Configuration File Format

The configuration file lets you specify many of Benben's options, saving you from having to type them in on the command line each time, as well as a few that aren't available via the command line. The file uses the YAML format for ease of use. The first time you run Benben, a default configuration file will be created.

The location of the configuration file depends on your platform:

  • On Linux/Unix: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/benben/benben.yaml (this usually means ~/.config/benben/benben.yaml).

Note that command line options can still override the configuration file. So you can have your configuration file set to loop each song 3 times, you still use the --loop parameter to temporarily change to another value.


Starting with Benben v0.5.0, theme-related settings have moved to their own file.

Important Note

The configuration format is not considered stable, and won't be until Benben v1.0. Until then, you may have to make small adjustments when upgrading between versions. These changes will be noted in the release notes for each version of Benben.

Song-specific Config Files

In addition to the main config file, you can specify alternative configurations for specific song files or directories. These are matched using globbing). When Benben notices you are playing a song file that matches one of these song-specific configurations, it will use the settings in that file to temporarily override your main configuration settings (the command line can still override everything, however). This lets you easily create settings specific to entire groups of songs. For example, I normally have the equalizer enabled, but I have specific settings for one album that disables the equalizer.

These song-specific config files reside in:

  • On Linux/Unix: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/benben/song-configs/ (this usually means ~/.config/benben/song-configs/).

The filename for every song-specific configuration file must start with song-config- and end in .yaml. For example, song-config-x68k-eq.yaml.

Each song specific config has a new key, match, that lets you specify one or more patterns that will be used to match files. For example, the file song-config-x68k-eq.yaml on my system has this line at the very top:

  - /mnt/nanako/vgms-and-mods/VGMs/X68000/**/*.vg?

This specifies that any vgm file in any subdirectory under /mnt/nanako/vgms-and-mods/VGMs/X68000/ gets this song-specific config applied to it during playback. Any songs that don't match this pattern (or any pattern in any other song-specific config files I may have) use the settings in my main config file.

Any keys within a song-specific configuration file will override the main configuration settings (command line arguments still override everything). Keys that are missing from the song configuration file will be filled in with the values from the main configuration file, or the defaults.

Song configuration files are almost identical to the normal configuration file format, except they ignore the following keys:

  • audio-driver
  • buffer-size
  • render-jobs
  • sample-rate
  • ui
  • repeat-playlist
  • resampler
  • seek-time
  • equalizer

You can use benben --dump-song-config to print a new config to standard output that you can then modify as you wish.


The main configuration options:

Key Type Description
audio-driver One of: pulse_audio, port_audio, ao, tcp, any The output driver used to produce sound during playback. Use benben --driver list to see a list of valid options. Default: pulse_audio.
buffer-size An integer that is at least 256, and evenly divisible by 256 The size of the audio buffer. Note that this also affects the smoothness of the VU meter. In most cases, this doesn't need changing. Default: 1024.
sample-rate Integer between 8000 and 48000 The output sample rate, in hertz. The default is 44100.
tcp-driver-host String The hostname of the machine to send audio to when using the TCP driver. This only affects the TCP audio-driver. The default is localhost.
tcp-driver-port An Integer between 1 and 65535 The port of the machine to send audio to when using the TCP driver. This only affects the TCP audio-driver. The default is 6969.
tcp-driver-format One of: f64, f32, i64, i32, i24, i16, i8, u8 The raw audio format to send when using the TCP driver. This only affects the TCP audio-driver. The default is f32, meaning 32-bit IEEE Floating Point.
repeat-playlist true or false When true, then the player will loop back to the first song once the final song is finished playing. This only has an effect during playback, not during rendering. Default: false.
render-jobs Integer >= 1 The number of workers to use when rendering in parallel. This must be at least 1, and defaults to the number of logical CPU cores you have.
fadeout-seconds An integer between 0 and 255 The number of seconds a looping song will fade out when finished. Default: 5
no-soft-clipping true or false When true, soft clipping is disabled by default. Default: false..
soft-clipping-oversampling An Integer between 1 and 65535 How much oversampling to apply when using the soft clipping effect. Default is 1, meaning "no oversampling".
enable-stereo-enhancer true or false When true, this enables a stereo enhancement effect. Default: false..
stereo-enhancement-amount Float between 0.0 and 1.5 The amount of stereo enhancement to apply to the output signal. This requires enable-stereo-enhancer to be true. This can go from 0.0 (nearly monaural) to 1.5 (very wide). The default is 0.5, which is the same as not enabling this effect.
main-volume Float between 0.0 and 2.0 The main output volume. Default: 1.0
max-loops An integer between 0 and 4294967295 The maximum number of times to loop if the song has loop information. If the song has no loop information, this is ignored. A value of 0 means "loop forever". Default: 1 (meaning "play once, then loop once")
resampler One of: Linear, ZeroOrderHold, SincFastest, SincMedium, SincBest The resampler mode to use when playing a file that does not match the sample-rate setting. The default is SincFastest.
seek-time An integer between 1 and 65536 How far to seek when fast-forwarding/rewinding. The meaning of this value is format-dependent. Default: 10.
replay-gain One of: Disabled, Mix, Album What kind of replay gain to apply. This is only applicable for formats that support ReplayGain. Default: Disabled.
remote true or false Whether or not to enable remote control via the remote-benben program at startup. Default: false.
stderr-logging One of: full, crystal_only, none When this is full, then all messages that would normally be printed to standard error will instead appear in ~/.local/share/benben/stderr.log (or wherever $XDG_DATA_DIRS is pointing). This includes messages from the audio drivers. When this is set to crystal_only, then only messages that originate from the Crystal side of the code will be logged to the file (i.e., audio driver messages won't be logged to that file). If set to none, then no stderr messages will be logged, and all of them will instead appear in the terminal like normal. This setting should only be changed by a user who understands what they're doing, and the default (full) is fine for nearly all cases.
reverb-enabled true or false When true, then a reverb effect will be enabled by default. Default: false.
reverb-type mverb or zita The type of reverb to apply when reverb is enabled. Default: mverb.
reverb-amount Float between 0.0 and 1.0 The amount of reverb to apply when reverb is enabled. Default: 0.5.
mverb-reverb-preset String The preset to use for the reverb when reverb is enabled and reverb-type is set to mverb. Default: GmDefault. Use the command line option --reverb-preset list together with --reverb-type to see a list of presets for that type.
zita-reverb-preset String The preset to use for the reverb when reverb is enabled and reverb-type is set to zita. Default: GmDefault. Use the command line option --reverb-preset list together with --reverb-type to see a list of presets for that type.
equalizer-enabled true or false When true, an equalizer effect will be applied to the output. You can still turn on and off the equalizer by pressing the e key during playback.
equalizer-disabled-during-rendering true or false When true, no equalizer effect will be applied to the output when rendering a VGM to WAV/Au. This only takes effect when rendering to files.
equalizer Equalizer config block (see below) Configuration section for the equalizer.
ui UI (User Interface) config block (see below) The settings for the user interface.
vgm VGM config block (see below) The settings for VGM files.
modules Module format config block (see below) The settings for module/tracker files.
midi MIDI format config block (see below) The settings for MIDI/MUS files.
c64 C64 SID format config block (see below) The settings for C64 SID files.

VGM Config Block:

preferred-gd3-lang One of: english, japanese, toggle_prefer_english, or toggle_prefer_japanese The default language in which to display GD3 tag info. Default: japanese. This can be toggled during playback with the t key.
emulators Emulator config block (see below) Sets emulator-specific settings.

Emulator Config Block:

dmg-boost-wave-chan true or false Doubles the volume of the wave channel when playing GameBoy music. Default: true
huc6280-core mame or ootake Determines the emulation core used for music that uses the HuC6280 chip (e.g. PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16). Default: ootake
ym2151-core mame or nuked Determines the emulation core used for music that uses the YM2151 chip. Default: mame

User Interface (UI) Config Block:

animations-enabled true or false Whether or not animations in the UI are enabled. Default: true.
banner A String, or an Array of Strings The banner to display at the top of the UI. Valid banner names are: graffiti, cyber, rounded, chunky, soft, doomed, stronger, graffiti. If this value is a string, then only that banner is used. If the value is an array, then a random banner will be chosen from the array values. Default: an array of all possible banners.

Modules Config Block:

default-panning An Integer between 0 and 255 The default amount of panning for modules with no panning information. Default: 69.
interpolation One of: Nearest, Linear, Spline What kind of interpolation to apply to the sound. Default: Linear.
fade-out-songs true or false When true, songs are looped and slowly faded out at the end. Otherwise songs just simply "end" when they're at the end. Default: false.

VGM Config Block:

preferred-gd3-lang One of: english, japanese, toggle_prefer_english, or toggle_prefer_japanese The default language in which to display GD3 tag info. Default: japanese. This can be toggled during playback with the t key.
emulators Emulator config block (see below) Sets emulator-specific settings.

MIDI Config Block:

soundfont String The path to the SoundFont file to use when playing MIDI/MUS files. Without a SoundFont, MIDI/MUS files cannot be played. Default: empty string.
reverb-enabled true or false When true, then a reverb effect will be enabled by default. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle reverb differently. Default: true.
reverb-type One of: mverb, zita, schroeder The type of reverb to apply when reverb is enabled. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle reverb differently. Default: mverb.
reverb-amount An Integer between 0 and 255 The default amount of reverb to apply. MIDI/MUS files may still change this per-channel during playback. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle reverb differently. Default: 64.
disable-remapping true or false Whether or not to attempt to map unknown instruments to a known instrument. Default: false.
chorus-enabled true or false When true, then a chorus effect will be enabled by default. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle chorus differently. Default: true.
chorus-amount An Integer between 0 and 255 The default amount of chorus to apply. MIDI/MUS files may still change this per-channel during playback. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle chorus differently. Default: 0.
chorus-interpolation One of: Linear, Cubic, Hermite, HermiteAlt, BSpline, Parabolic2X, Optimal2X4P2O, Optimal32X4P4O The type of interpolation to use within the chorus effect. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle chorus differently. Default: Cubic.
voice-filter-type One of: Standard, Cem, Ssm, Hornet, MS20, Disabled What type of filter to use for voices. Standard is the standard filter as described by the SoundFont specifications, and changing this value may cause your MIDI/MUS files to sound unintentionally different. Default: Standard.
channel-filter-type One of: Standard, Cem, Ssm, Hornet, MS20, Disabled What type of filter to use for channels that request a lowpass filter to be applied during playback. Standard is the standard filter as described by the SoundFont specifications, and changing this value may cause your MIDI/MUS files to sound unintentionally different. Default: Standard.
fadeout true or false When true, then each MIDI/MUS will be looped and slowly faded out at the end. When false, then the songs simply "end" at the end. Default: false.
post-track-seconds An Integer between 0 and 255 How much extra time to add at the end of a track. This is useful to hear the reverbs/instruments slowly fade out at the end rather than abruptly stop, so it's recommended that you leave it at the default or higher. Default: 4.
mverb-reverb-preset String The preset to use for the reverb when reverb is enabled and reverb-type is set to mverb in the midi block. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle reverb differently. Default: GmDefault.
zita-reverb-preset String The preset to use for the reverb when reverb is enabled and reverb-type is set to zita in the midi block. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle reverb differently. Default: GmDefault.
schroeder-reverb-preset String The preset to use for the reverb when reverb is enabled and reverb-type is set to schroeder in the midi block. This setting is specific to MIDI/MUS files since they handle reverb differently. Default: GmDefault.

C64 Config Block:

song-length-db String The path to the songlength's database file, as found on High Voltage Sid Collection. Default: empty string (no database).
default-song-length An integer between 1 and 4294967295 The default amount of time in seconds to play a SID file when it is not found in the song-length-db database, or when no database is loaded. Default: 180
kernal-rom String The path to a Commodore 64 KERNAL ROM file. Default: empty string. Note: the spelling is purposely "kernal".
basic-rom String The path to a Commodore 64 BASIC ROM file. Default: empty string.
chargen-rom String The path to a Commodore 64 Character (CHARGEN) ROM file. Default: empty string.
default-c64-model One of: Pal, Ntsc, OldNtsc, Drean The default model of Commodore 64 to emulate when a SID file does not specify a model. Pal for European PAL-B model, Ntsc for American/Japanese NTSC-M models, OldNtsc for NTSC-M models with old video chip, and Drean for Argentinian PAL-N model. Default: Ntsc.
force-c64-model true or false When true, then the default-c64-model value will always be applied regardless of what a SID file requests. Default: false.
default-sid-model One of: Mos6581, Mos8580 The default model of SID chip to emulate when a SID file does not specify a model. Default: Mos6581.
force-sid-model true or false When true, then the default-sid-model value will always be applied regardless of what a SID file requests. Default: false.
sampling-method One of: Interpolate, ResampleInterpolate The resampling mode, where Interpolate is faster while ResampleInterpolate is slower but more accurate. Default: Interpolate.
fast-sampling true or false Whether or not a faster but slightly less accurate resampling method is used when sampling-method is ResampleInterpolate. Default: false.
multi-sid-as-mono true or false Whether or not to play multi-SID files (e.g. 2SID, 3SID) with one channel (monaural). Default: false.

Equalizer Config Block:

Key Type Description
post-gain Float The amount of gain to apply to the signal after the EQ has processed it, in decibels. Default: 0.0 (no change to the signal).
low-shelf Low-Shelf config block (see below) The settings for the low shelf filter.
bands An array of Band config blocks (see below) An array of peaking EQ bands for the equalizer. There can be as many or as few as you wish.
high-shelf High-Shelf config block (see behigh) The settings for the high shelf filter.

Low-Shelf Config Block:

Key Type Description
frequency Float between 20.0 and 22050.0 The cutoff frequency for the low shelf in hertz. Default: 80.0.
gain Float How much the volume of the signal under the low shelf is adjusted, in decibels. Default: 0.0
bandwidth Float How wide the transition band of the filter is, in octaves. Default: 0.707.

Band Config Block:

Key Type Description
frequency Float between 20.0 and 22050.0 The center frequency of the band, in hertz.
gain Float How much the volume of the signal around the center frequency is adjusted, in decibels.
bandwidth Float The width of the band, in octaves.

High-Shelf Config Block:

Key Type Description
frequency Float between 20.0 and 22050.0 The cutoff frequency for the high shelf in hertz. Default: 80.0.
gain Float How much the volume of the signal under the high shelf is adjusted, in decibels. Default: 0.0
bandwidth Float How wide the transition band of the filter is, in octaves. Default: 0.707.

Example Configuration Files

Example of a main configuration file:

buffer-size: 1024
audio-driver: pulseaudio
sample-rate: 44100
fadeout-seconds: 5
repeat-playlist: false
render-jobs: 20
main-volume: 1.0
max-loops: 1
resampler: sincbest
replay-gain: album
tcp-driver-format: f32
remote: true

enable-stereo-enhancer: false
stereo-enhancement-amount: 1.1
no-soft-clipping: false
soft-clipping-oversampling: 4
reverb-type: mverb
reverb-enabled: false
reverb-amount: 0.369

  preferred-gd3-lang: toggle_prefer_english

  default-panning: 69
  interpolation: spline
  fade-out-songs: false

  soundfont: "/home/alexa/doc/soundfonts/my-sc-55.sf2"
  reverb-enabled: true
  reverb-type: mverb

  song-length-db: /home/alexa/doc/Songlengths.txt
  default-song-length: 180
  kernal-rom: /home/alexa/.local/share/sidplayfp/kernal
  basic-rom: /home/alexa/.local/share/sidplayfp/basic
  chargen-rom: /home/alexa/.local/share/sidplayfp/chargen
  default-c64-model: ntsc
  default-sid-model: mos6581
  sampling-method: ResampleInterpolate

  animations-enabled: true
  theme: [plum, smooth-neon, blue-phosphor, blue-phosphor, plum, phosphor]
  banner: [graffiti, stronger]

equalizer-enabled: true
equalizer-disabled-during-rendering: true
  post-gain: 0.0
    frequency: 80.0
    gain: 2.0
    bandwidth: 1.0
    - frequency: 105.0
      gain: 2.78
      bandwidth: 0.6
    - frequency: 275.0
      gain: -6.0
      bandwidth: 0.2
    - frequency: 6000.0
      gain: 1.5
      bandwidth: 1.0
    frequency: 9001.0
    gain: 1.4
    bandwidth: 0.9

Example song-specific config file that overrides a few settings:

  - /mnt/nanako/vgms-and-mods/VGMs/X68000/**/*.vg?

  post-gain: 0.0
    frequency: 80.0
    gain: 2.7
    bandwidth: 1.8
    - frequency: 105.0
      gain: 2.98
      bandwidth: 0.9
    - frequency: 275.0
      gain: -6.0
      bandwidth: 0.2
    - frequency: 6000.0
      gain: 1.5
      bandwidth: 1.0
    frequency: 9001.0
    gain: 1.4
    bandwidth: 0.9