Free Hero Mesh

edit.doc at [69ea6fbdf0]
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File edit.doc artifact df66040602 part of check-in 69ea6fbdf0

This file describes the Free Hero Mesh level editor. This file describes
them in terms of the default key/mouse bindings; if they have been changed,
then some of the things mentioned in this file might not apply.

Each level consists of the following:

* Level title: Push CTRL+T to edit it. It may contain one or more lines of
text and may contain formatting codes too. During the game, CTRL+T will
display this text (which you can use for whatever purposes you want to:
the author's name, commentary, hints, etc).

* Order number: The 1-based order number of this level in the puzzle set.
(Currently there is no way to reorder the levels (other than by tampering
with the LEVEL.IDX lump by yourself), but hopefully this feature will be
added in future.) This is usually the number displayed as the "level
number", and the number pad - and + access levels in this order.

* ID number: The 0-based ID number of the level. This number is unique for
levels within the same puzzle set, and does not change when the order of
levels is changed.

* Version number: Normally zero, and is incremented when the level is
changed after a solution has been recorded, which causes the recorded
solution to be considered invalid.

* Code number: Normally zero, and has no use within Free Hero Mesh itself.
This is a 16-bit number which you can use for your own use within the
class codes. Push C to set this number.

* Level strings: Zero or more level strings (which can have multiple lines
of text and may contain formatting codes, including data). These are not
directly accessible to class codes, although a Misc value of any object
placed in the level can reference one of them, which allows class codes to
display them and to extract data from them. Push E to display a list of
the level strings and to edit them.

* Grid: There are two grids, the main world and bizarro world; push W to
exchange them. Only the main world is displayed. Push R to remove all
objects and resize the level; at the prompt, type two numbers with "x" in
between, e.g. "29x21". The maximum size is 64x64, and the minimum is 1x1.
Objects cannot be created beyond the limits, either in the editor or
during the game. Within each grid cell, there are zero or more objects
in an order; some objects are in front of others (this is determined by
the Density variable of the class; see class.doc for details).

* Objects: The level contains objects, each of which is at a specific
position in either of the two worlds; see below for more about objects.

Of the above, the level title, order number, ID number, and version number
have no effect on the game rules; class codes cannot access them.

After making the level, push CTRL+S to save and then CTRL+P to play; if
you solve the level, you can then save the solution. If you want to modify
the level, you can then push CTRL+E to edit it again, but if a solution
was saved, the solution is now considered invalid, so you must play it
again; if the sequence of moves that has been recorded is still a valid
solution, then you can just push F4 to replay the same moves automatically
(the move list will still be available, but not the solution).

Solutions should be recorded before publishing the puzzle set, and you
should test them with the -a switch (which can also be used for regression
testing, in case you modified the class definitions and will need to
ensure that it doesn't make any of the existing solutions invalid). A
puzzle catalog server may also verify that the solutions are valid, and
might reject the puzzle set if they aren't valid.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Saving the levels here will only save them in the user
cache database, not to the puzzle set file. To save them to the puzzle
set file, you must invoke heromesh -f to flush the user cache. If the
.autoSave resource is true, then it will do this automatically, and then
you do not need to worry about this.

=== Object placement/MRU ===

On the left side of the screen is the MRU list. Each MRU consists of a
class, image of that class, Misc values, and Dir value. If the Misc values
are not all zero, then * is displayed next to the MRU icon.

If you push the space bar, then a list of classes is displayed. You can
type in the class name (tab completion is also implemented), or you can
use the mouse to select one. On the left shows the possible images for
that class; you can select those by mouse or by left/right arrows. Push
enter or click by middle button to return to the level editor screen and
add the selected class and image to the MRU. If you click with the right
button, it adds to the MRU without leaving this screen, in case you want
to select multiples at once. The left button will only select the class on
this screen to list the images without adding to the MRU.

You can click on the MRU with the left button to select one; with a MRU is
added, it automatically selects the added one. You can also select MRU by
up/down arrows or by the numbers 1 to 9 to select any of the first nine.
If you right click in the grid with the control key pushed, then it will
add the clicked object to the MRU (and select it).

Once the MRU is selected, you can click in the grid with the left button
to add the object, or push return to set the properties of the selected
MRU (the Misc1-Misc3 and Dir). Setting MRU properties will not affect any
existing objects in the level, but will set the initial properties of any
new objects placed with that MRU selected. Click in the grid with the
right button to delete individual objects.

Usually, objects cannot move into areas with no objects, so it will be
necessary to add background objects to allow movement. If you push F then
it fills the entire playfield with the current MRU; you can use this to
easily add the background.

You can also use SQL to add/remove/change/query objects. Push the F10 key
for a prompt to enter SQL codes. See sql.doc for details about SQL.

=== Object properties ===

Each object has the following properties which can be set in the editor:

* Class: The class of object; cannot be changed once the object is placed.

* Image: The image. Some classes will have multiple images; one of the
images is selected in the class/image selection menu.

* Misc1/Misc2/Misc3: Each of these values is normally zero, and has no
effect in Free Hero Mesh itself, although class codes may use them. The
initial values in the level editor can be a 16-bit number, class, message,
or level string. (At run time, 32-bit numbers are also possible, as are
values of some other types, but the initial values specified in level
editor are limited to 16-bit numbers, class, message, and strings.)

* Dir: One of eight directions. Normally this does not need to be set,
since it will be handled automatically, although you can also set it
explicitly in the level editor. See class.doc for further details about
the Dir variable.

(There are other properties too, but those are set only in the class
definition file or at run time by the class codes.)

Pushing the return key in the main level editor screen edits them for a
MRU; control and left click in the grid edits a single object.

In the object properties screen, you can push F2 or H to display help
text about what Misc values it expects; this is the text specified in
the (EditorHelp) block in the class definition file.

The following controls are available in this screen:

* Push enter, return, or escape to exit this screen.

* Push numbers 1-3 to edit Misc values. At the prompt, you can type in a
number (if negative, 65536 is added automatically), a class name (with $
at front), or a message name (user-defined messages have # at front, and
built-in messages have no prefix). You can also use a key name with ' at
front in which case it is converted to the appropriate number.

* Push 4-6 to set Misc values to level strings. The list of level strings
is then displayed, and you can select one from the menu, or add a new
level string and add that one.

* Push numbers on number pad to set direction. You can also push the +
and - on number pad to adjust direction.

* Push F1 or G to display the (Help) text for this class.

* Push F2 or H to display the (EditorHelp) text for this class.

=== Selection rectangle ===

You can use shift and the left/right mouse buttons to set the selection
rectangle, and escape to cancel. If it is selected, then:

* SHIFT+D deletes everything in that area, but leaves the rest of the
game unchanged.

* SHIFT+F fills it with the current MRU. (Existing objects at those
locations will be retained; they are not deleted unless CollisionLayers
bits cause conflicts.)

=== Import/export ===

You can import/export levels.

Push F1 to import, and then at the prompt, type a operating system shell
command which produces the level text in the exported format (in X window
system, type "xclip -o" to import from the primary selection; you will
need to install xclip to use this).

Push F2 to export, and then at the prompt, type a operating system shell
command which will accept the level text as input (in X window system,
type "xclip" to export to the primary selection; you will need to install
xclip to use this).

See export.doc for the file format.

=== Summary of default key/mouse bindings ===


  CTRL+G    Go to level (won't auto save)
  CTRL+N    Add new level (after last one)
  CTRL+P    Switch to play game (won't auto save)
  CTRL+Q    Quit (won't auto save)
  CTRL+S    Save level
  CTRL+T    Edit level title
  CTRL+X    Clear level (delete all objects)
  C         Set level code number
  E         Edit level strings
  F         Fill grid with current MRU
  R         Clear and resize level
  W         Exchange main/bizarro worlds
  F1        Import level (replacing current level)
  F2        Export level
  F10       SQL
  SPACE     Select class/image
  RETURN    Edit Misc/Dir of current MRU
  UP/DOWN   Select previous/next MRU
  1-9       Select MRU
  ESC       Cancel selection rectangle
  SHIFT+D   Delete all objects in selection rectangle
  SHIFT+F   Fill selection rectangle with current MRU

Mouse (in grid):

  LEFT         Add object
  CTRL+LEFT    Edit Misc/Dir of object
  ALT+LEFT     Add object (allow duplicate)
  SHIFT+LEFT   Set top corner of selection rectangle
  RIGHT        Delete object
  CTRL+RIGHT   Copy object to MRU
  SHIFT+RIGHT  Set bottom corner of selection rectangle