p(yvis) $p(y) ;# by default, the selected date = the current date set p(mvis) $p(m) set p(dvis) $p(d) if {$title eq {}} {set title [::msgcat::mc Calendar]} catch {set p(dformat) [subst $p(dformat)]} # get the day to display at start if {![catch {set ym [clock scan $datevalue -format $p(dformat)]}]} { set p(m) [clock format $ym -format %N] set p(y) [clock format $ym -format %Y] set p(dvis) [clock format $ym -format %e] } ::apave::obj untouchWidgets *KLND* list $title $datevalue $tvar $parent $centerme $geo $entry }

InitSettings [::klnd::my]my, Top

Gets initial settings, once only.


proc ::klnd::my::InitSettings {} { # Gets initial settings, once only. variable p variable msgdir array set p [list FINT %Y/%N/%e days {} months {} d 0 m 0 y 0 dvis 0 mvis 0 yvis 0 icurr 0 ienter 0 weekday {} d1st 1 width 2 loc en_uk] if {![info exists :klnd::my::prevY]} { foreach {i icon} {0 home 1 previous2 2 previous 3 next 4 next2} { image create photo IM_KLND_$i -data [::apave::iconData $icon small] } lassign [::apave::obj csGet] p(fg0) p(fg1) p(bg0) p(bg1) - p(bgsel) p(fgsel) - - p(fgh) - - - - p(fg2) p(bg2) # localized stuff catch {::msgcat::mcload $msgdir} set ::klnd::my::prevY [::msgcat::mc {Previous year}] set ::klnd::my::prevM [::msgcat::mc {Previous month}] set ::klnd::my::nextY [::msgcat::mc {Next year}] set ::klnd::my::nextM [::msgcat::mc {Next month}] set ::klnd::my::Close [::msgcat::mc Close] } }

IsDay [::klnd::my]my, Top

Check if a button shows a day.

IsDay i
ibutton index

proc ::klnd::my::IsDay {i} { # Check if a button shows a day. # i - button index variable p return [expr {![catch {set w [$p(obj) BuT_KLNDSTD$i]}] && [$w cget -takefocus]}] }

KeyPress [::klnd::my]my, Top

Processes the key presses on buttons.

KeyPress i K s
ibutton index
Kpressed key
skey's state

proc ::klnd::my::KeyPress {i K s} { # Processes the key presses on buttons. # i - button index # K - pressed key # s - key's state variable p Leave $i switch -glob $K { Left {incr i -1} Right {incr i} Up {incr i -7} Down {incr i 7} Enter - Return - space {$p(obj) res $p(win) 1} F3 {SetCurrentDay; return -code break} *Tab* { if {$s%2} {set b Close} {set b OK} focus [$p(obj) But$b] return -code break } default {Enter $i; return} } if {[IsDay $i]} { Enter $i } elseif {$K in {Left Up}} { GoMonth -1 } else { GoMonth 1 } return -code break }

Leave [::klnd::my]my, Top

Unhighlights a button.

Leave ?i?
ibutton index; optional, default 0

proc ::klnd::my::Leave {{i 0}} { # Unhighlights a button. # i - button index variable p if {$i && ![[$p(obj) BuT_KLNDSTD$i] cget -takefocus]} return foreach n [list $i $p(ienter)] { if {$n} { lassign [fgHL $n $p(fg1)] but fg fg2 $but configure -fg $fg -bg $p(bg1) } } HighlightCurrentDay }

MainWidgets [::klnd::my]my, Top

Forms main widgets of calendar.


proc ::klnd::my::MainWidgets {} { # Forms main widgets of calendar. variable p if {$p(tip) eq {}} { set ::klnd::TMPTIP {} } else { set tip [string map [list \{ ( \} )] $p(tip)] ;# for a possible bad list set ::klnd::TMPTIP "-tip {$tip}" } if {$p(weeks)} {set ::klnd::TMPPACKW {}} {set ::klnd::TMPPACKW forget} if {[::iswindows]} {set pady 2} {set pady 1} set ::klnd::TMPATTW "-font {$::apave::FONTMAIN} -padx 0 -pady $pady -activeforeground $p(fgh) -activebackground $p(bg1) -foreground $p(fgh) -relief flat -overrelief flat -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 -width 2" return { {fra - - 1 7 {-st new} {}} {.frATool - - 1 7 {-st new} {-bg $::klnd::my::p(bg1)}} {.frATool.tool - - - - {pack -side top} {-array { IM_KLND_0 {::klnd::my::SetCurrentDay} sev 2 IM_KLND_1 {{::klnd::my::GoYear -1} -tip "$::klnd::my::prevY\n(Home)@@-under 5"} h_ 1 IM_KLND_2 {{::klnd::my::GoMonth -1} -tip "$::klnd::my::prevM\n(PageUp)@@-under 5"} h_ 2 LabMonth {"" {-fill x -expand 1} {-anchor center -w 14}} h_ 1 IM_KLND_3 {{::klnd::my::GoMonth 1} -tip "$::klnd::my::nextM\n(PageDown)@@-under 5"} h_ 2 IM_KLND_4 {{::klnd::my::GoYear 1} -tip "$::klnd::my::nextY\n(End)@@-under 5"} }}} {.frAW .frATool T - - {-padx 0} {-bg $::klnd::my::p(bg1) -w 0 -borderwidth 0}} {.frAW.labw - - 1 1 {pack -pady 1}} {.frAW.BuTW1 + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}} {.frAW.BuTW2 + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}} {.frAW.BuTW3 + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}} {.frAW.BuTW4 + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}} {.frAW.BuTW5 + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}} {.frAW.BuTW6 + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}} {.frADays .frAW L 1 1 {-st nsew} {-bg $::klnd::my::p(bg1)}} {.frADays.tcl { # make headers and buttons of days if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} { set att {-highlightthickness 1} } else { set att {-highlightthickness 0} } set wt - for {set i 1} {$i<45} {incr i} { if {$i<8} {set cur ".frADays.LabDay$i"} {set cur ".frADays.BuT_KLNDSTD[expr {$i-7}]"} if {($i%7)!=1} {set p L; set pw $pr} {set p T; set pw $wt; set wt $cur} if {$i<8} { set lwid "$cur $pw $p 1 1 {-st ew} {-anchor center -foreground $::klnd::my::p(fgh) -background $::klnd::my::p(bg1)}" } else { set lwid "$cur $pw $p 1 1 {-st ew} {-relief flat -overrelief raised -takefocus 0 -padx 8 -pady 1 -font {$::apave::FONTMAIN} -com {::klnd::my::Enter [expr {$i-7}] 1} $::klnd::TMPTIP $att -w 2 -background $::klnd::my::p(bg1)}" } %C $lwid set pr $cur } }} } }

MapYMD [::klnd::my]my, Top

Gets a script with %y, %m, %d wildcards.

MapYMD script y m d
scriptNot documented.
yNot documented.
mNot documented.
dNot documented.

proc ::klnd::my::MapYMD {script y m d} { # Gets a script with %y, %m, %d wildcards. string map [list %y $y %m $m %d $d] $script }

PickDay [::klnd::my]my, Top

Processes choosing a button.

PickDay ?i? ?ret?
ibutton index; optional, default -1
retreturned "-code break", for double-click; optional, default ""

proc ::klnd::my::PickDay {{i -1} {ret {}}} { # Processes choosing a button. # i - button index # ret - returned "-code break", for double-click variable p if {$i==-1} {set i $p(ienter)} if {[IsDay $i]} {$p(obj) res $p(win) 1} return {*}$ret }

SetCurrentDay [::klnd::my]my, Top

Goes to the current date.


proc ::klnd::my::SetCurrentDay {} { # Goes to the current date. variable p set p(dvis) 0 ShowMonth $p(m) $p(y) Enter $p(icurr) }

ShowMonth [::klnd::my]my, Top

Displays a month's days.

ShowMonth m y ?dopopup?
mmonth y -year
yNot documented.
dopopupyes, if bind a popup menu; optional, default no

proc ::klnd::my::ShowMonth {m y {dopopup no}} { # Displays a month's days. # m - month # y -year # dopopup - yes, if bind a popup menu variable p variable red set sec [CurrentDate] set y [expr {max($y,1753)}] ::baltip::tip [$p(obj) BuT_IM_KLND_0] "[::msgcat::mc {Current date}]: [clock format $sec -format $p(dformat) -locale $p(loc)]\n(F3)" -under 5 # display month & year [$p(obj) LabMonth] configure -text "[lindex $p(months) [expr {$m-1}]] $y" -font [::apave::obj boldDefFont [expr {[::apave::obj basicFontSize]+2}]] # display day names for {set i 1} {$i<8} {incr i} { [$p(obj) LabDay$i] configure -text " [lindex $p(days) $i-1] " } # 1st day of the month's first week: set day1st [clock scan "$m/1/$y" -format %D] set i0 [clock format $day1st -format %w] if {$p(weekday) eq "%u"} {if {$i0} {incr i0 -1} {set i0 6}} # get the last day of month if {[set yl $y] && [set ml $m]==12} {set ml 1; incr yl} set lday [clock format [clock scan "[incr ml]/1/$yl 1 day ago"] -format %d] set iday [set p(icurr) 0] for {set i 1} {$i<38} {incr i} { if {$i<=$i0 || $iday>=$lday} { set ttl { } set att "-takefocus 0 -activebackground $p(bg1) -overrelief flat" set script {} } else { set ttl [incr iday] set att "-takefocus 1 -activeforeground $p(fg0) -activebackground $p(bg0) -overrelief raised" if {$iday==$p(dvis) || ($iday==$lday && $iday<$p(dvis))} { if {[info exists p(after)]} {set af 20} {set af 200} ;# less at key pressing tight catch {after cancel $p(after)} set p(after) [after $af "::klnd::my::Enter $i; ::klnd::my::HighlightCurrentDay"] } if {$iday==1} {set p(d1st) $i} if {$y==$p(y) && $m==$p(m) && $iday==$p(d)} { set p(icurr) $i ;# button's index of the current date } if {$dopopup} { set script [MapYMD $p(popup) $y $m $iday] } } lappend ttls [string trim $ttl] lassign [fgMayHL $p(fg1) $y $m $iday] fg fg2 append weeksfg([expr {($i-1)/7}]) $fg2 set wbut [$p(obj) BuT_KLNDSTD$i] $wbut configure {*}$att -fg $fg -bg $p(bg1) -relief flat -text $ttl if {$dopopup && $p(popup) ne {}} { bind $wbut <Button-3> $script } } set wnums [WeekNumbers $day1st $ttls] for {set i 0} {$i<6} {} { if {$p(hlweeks) && [string match *$red* $weeksfg($i)]} { set fg $red } else { set fg $p(fgh) } set wnum [lindex $wnums $i] set wbut [$p(obj) BuTW[incr i]] $wbut configure {*}$::klnd::TMPATTW -text $wnum -foreground $fg } set p(mvis) $m ;# month & year currently visible set p(yvis) $y }

TrimN [::klnd::my]my, Top

Strips day/month of leading 0 and space.

TrimN n

proc ::klnd::my::TrimN {n} { # Strips day/month of leading 0 and space. # n - day/month return [string trimleft $n { 0}] }

WeekNumbers [::klnd::my]my, Top

Gets the list of week numbers for a month.

WeekNumbers day1st ttls
day1st1st day of months
ttlslist of calender button's titles

proc ::klnd::my::WeekNumbers {day1st ttls} { # Gets the list of week numbers for a month. # day1st - 1st day of months # ttls - list of calender button's titles variable p set res [list] set secw $day1st set incd 0 for {set i 1} {$i<7} {incr i} { set dtext [clock format $secw -format %V] if {$p(weeks)==2} { # 2nd (vulgar) mode of week numeration set month [clock format $secw -format %m] if {[clock format $secw -format %Y]>[clock format $day1st -format %Y]} { set dtext {} } elseif {$i==1 && $month eq {01} && $dtext ne {01}} { set dtext {01} set incd 1 } elseif {$month==12 && $dtext eq {01}} { set dtext [incr dtextprev] } else { set dtext [string range 0[expr {[string trimleft $dtext 0]+$incd}] end-1 end] } set dtextprev $dtext } if {$i==5 && [lindex $ttls 28] eq {} || $i==6 && [lindex $ttls 35] eq {}} { set dtext {} } lappend res $dtext set w [clock format $secw -format %w] if {$w} {set w [expr {8-$w}]} {set w 1} set secw [clock add $secw $w days] } return $res }

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