Free Hero Mesh

CONTRIBUTING at [69ea6fbdf0]
This is a mirror of the main repository for Free Hero Mesh. New tickets and changes will not be accepted at this mirror.

File CONTRIBUTING artifact f80bc39234 part of check-in 69ea6fbdf0

The recommended way to contribute is to use the NNTP server, but
the ticket system and IRC can also be used. All contributions must be
public; private contributions will not be accepted.

Any kinds of contributions may potentially be accepted or rejected.
However, just because we accept one of your contributions does not
mean that we will accept all of them, and just because we reject one
of your contributions does not mean we will reject all of them.
Discussions can also be made before accepting/rejecting it.

Types of contributions include (but are not necessarily limited to):

* Documentation

* Code improvements

* Bug reports

* Feature requests

* Promotion

* Testing

Please use only plain ASCII text (no Unicode or HTML). However, if you
contribute documentation translated into languages other than English,
or puzzle sets containing text in languages other than English, then you
may use other character encodings that are appropriate for that language.
Documentation in other formats than plain text is acceptable, although the
main documentation must be only plain ASCII text.

You may fork the repository if wanted (although doing so is not required),
but you may not write to the main or mirror repository; I am the only one
who has write access and this will not be granted to others.

You can see the TODO list, NNTP, and tickets, for some ideas, too.