Free Hero Mesh

This is a mirror of the main repository for Free Hero Mesh. New tickets and changes will not be accepted at this mirror.
  This file is part of Free Hero Mesh and is public domain.

// main.c

extern sqlite3*userdb;
extern xrm_db*resourcedb;
extern const char*basefilename;
extern xrm_quark optionquery[16];

// picture.c

extern SDL_Surface*screen;
extern Uint16 picture_size;

void draw_picture(int x,int y,Uint16 img);
void draw_text(int x,int y,const unsigned char*t,int bg,int fg);
void load_pictures(void);

// class.c

#define CF_PLAYER 0x01
#define CF_INPUT 0x02
#define CF_COMPATIBLE 0x04
#define CF_QUIZ 0x08
#define CF_NOCLASS1 0x40 // if only the name has been loaded so far, from the .class file
#define CF_NOCLASS2 0x80 // if only the name has been loaded so far, from the CLASS.DEF lump

#define OF_INVISIBLE 0x0001
#define OF_VISUALONLY 0x0002
#define OF_STEALTHY 0x0004
#define OF_BUSY 0x0008
#define OF_USERSTATE 0x0010
#define OF_USERSIGNAL 0x0020
#define OF_MOVED 0x0040
#define OF_DONE 0x0080
#define OF_KEYCLEARED 0x0100
#define OF_DESTROYED 0x0200

typedef struct {
  const char*name;
  const char*edithelp;
  const char*gamehelp;
  Uint16*messages; // use 0xFFFF if no such message block
  Uint16*images; // high bit is set if available to editor
  Sint32 height,weight,climb,density,volume,strength,arrivals,departures;
  Sint32 temperature,misc4,misc5,misc6,misc7;
  Uint16 uservars,oflags;
  Uint16 sharp[4];
  Uint16 hard[4];
  Uint8 cflags,shape,shovable;
} Class;

extern Class*classes[0x4000]; // 0 isn't used
extern const char*messages[0x4000];
extern int max_animation;
extern Sint32 max_volume;