Healthy Living

Healthy Living


Many people around the world are becoming increasingly aware that the healthcare system and "big pharma" in particular are not really their friends.

They have a huge conflict of interest in keeping people sick in order to keep selling them more products and increasing their profits.

For centuries, people have discovered and developed simple natural remedies to treat many minor illnesses effectively.

The aim of this project is to rediscover and properly document these remedies and use "crowd sourcing" to find what works best for different people.


Build a crowd-sourced repository of proven and reliable remedies to help people treat minor illnesses themselves, and avoid the healthcare system as much as possible.

More than just remedies the project will also provide valuable information for staying healthy.


Provide a well structured and documented repository of useful (natural) remedies that people can access and contribute to at any time, for free.



Ongoing (Started in May 2022).

Participate (Everyone is welcome!)

Please feel free to contribute by commenting on one of the existing forum threads, or create a new thread if appropriate.

NOTE: You do not need to create an account to post on the forum.
