Free Hero Mesh

heromesh.6 at [f731355880]
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File man6/heromesh.6 artifact a7a48743c1 part of check-in f731355880

.TH HEROMESH 6 "December 22, 2020"
.so man6/heromesh.str
heromesh \- Free Hero Mesh (a puzzle game engine)
.B heromesh
.RI "[" "options" "] " "basename" " [" "resources" "]"
Free Hero Mesh is a puzzle game engine, for turn-based grid-based puzzle games.
It is fully deterministic and depends only on the sequence of inputs, not on time or randomness.
Free Hero Mesh allows you to define your own classes of objects using the included programming language.
The "basename" above is the filename of the puzzle set without the extension.
A puzzle set consists of four files.
The "resources" above is optional resources to override, in the X resource manager format.
.IP -C
Dump all class data.
.IP -H
Dump the hash table.
.IP -L
Display all tokens being read from the class definition file.
.IP -a
Autotest levels, ensuring that the provided solution is valid.
.IP -c
Only load classes and then terminate.
This can be used to verify that the class definition file does not contain syntax errors.
You can also use it with some other options to display details.
.IP -e
Start the level editor.
.IP -n
Create a new puzzle set.
The class definition file and image set must already exist.
.IP -p
Start the picture editor.
.IP -r
Open in read-only mode.
.IP -t
Enable message tracing.
.IP -v
More verbose error logging.
.IP -x
Does not start the GUI; instead, accepts SQL statements from stdin.
A puzzle set consists of four files, with filename suffixes
.BR ".class" ", " ".xclass" ", " ".level" ", and " ".solution" "."
.I ~/.heromeshrc
The configuration file, in X resource manager format.
.I ~/.heromeshsession
A SQLite database containing user cache data.
.I \*[Document_Dir]/*.doc
The home directory; used to find .heromeshrc and .heromeshsession files.
Any of the SDL environment variables can also be used.