Free Hero Mesh

notes at [890d0c173d]
This is a mirror of the main repository for Free Hero Mesh. New tickets and changes will not be accepted at this mirror.

File notes artifact edd6349237 part of check-in 890d0c173d

Some notes

=== File formats ===

Each puzzle set in Free Hero Mesh is stored as four files:
*.xclass (Hamster archive) - Pictures and user sounds
*.class (Text) - Class definitions (attributes and codes)
*.level (Hamster archive) - Levels
*.solution (Hamster archive) - Solutions to levels

An idea is to use either Hamster archive or SQLite for the .level and
.solution files. I decided to use Hamster archive, but here are some of
the advantages and disadvantages of each approach:

Advantages of using Hamster archive:
* It is a simple file format.
* You can use the "har" program to extract and alter lumps.
* There will be less bugs because it is simpler than SQLite.

Disadvantages of using Hamster archive:
* It is necessary to rewrite the entire file when it changes.
* It is necessary to read the entire file to find the lumps.

Advantages of using SQLite:
* You can read parts of the file at a time.
* You can alter records without having to rewrite everything.
* SQL can now be used for user queries and user scripts.
* You can use sqlite3 command shell to deal with the file.

Disadvantages of using SQLite:
* There will be extra overhead due to b-trees and other stuff.
* It may be necessary to deal with untrusted database schemas (unsure).
* Now SQLite must be included in this program.

Another way would be a hybrid approach. Another file containing the user
session data is a SQLite database, which is recreated if it was deleted or
if the level or solution file is newer than it, and stores an index.

Advantages of hybrid:
* It is only necessary to create an index once.
* SQL can now be used for user queries and user scripts.
* User session data can be recorded.

Disadvantages of hybrid:
* SQLite must be included in this program.
* Level/solution files must still be rewritten entirely when it changes.

Hero Mesh will rewrite the puzzle set file only on exit, so it is possible
to do the similar thing in this case, by using the session database. A way
of incrementally storing and then "vacuuming" the file may also work.