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50 most recent check-ins

fix: misspelling Leaf check-in: c5465d5e71 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: official conversions of image pipelines into representations suitable for debugging and visualization. note: outputs to tcl script, markdown table, and d2 ([declarative diagrams](https://d2lang.com/)). todo: support graphviz dot. check-in: 979e847cea user: aku tags: trunk
doc: HSL/HSV value ranges check-in: 82a329e14d user: aku tags: trunk
perf fix: norm is #pixels, can be queries, no need to compute dynamically from the csum's max doc fix: added notes regarding materialization of the LUT for the lut ops check-in: 38bec074d0 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: code formatting check-in: 70e54ce43b user: aku tags: trunk
fix: (triple facepalm) missing setup of AKTIVE input channel as binary check-in: a38b5c3bbf user: aku tags: trunk
fix: forgotten test assets belonging to commit [ad4f1087a8] feat: debug helper app, conversion of AKTIVE files to plain text check-in: 86c2628d69 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: trial support - nicer intro header, properly distinguish shell from script tweak: trial support - label images the basics are shown for tweak: trial support - extend dag to show image params feat: trial support - new deconstructor, print instruction sequence recreating the image DAG check-in: d48aeb2531 user: aku tags: trunk
debug: extended tracing of the new relational arg* ops tweak: reordered retrieval of threshold and pixel data beware: in the original order a shared dag node (region, buffer) had its geometry overwritten, breaking processing beware: with the changed order the overwrite is avoided beware: INDICATION of issues with having the processing network a DAG matching the declaration network DAG beware: CONSIDER undoing the sharing, going from dag back to tree beware: OR detect the issue in the shared node and prevent it check-in: d5d0be2dac user: aku tags: trunk
debug: extended tracing of inputs and outputs for cumulative sums check-in: 8fe6c261db user: aku tags: trunk
forgotten in previous commit fix: AKTIVE reader - 4G limitations fix: AKTIVE reader - mishandled image x, y on read (signed int, not unsigned) fix: AKTIVE reader - mishandled image x, y when addressing the pixel block note: added self checks - file size, actual vs expected - pixel positions check-in: ce9c8136dc user: aku tags: trunk
feat: support read/write signed ints fix: undo 4G limitations in chan writer (string needs Tcl 9) fix: AKTIVE writer - 4G limitations fix: AKTIVE writer - mishandled image x, y on read, write (signed int, not unsigned) fix: AKTIVE writer - mishandled image x, y when addressing the pixel block check-in: f2c96c91a2 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: equalization doc comments tweak: embed mirror doc comment tweak: blit tracing, added one more digit for coord printing check-in: d9328e2bd9 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: pgm text reader - always read full rows into the vector cache, even when pipeline only asks for a partial row fix: ppm text reader - see above fix: ppm text reader - missing factor for triplets when indexing into cached row note: plus tests check-in: ad4f1087a8 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: changed agmin, argmax to arg::min, arg::max (i.e. namespaced) note: updated users (tests, kuwahara) feat: added more `arg` operators (`gt`, `gt`, `le`, `lt`) taking a threshold to compare against, plus tests note: additional C level reducers for these check-in: 4f5d8324e5 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: replaced `set foo [lindex [split $__op :] ...]` constructs poking dsl internals with a proper dsl command (`op`). check-in: 75b7d5075f user: aku tags: trunk
feat: basic image comparisons, metrics MSE and RMSE, plus tests check-in: de61dd510f user: aku tags: trunk
fixup: description of gaussian kernel generator tweak: documented the C state accessors for the generated reduction operators tweak: the internal notes for the statistics operators tweak: especially noted the introduction of vector caches for various histogram ops check-in: 062ba42202 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: shuffled various transformers into a new filter directory tweak: shuffled band un/fold to structure transformers feat: completed set of READMEs for all the sub directories tweak: reworked the math READMEs, removed unneeded details check-in: 0ad07c2d56 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: gamma function links in math README check-in: 98fa443d00 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: math README check-in: 5303be47a9 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: more per-directory README.md files explaining the directory contents, i.e. embedded docs check-in: d0f68d1811 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: added per-directory README.md files explaining the directory contents, i.e. embedded docs note: shown nicely by fossil when browsing the repositories' file hierarchy check-in: 29c97a9507 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: more lut operators, construction & composition fix: missing direct tests tweak: extended tracing in the non-interpolated lut-implementation check-in: 5c4032bfcc user: aku tags: trunk
fix: argument formatting for `apply1z` blitter check-in: 472b4a3efe user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: simplify indexed lut, use `embed band copy` over `montage z` note: where possible the `copy` internally uses `resample replicate` over `montage` note: testing happens as part of the `equalization` operator and tests check-in: 699aed59d1 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: missing argument in `aktive 2file` operator implementation tweak: simplify `save-to` test helper, use `2file` operators chore: update all test cases to match the changed signature of `save-to` check-in: 1eae044edc user: aku tags: trunk
cleanup: removed unused `aktive::2string` helper note: this removes our dependency on `tcl::chan::variable` as well check-in: 78684f4ebd user: aku tags: trunk
feat: added band embedding operators, `black` and `copy`, plus tests note: when embedding a single-band `copy` uses `resample replicate` instead of `montage z` feat: added pixel-wise linear blending between two images under control of image with blend factors, plus tests note: uses band embedding to match the image depths check-in: c4b6c0e2c3 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: support building from non-standard kettle feat: support testing with non-standard tclsh locations/versions note: both used to check the 8.6 / 9 compatibility work check-in: 06eb0b6ebf user: aku tags: trunk
change: reimplemented the `2string` operators of AKTIVE and NETPBM in C note: first actual use of the bytearray writer check-in: f93c253f4a user: aku tags: trunk
chore: tcl 9 compatibility work, runtime note: mostly Tcl_Size work, marking places, headers, data formatting, enable in tests note: bytearray writer redone. changed signatures, define special values, write note: to C-managed byte buffer, conversion to bytearray Tcl_Obj only at end feat: low-level macros providing linear and bilinear interpolation chore: copyright bumps check-in: 49928cdba7 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: bad varname in docs, added missing variable. feat: extended docs, operator template, with list of visible variables. tweak: formatting, operator head line. check-in: 4b8592a13b user: aku tags: trunk
feat: support for single-parameter unary transforms with a complex parameter (void*). feat: operator to transform image via indexed lookup table. note: lut examples - histogram, (scaled) csum of histogram, ... feat: global histogram equalization (GHE) via LUT mapping (scaled csum of global histogram). plus tests. note: lut mapping is indirectly tested through the GHE. check-in: 31728a1b08 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: variable aliasing breaking trial support introduced by commit [ce9343b7fe]. check-in: cd02b33d43 user: aku tags: trunk
tweak: changed image histogram implementation for speed. note: dependent on current fixed access pattern, i.e. (concurrent) row-wise. check-in: a633d5a6c3 user: aku tags: trunk
fixup: typo check-in: ff98d5da3e user: aku tags: trunk
fix: band un/folding - mistreatment of images not at (0,0) position. tests updated, reorg. fix: histograms - mistreatment of images not at (0,0) position. tests updated, reorg. fix: cumulative sums - mistreatment of images not at (0,0) position. tests updated, reorg. note: confusion wrt the various coordinate systems (logical, physical, cache indexing). feat: extended test/trial support. check-in: 10db3c22c0 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: new accessor `query values` for easy direct pixel retrieval, plus tests. chore: updated/simplified all places using astcl+dict.get for pixel access. note: mostly tests and support. also global otsu threshold. feat: extended trial support with multi photo display command check-in: ce9343b7fe user: aku tags: trunk
feat: wolf-jolion thresholding (sauvola variant) beware: not tested check-in: 0d0b1d9bf8 user: aku tags: trunk
feat: wiener filter. beware: not tested. check-in: 70bd48f61c user: aku tags: trunk
fixup: followup to [a1291b6a4f]. update internal comments to match code changes. check-in: d32517de18 user: aku tags: trunk
chore: tweaked main file wrt debugging - default off for everything feat: support options in tools/re (f.e: redirect install locations) feat: show executable, script for tial operation. feat: activate memory validation where possible, for trialing. fix: typo in perf output check-in: 06c8e1d858 user: aku tags: trunk
chore: extended/modified tracing in netpbm, context, tracked memory, and vector cache. check-in: 37952b3fb7 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: context handling by region. region recording itself in context has to remove itself too. note: old code left first region of DAG in context, leaking the hash entry. check-in: 887dc7774d user: aku tags: trunk
fix: mishandling of eof when reading text uint. fail only if we have not seen an actual number. note: old code left the last value of text P*M data undefined. check-in: 7d7330c592 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: size of vectors for netbpm vector cache. include depth. note: old code smashed memory when reading PPM data. check-in: 362caf1989 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: left-over reference to removed argument. check-in: efc5bb45e5 user: aku tags: trunk
fix: properly separate laplace from sharpening kernels. note: sharpening is laplace + original image check-in: a1291b6a4f user: aku tags: trunk
feat: new operators computing an otsu threshold across the axes, plus tests. feat: added otsu to the set of global and local thresholding/mask operators, plus tests. fix: description of global phansalkar threshold. check-in: 2f08441b1d user: aku tags: trunk