

CL-Remi-Rss is a small library for reading RSS feeds. It supports RSS version 2.0 (and 0.91 and 0.92), and is written entirely in Common Lisp.

Wanna support Remilia? Buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi, or support me through Liberapay.

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How do I get set up?

Most dependencies can be installed via Quicklisp. The CL-SDM cannot, however. It can be obtained from:

Once you have the dependencies, put them (and this library) somewhere where ASDF can find them, then run this in a REPL:

(asdf:load-system :cl-remi-rss)


(asdf:load-system :cl-remi-rss)

;; Parse an RSS file
(remi-rss:parse #P"/path/to/file.rss")

;; Loop through all items that have appeared in the past 15 days and print their titles.
(let ((rss (remi-rss:parse #P"/path/to/file.rss")))
  (remi-rss:with-items-newer-than (item rss 15 :day)
    (format t "Item Title: ~a~%" (remi-rss:item-title item))))


Known Limitations

Style info

I use a slightly unorthodox style for my code. Aside from these differences, please use normal Lisp formatting.

How do I contribute?

  1. Go to https://chiselapp.com/user/MistressRemilia/repository/cl-remi-rss and clone the Fossil repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature.
  3. Push locally to the new branch.
  4. Create a bundle with Fossil that contains your changes.
  5. Get in contact with me.


Links and Licenses

CL-Remi-Rss is under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.