Free Hero Mesh

Update of "Command-line arguments"
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Artifact ID: a57edaee7ee0a2dd28024a8ddb1e6ec3bac823a3
Page Name:Command-line arguments
Date: 2018-06-10 21:34:07
Original User: zzo38
Parent: 48be3c324a35a5ab5dcdcaa9aa1b71b74c6b3cae (diff)
Next 19ff63728fc3d78758741f688e3d4930509b4d92

(This is currently a draft and is subject to being changed.)

The syntax is: heromesh [switches] basename [resources...]

Switches are listed below. You can have more than one switch after a minus sign, if in the same argument.

The basename is the puzzle set name, including path if not in the current directory, but without the extension (there are four files, each with a different extension but the same basename).

Resources are relative to the puzzle set base (not the root node of the resource manager). See .heromeshrc for a list of the possible resources. These override resources in the .heromeshrc file.


Dot commands

When the -x switch is specified, it reads SQL statements from stdin. However, you can also use a line beginning with # as a comment, or a line beginning with . as a special command (neither works if an incomplete SQL statement has been read).

Valid dot commands are:

It also quits on EOF, but will complain if EOF occurs in the middle of a SQL statement.

Any result rows of SQL statements are written to stdout, with a vertical bar between columns and line breaks after each row.