#if 0 gcc ${CFLAGS:--s -O2} -c -Wno-unused-result picture.c `sdl-config --cflags` exit #endif /* This program is part of Free Hero Mesh and is public domain. */ #define _BSD_SOURCE #include "SDL.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "sqlite3.h" #include "smallxrm.h" #include "pcfont.h" #include "quarks.h" #include "heromesh.h" #include "cursorshapes.h" #include "keyicons.xbm" SDL_Surface*screen; Uint16 picture_size; int left_margin; static SDL_Surface*picts; static Uint8*curpic; static const unsigned char*fontdata; static const char default_palette[]= "C020FF " "000000 222222 333333 444444 555555 666666 777777 888888 999999 AAAAAA BBBBBB CCCCCC DDDDDD EEEEEE FFFFFF " "281400 412300 5F3200 842100 A05000 C35F14 E1731E FF8232 FF9141 FFA050 FFAF5F FFBE73 FFD282 FFE191 FFF0A0 " "321E1E 412220 5F2830 823040 A03A4C BE4658 E15464 FF6670 FF7F7B FF8E7F FF9F7F FFAF7F FFBF7F FFCF7F FFDF7F " "280D0D 401515 602020 802A2A A03535 C04040 E04A4A FF5555 FF6764 FF6F64 FF7584 FF849D FF94B7 FF9FD1 FFAEEA " "901400 A02000 B03000 C04000 D05000 E06000 F07000 FF8000 FF9000 FFA000 FFB000 FFC000 FFD000 FFE000 FFF000 " "280000 400000 600000 800000 A00000 C00000 E00000 FF0000 FF2828 FF4040 FF6060 FF8080 FFA0A0 FFC0C0 FFE0E0 " "280028 400040 600060 800080 A000A0 C000C0 E000E0 FF00FF FF28FF FF40FF FF60FF FF80FF FFA0FF FFC0FF FFE0FF " "281428 402040 603060 804080 A050A0 C060C0 E070E0 FF7CFF FF8CFF FF9CFF FFACFF FFBCFF FFCCFF FFDCFF FFECFF " "280050 350566 420A7C 4F0F92 5C14A8 6919BE 761ED4 8323EA 9028FF A040FF B060FF C080FF D0A0FF E0C0FF F0E0FF " "000028 000040 000060 000080 0000A0 0000C0 0000E0 0000FF 0A28FF 284AFF 466AFF 678AFF 87AAFF A7CAFF C7EBFF " "0F1E1E 142323 193232 1E4141 285050 325F5F 377373 418282 469191 50A0A0 5AAFAF 5FC3C3 69D2D2 73E1E1 78F0F0 " "002828 004040 006060 008080 00A0A0 00C0C0 00E0E0 00FFFF 28FFFF 40FFFF 60FFFF 80FFFF A0FFFF C0FFFF E0FFFF " "002800 004000 006000 008000 00A000 00C000 00E000 00FF00 28FF28 40FF40 60FF60 80FF80 A0FFA0 C0FFC0 E0FFE0 " "002110 234123 325F32 418241 50A050 5FC35F 73E173 85FF7A 91FF6E A0FF5F B4FF50 C3FF41 D2FF32 E1FF23 F0FF0F " "282800 404000 606000 808000 A0A000 C0C000 E0E000 FFFF00 FFFF28 FFFF40 FFFF60 FFFF80 FFFFA0 FFFFC0 FFFFE0 " // "442100 00FF55 0055FF FF5500 55FF00 FF0055 5500FF CA8B25 F078F0 F0F078 FF7F00 DD6D01 7AFF00 111111 " // "000000 0000AA 00AA00 00AAAA AA0000 AA00AA AAAA00 AAAAAA " "555555 5555FF 55FF55 55FFFF FF5555 FF55FF FFFF55 FFFFFF " ; void init_palette(void) { double gamma; int usegamma=1; int i,j; SDL_Color pal[256]; FILE*fp=0; const char*v; optionquery[1]=Q_gamma; gamma=strtod(xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)?:"0",0); if(gamma<=0.0 || gamma==1.0) usegamma=0; optionquery[1]=Q_palette; v=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2); if(v && *v) { fp=fopen(v,"r"); if(!fp) fatal("Unable to load palette file '%s'\n%m",v); } for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if(fp) { if(fscanf(fp,"%2hhX%2hhX%2hhX ",&pal[i].r,&pal[i].g,&pal[i].b)!=3) fatal("Invalid palette file\n"); } else { sscanf(default_palette+i*7,"%2hhX%2hhX%2hhX ",&pal[i].r,&pal[i].g,&pal[i].b); } if(usegamma) { j=(int)(255.0*pow(pal[i].r/255.0,gamma)+0.2); pal[i].r=j<0?0:j>255?255:j; j=(int)(255.0*pow(pal[i].g/255.0,gamma)+0.2); pal[i].g=j<0?0:j>255?255:j; j=(int)(255.0*pow(pal[i].b/255.0,gamma)+0.2); pal[i].b=j<0?0:j>255?255:j; } } if(fp) fclose(fp); SDL_SetColors(screen,pal,0,256); SDL_SetColors(picts,pal,0,256); } void draw_picture(int x,int y,Uint16 img) { // To be called only when screen is unlocked! SDL_Rect src={(img&15)*picture_size,(img>>4)*picture_size,picture_size,picture_size}; SDL_Rect dst={x,y,picture_size,picture_size}; SDL_BlitSurface(picts,&src,screen,&dst); } void draw_cell(int x,int y) { // To be called only when screen is unlocked! Uint32 o; Class*c; int i; SDL_Rect dst={(x-1)*picture_size+left_margin,(y-1)*picture_size,picture_size,picture_size}; if(x<1 || x>64 || y<1 || y>64) return; SDL_FillRect(screen,&dst,back_color); o=playfield[y*64+x-65]; while(o!=VOIDLINK) { if(main_options['e'] || !(objects[o]->oflags&OF_INVISIBLE)) { c=classes[objects[o]->class]; if(objects[o]->anim && (objects[o]->anim->status&ANISTAT_VISUAL)) i=objects[o]->anim->vimage; else i=objects[o]->image; if(i<c->nimages) draw_picture((x-1)*picture_size+left_margin,(y-1)*picture_size,c->images[i]&0x7FFF); } o=objects[o]->up; } } void draw_text(int x,int y,const unsigned char*t,int bg,int fg) { // To be called only when screen is locked! int len=strlen(t); Uint8*pix=screen->pixels; Uint8*p; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; int xx,yy; const unsigned char*f; if(x+8*len>screen->w) len=(screen->w-x)>>3; if(len<=0 || y+8>screen->h) return; pix+=y*pitch+x; while(*t) { f=fontdata+(*t<<3); p=pix; for(yy=0;yy<8;yy++) { for(xx=0;xx<8;xx++) p[xx]=(*f<<xx)&128?fg:bg; p+=pitch; ++f; } t++; if(!--len) return; pix+=8; } } int draw_text_line(int x,int y,unsigned char*t,int cur,Uint8**cp) { // To be called only when screen is locked! int len=strlen(t); const unsigned char*s=t; Uint8*pix=screen->pixels; Uint8*p; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; int bg,fg,xx,yy; char isimg=0; char e=0; const unsigned char*f; if(!*t) return 0; len=(screen->w-x)>>3; if(len<=0 || y+8>screen->h) return len<1?1:len; pix+=y*pitch+x; for(;;) { if(!cur) *cp=t; if(*t==10) { f=fontdata+(17<<3); bg=0xF0,fg=0xF1; e=1; } else if(!*t) { f=fontdata+(254<<3); bg=0xF0,fg=0xF1; e=1; } else if(*t<31) { f=fontdata+(" 01234567?NLC#IBQ?????????????D?"[*t]<<3); if(*t==14 || *t==30) isimg=1; bg=0xF3,fg=0xF0; } else { if(*t==31 && t[1]) t++; f=fontdata+(*t<<3); bg=0xF0,fg=isimg?0xF2:0xF7; } if(!cur--) bg^=15,fg^=15; p=pix; for(yy=0;yy<8;yy++) { for(xx=0;xx<8;xx++) p[xx]=(*f<<xx)&128?fg:bg; p+=pitch; ++f; } if(*t=='\\') isimg=0; if(!--len || e) return t-s; t++; pix+=8; } } void draw_key(int x,int y,int k,int bg,int fg) { // To be called only when screen is locked! Uint8*p=screen->pixels; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; int xx,yy; const unsigned char*f; if(x<0 || y<0 || x+16>screen->w || y+16>screen->h) return; p+=y*pitch+x; f=keyicons_bits+(k<<5); for(yy=0;yy<16;yy++) { for(xx=0;xx<8;xx++) p[xx]=(*f>>xx)&1?fg:bg; ++f; for(xx=0;xx<8;xx++) p[xx+8]=(*f>>xx)&1?fg:bg; p+=pitch; ++f; } } const char*screen_prompt(const char*txt) { static char*t=0; int n=0; SDL_Rect r={0,0,screen->w,16}; int m=r.w>>3; SDL_Event ev; if(!t) { t=malloc(m+2); if(!t) fatal("Allocation failed\n"); } *t=0; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF1); r.y=16; r.h=1; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF8); SDL_LockSurface(screen); draw_text(0,0,txt,0xF1,0xFE); draw_text(0,8,"\xB1",0xF1,0xFB); SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); set_cursor(XC_iron_cross); SDL_Flip(screen); r.y=8; r.h=8; while(SDL_WaitEvent(&ev)) { switch(ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: SDL_PushEvent(&ev); return 0; case SDL_KEYDOWN: SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF1); switch(ev.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: r.y=0; r.h=17; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF0); t[n]=0; return t; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: case SDLK_DELETE: if(n) t[n--]=0; break; case SDLK_CLEAR: t[n=0]=0; break; case SDLK_INSERT: if(ev.key.keysym.mod&KMOD_SHIFT) { const char*s; FILE*fp; int c; paste: optionquery[1]=Q_pasteCommand; if((s=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)) && (fp=popen(s,"r"))) { for(;;) { c=fgetc(fp); if(c=='\t') c=' '; if(c>=32 && n<m) t[n++]=c; if(c=='\n' || c<0 || n>=m) break; } t[n]=0; pclose(fp); } } break; default: if(ev.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_u && (ev.key.keysym.mod&KMOD_CTRL)) { t[n=0]=0; } else if(ev.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_c && (ev.key.keysym.mod&KMOD_CTRL)) { r.y=0; r.h=17; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF0); return 0; } else if(n<m && ev.key.keysym.unicode<127 && ev.key.keysym.unicode>=32 && !(ev.key.keysym.mod&KMOD_CTRL)) { t[n++]=ev.key.keysym.unicode; t[n]=0; } } t[n]=0; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF1); SDL_LockSurface(screen); draw_text(0,8,t,0xF1,0xFF); draw_text(n<<3,8,"\xB1",0xF1,0xFB); SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); SDL_Flip(screen); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if(ev.button.button==2) goto paste; break; } } return 0; } int screen_message(const char*txt) { int n=0; SDL_Rect r={0,0,screen->w,16}; SDL_Event ev; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF4); r.y=16; r.h=1; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF8); SDL_LockSurface(screen); draw_text(0,0,txt,0xF4,0xFE); draw_text(0,8,"<Push ENTER to continue>",0xF4,0xF7); SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); set_cursor(XC_iron_cross); SDL_Flip(screen); r.y=8; r.h=8; while(SDL_WaitEvent(&ev)) { switch(ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: SDL_PushEvent(&ev); return -1; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch(ev.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: r.y=0; r.h=17; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF0); return 0; } break; } } return -1; } static Uint16 decide_picture_size(int nwantsize,const Uint8*wantsize,const Uint16*havesize,int n) { int i,j; if(!nwantsize) fatal("Unable to determine what picture size is wanted\n"); for(i=0;i<nwantsize;i++) if(havesize[j=wantsize[i]]==n) return j; for(i=*wantsize;i;--i) if(havesize[i]) return i; fatal("Unable to determine what picture size is wanted\n"); } static void load_one_picture_sub(FILE*fp,int size,int meth) { Uint8*p=curpic; int c,n,t,x,y; if(meth==15) { fread(p,size,size,fp); return; } n=t=0; y=size*size; while(y--) { if(!n) { n=fgetc(fp); if(n<85) { // Homogeneous run n++; x=fgetc(fp); if(t==1 && x==c) n*=85; else n++; c=x; t=1; } else if(n<170) { // Heterogeneous run n-=84; t=2; } else { // Copy-above run n-=169; if(t==3) n*=85; t=3; } } n--; if(t==2) c=fgetc(fp); if(t==3) c=p-curpic>=size?p[-size]:0; *p++=c; } } static void load_one_picture(FILE*fp,Uint16 img,int alt) { int h,i,j,k,pitch,which,meth,size,psize,zoom; Uint8 buf[32]; Uint8*pix; *buf=fgetc(fp); j=*buf&15; fread(buf+1,1,j+(j>>1),fp); k=0; zoom=1; for(i=1;i<=j;i++) if(buf[i]==picture_size) ++k; if(k) { psize=picture_size; } else { for(zoom=2;zoom<=picture_size;zoom++) if(!(picture_size%zoom)) { psize=picture_size/zoom; for(i=1;i<=j;i++) if(buf[i]==psize) ++k; if(k) break; } } alt%=k; for(i=1;i<=j;i++) if(buf[i]==psize && !alt--) break; which=i; i=1; while(which--) load_one_picture_sub(fp,size=buf[i],meth=(i==1?*buf>>4:buf[(*buf&15)+1+((i-2)>>1)]>>(i&1?4:0))&15),i++; if(meth==5 || meth==6) meth^=3; if(meth==15) meth=0; SDL_LockSurface(picts); pitch=picts->pitch; pix=picts->pixels+((img&15)+pitch*(img>>4))*picture_size; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { for(h=0;h<zoom;h++) { for(j=0;j<size;j++) { if(meth&1) j=size-j-1; if(meth&2) i=size-i-1; for(k=0;k<zoom;k++) *pix++=curpic[meth&4?j*size+i:i*size+j]; if(meth&1) j=size-j-1; if(meth&2) i=size-i-1; } pix+=pitch-picture_size; } } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); } static void pic_shift_right(SDL_Rect*r,int sh) { Uint8*p; int y; char buf[256]; sh%=r->w; if(!sh) return; SDL_LockSurface(picts); p=picts->pixels+r->y*picts->pitch+r->x; for(y=0;y<r->h;y++) { memcpy(buf,p,r->w); memcpy(p,buf+r->w-sh,sh); memcpy(p+sh,buf,r->w-sh); p+=picts->pitch; } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); } static void pic_shift_down(SDL_Rect*r,int sh) { Uint8*p; int y; char b1[256]; char b2[256]; sh%=r->h; SDL_LockSurface(picts); // This implementation is probably inefficient. while(sh--) { p=picts->pixels+r->y*picts->pitch+r->x; memcpy(b1,p+picts->pitch*(r->h-1),r->w); for(y=0;y<r->h;y++) { memcpy(b2,p,r->w); memcpy(p,b1,r->w); p+=picts->pitch; memcpy(b1,b2,r->w); } } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); } static void pic_orientation(SDL_Rect*r,Uint8 m) { Uint8*d=malloc(r->w*r->h); Uint8*p; Uint8*q; int i,j; if(!d) fatal("Allocation failed\n"); SDL_LockSurface(picts); p=picts->pixels+r->y*picts->pitch+r->x; q=d; for(i=0;i<r->h;i++) { for(j=0;j<r->w;j++) { if(m&1) j=r->w-j-1; if(m&2) i=r->h-i-1; *q++=p[m&4?j*picts->pitch+i:i*picts->pitch+j]; if(m&1) j=r->w-j-1; if(m&2) i=r->h-i-1; } } q=d; for(i=0;i<r->h;i++) { memcpy(p,q,r->w); p+=picts->pitch; q+=r->w; } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); free(d); } static void load_dependent_picture(FILE*fp,Uint16 img,int alt) { SDL_Rect src={0,0,picture_size,picture_size}; SDL_Rect dst={(img&15)*picture_size,(img>>4)*picture_size,picture_size,picture_size}; sqlite3_stmt*st; Sint32 sz; int c,i,x,y; char nam[128]; Uint8 buf[512]; Uint8*p; sz=fgetc(fp)<<16; sz|=fgetc(fp)<<24; sz|=fgetc(fp); sz|=fgetc(fp)<<8; if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(userdb,"SELECT `ID` FROM `PICTURES` WHERE `NAME` = ?1 AND NOT `DEPENDENT`;",-1,&st,0)) fatal("Unable to prepare SQL statement while loading pictures: %s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); i=0; while(sz) { c=fgetc(fp); if(c<32) break; if(i<127) nam[i++]=c; sz--; } if(sz) ungetc(c,fp); sqlite3_bind_text(st,1,nam,i,0); i=sqlite3_step(st); if(i==SQLITE_DONE) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find base picture for a dependent picture; ignoring\n"); sqlite3_finalize(st); return; } else if(i!=SQLITE_ROW) { fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",i,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); } i=sqlite3_column_int(st,0); sqlite3_reset(st); src.x=(i&15)*picture_size; src.y=(i>>4)*picture_size; SDL_SetColorKey(picts,0,0); SDL_BlitSurface(picts,&src,picts,&dst); while(sz-->0) switch(c=fgetc(fp)) { case 0 ... 7: // Flip/rotate pic_orientation(&dst,c); break; case 8: // *->* *->* *->* c=fgetc(fp); sz-=c+1; fread(buf,1,c&255,fp); SDL_LockSurface(picts); p=picts->pixels+((img&15)+picts->pitch*(img>>4))*picture_size; for(y=0;y<picture_size;y++) { for(x=0;x<picture_size;x++) { for(i=0;i<c;i+=2) { if(p[x]==buf[i]) { p[x]=buf[i+1]; break; } } } p+=picts->pitch; } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); break; case 9: // *->*->*->*->* c=fgetc(fp); sz-=c+1; fread(buf,1,c&255,fp); SDL_LockSurface(picts); p=picts->pixels+((img&15)+picts->pitch*(img>>4))*picture_size; for(y=0;y<picture_size;y++) { for(x=0;x<picture_size;x++) { for(i=0;i<c-1;i++) { if(p[x]==buf[i]) { p[x]=buf[i+1]; break; } } } p+=picts->pitch; } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); break; case 10: // *<->* *<->* *<->* c=fgetc(fp); sz-=c+1; fread(buf,1,c&255,fp); SDL_LockSurface(picts); p=picts->pixels+((img&15)+picts->pitch*(img>>4))*picture_size; for(y=0;y<picture_size;y++) { for(x=0;x<picture_size;x++) { for(i=0;i<c;i+=2) { if(p[x]==buf[i]) { p[x]=buf[i+1]; break; } else if(p[x]==buf[i+1]) { p[x]=buf[i]; break; } } } p+=picts->pitch; } SDL_UnlockSurface(picts); break; case 11: // Overlay SDL_SetColorKey(picts,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,0); i=0; while(sz>0) { c=fgetc(fp); if(c<32) break; if(i<127) nam[i++]=c; sz--; } if(sz) ungetc(c,fp); sqlite3_bind_text(st,1,nam,i,0); i=sqlite3_step(st); if(i==SQLITE_DONE) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find overlay for a dependent picture; ignoring\n"); break; } else if(i!=SQLITE_ROW) { fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",i,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); } i=sqlite3_column_int(st,0); sqlite3_reset(st); src.x=(i&15)*picture_size; src.y=(i>>4)*picture_size; SDL_BlitSurface(picts,&src,picts,&dst); break; case 12 ... 15: // Shift (up/down/right/left) while(sz>0) { x=fgetc(fp); y=fgetc(fp); sz-=2; if(y && !(picture_size%y)) { if(c==12) pic_shift_down(&dst,picture_size-((x&127)*picture_size)/y); if(c==13) pic_shift_down(&dst,((x&127)*picture_size)/y); if(c==14) pic_shift_right(&dst,((x&127)*picture_size)/y); if(c==15) pic_shift_right(&dst,picture_size-((x&127)*picture_size)/y); break; } if(x&128) break; } while(sz>0 && x<128) { x=fgetc(fp); fgetc(fp); sz-=2; } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized command in dependent picture (%d)\n",c); goto done; } if(sz<-1) fprintf(stderr,"Lump size of dependent picture is too short\n"); done: sqlite3_finalize(st); } void load_pictures(void) { sqlite3_stmt*st=0; FILE*fp; Uint8 wantsize[32]; Uint8 nwantsize=0; Uint8 altImage; Uint8 havesize1[256]; Uint16 havesize[256]; char*nam=sqlite3_mprintf("%s.xclass",basefilename); const char*v; int i,j,n; if(!nam) fatal("Allocation failed\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Loading pictures...\n"); fp=fopen(nam,"r"); if(!fp) fatal("Failed to open xclass file (%m)\n"); sqlite3_free(nam); optionquery[1]=Q_altImage; altImage=strtol(xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)?:"0",0,10); optionquery[1]=Q_imageSize; v=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2); if(v) while(nwantsize<32) { i=j=0; sscanf(v," %d %n",&i,&j); if(!j) break; if(i<2 || i>255) fatal("Invalid picture size %d\n",i); wantsize[nwantsize++]=i; v+=j; } if(n=sqlite3_exec(userdb,"BEGIN;",0,0,0)) fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",n,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(userdb,"INSERT INTO `PICTURES`(`ID`,`NAME`,`OFFSET`,`DEPENDENT`) VALUES(?1,?2,?3,?4);",-1,&st,0)) fatal("Unable to prepare SQL statement while loading pictures: %s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); nam=malloc(256); if(!nam) fatal("Allocation failed\n"); n=0; memset(havesize,0,256*sizeof(Uint16)); while(!feof(fp)) { i=0; while(j=fgetc(fp)) { if(j==EOF) goto nomore1; if(i<255) nam[i++]=j; } nam[i]=0; if(i>4 && (!memcmp(".IMG",nam+i-4,4) || !memcmp(".DEP",nam+i-4,4))) { if(nam[i-3]=='D') j=0; else j=1; if(n++==32768) fatal("Too many pictures\n"); sqlite3_reset(st); sqlite3_bind_int(st,1,n); sqlite3_bind_text(st,2,nam,i-4,SQLITE_TRANSIENT); sqlite3_bind_int64(st,3,ftell(fp)+4); sqlite3_bind_int(st,4,j^1); while((i=sqlite3_step(st))==SQLITE_ROW); if(i!=SQLITE_DONE) fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",i,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); } else { j=0; } i=fgetc(fp)<<16; i|=fgetc(fp)<<24; i|=fgetc(fp)<<0; i|=fgetc(fp)<<8; if(j) { memset(havesize1,0,256); i-=j=fgetc(fp)&15; while(j--) havesize1[fgetc(fp)&255]=1; fseek(fp,i-1,SEEK_CUR); for(i=1;i<256;i++) if(havesize1[i]) for(j=i+i;j<256;j+=i) havesize1[j]=1; for(j=1;j<256;j++) havesize[j]+=havesize1[j]; } else { fseek(fp,i,SEEK_CUR); } } nomore1: if(!n) fatal("Cannot find any pictures in this puzzle set\n"); free(nam); sqlite3_finalize(st); rewind(fp); for(i=255;i;--i) if(havesize[i]) { curpic=malloc(i*i); break; } if(!curpic) fatal("Allocation failed\n"); picture_size=decide_picture_size(nwantsize,wantsize,havesize,n); if(main_options['x']) goto done; if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(userdb,"SELECT `ID`, `OFFSET` FROM `PICTURES` WHERE NOT `DEPENDENT`;",-1,&st,0)) fatal("Unable to prepare SQL statement while loading pictures: %s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); optionquery[1]=Q_screenFlags; v=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2); i=v&&strchr(v,'h'); picts=SDL_CreateRGBSurface((i?SDL_HWSURFACE:SDL_SWSURFACE)|SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,picture_size<<4,picture_size*((n+15)>>4),8,0,0,0,0); if(!picts) fatal("Error allocating surface for pictures: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); init_palette(); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if((j=sqlite3_step(st))!=SQLITE_ROW) { if(j==SQLITE_DONE) break; fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",j,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); } fseek(fp,sqlite3_column_int64(st,1),SEEK_SET); load_one_picture(fp,sqlite3_column_int(st,0),altImage); } sqlite3_finalize(st); if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(userdb,"SELECT `ID`, `OFFSET` FROM `PICTURES` WHERE `DEPENDENT`;",-1,&st,0)) fatal("Unable to prepare SQL statement while loading pictures: %s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if((j=sqlite3_step(st))!=SQLITE_ROW) { if(j==SQLITE_DONE) break; fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",j,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); } fseek(fp,sqlite3_column_int64(st,1)-4,SEEK_SET); load_dependent_picture(fp,sqlite3_column_int(st,0),altImage); } sqlite3_finalize(st); fclose(fp); SDL_SetColorKey(picts,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY|SDL_RLEACCEL,0); done: if(n=sqlite3_exec(userdb,"COMMIT;",0,0,0)) fatal("SQL error (%d): %s\n",n,sqlite3_errmsg(userdb)); fprintf(stderr,"Done\n"); } void init_screen(void) { const char*v; int w,h,i; if(main_options['x']) return; if(!fontdata) fontdata=pcfont; optionquery[1]=Q_screenWidth; w=strtol(xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)?:"800",0,10); optionquery[1]=Q_screenHeight; h=strtol(xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)?:"600",0,10); optionquery[1]=Q_screenFlags; v=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)?:""; if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|(strchr(v,'z')?SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE:0)|SDL_INIT_TIMER)) fatal("Error initializing SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); atexit(SDL_Quit); i=0; while(*v) switch(*v++) { case 'd': i|=SDL_DOUBLEBUF; break; case 'f': i|=SDL_FULLSCREEN; break; case 'h': i|=SDL_HWSURFACE; break; case 'n': i|=SDL_NOFRAME; break; case 'p': i|=SDL_HWPALETTE; break; case 'r': i|=SDL_RESIZABLE; break; case 'y': i|=SDL_ASYNCBLIT; break; } if(!(i&SDL_HWSURFACE)) i|=SDL_SWSURFACE; screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(w,h,8,i); if(!screen) fatal("Failed to initialize screen mode: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); optionquery[1]=Q_keyRepeat; if(v=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)) { w=strtol(v,(void*)&v,10); h=strtol(v,0,10); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(w,h); } else { SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY,SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); } SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); optionquery[1]=Q_margin; left_margin=strtol(xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2)?:"65",0,10); } void set_code_page(Uint16 n) { int c,i,j,s; const char*v; unsigned char*d; Uint8 b[32]; FILE*fp; if(!n) return; if(fontdata && fontdata!=pcfont) fatal("Multiple code page specifications\n"); optionquery[1]=Q_codepage; v=xrm_get_resource(resourcedb,optionquery,optionquery,2); if(!v || !*v) { if(n==437) return; fatal("Cannot load code page %d; code page file is not configured\n",n); } fp=fopen(v,"r"); if(!fp) { perror(0); fatal("Cannot open code page file\n"); } fontdata=d=malloc(0x800); if(!d) fatal("Allocation failed\n"); memcpy(d,pcfont,0x800); name: s=i=0; for(;;) { c=fgetc(fp); if(c<0) { if(n!=437) fatal("Cannot find code page %d\n",n); goto done; } if(!c) break; if(!s) { if(c<'0' || c>'9') s=1; else if(c=='0' && !i) s=1; else i=10*i+c-'0'; if(i>65535) s=1; } } if(s || i!=n) goto skip; i=fgetc(fp)<<16; i|=fgetc(fp)<<24; i|=fgetc(fp)<<0; i|=fgetc(fp)<<8; if(i==0x800) { fread(d,8,256,fp); goto done; } else if(i==0x400) { fread(d+0x400,8,128,fp); } else if(i<32 || i>0x800) { fatal("Unrecognized format of code page %d\n",n); } else { fread(b,32,1,fp); for(s=0;s<256;s++) if(!(b[s>>3]&(1<<(s&7)))) { if(c=fgetc(fp)) { i=fgetc(fp); if(i&~255) fatal("Error reading data for character %d in code page %d\n",s,n); if(i!=s) memcpy(d+s*8,d+i*8,8); } for(j=0;j<8;j++) if(!(c&(1<<j))) d[j+s*8]=fgetc(fp); } } memset(d,0,8); goto done; skip: i=fgetc(fp)<<16; i|=fgetc(fp)<<24; i|=fgetc(fp)<<0; i|=fgetc(fp)<<8; fseek(fp,i,SEEK_CUR); goto name; done: fclose(fp); } // Widgets static void draw_scrollbar(int*cur,int page,int max,int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1) { Uint8*pix=screen->pixels; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; int x,y,m0,m1; double f; f=(y1-y0)/(double)(max+page); if(*cur<0) *cur=0; else if(*cur>max) *cur=max; m0=*cur*f+y0; m1=(*cur+page)*f+y0; pix+=y0*pitch; SDL_LockSurface(screen); for(y=y0;y<y1;y++) { for(x=x0;x<x1;x++) pix[x]=y<m0?0xFF:y>m1?0xFF:(y^x)&1?0xF0:0xFF; pix[x1]=0xFF; pix+=pitch; } SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); } int scrollbar(int*cur,int page,int max,SDL_Event*ev,SDL_Rect*re) { int x0=re?re->x:0; int y0=re?re->y:0; int x1=re?re->x+12:12; int y1=re?re->y+re->h:screen->h; int y; double f; max-=page; if(max<0) max=0; switch(ev?ev->type:SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if(ev->motion.x<x0 || ev->motion.x>x1 || ev->motion.y<y0 || ev->motion.y>=y1) return 0; if(ev->motion.state&SDL_BUTTON(2)) { y=ev->motion.y; goto move; } else if(ev->motion.state&SDL_BUTTON(1)) { set_cursor(XC_sb_up_arrow); } else if(ev->motion.state&SDL_BUTTON(3)) { set_cursor(XC_sb_down_arrow); } else { set_cursor(XC_sb_v_double_arrow); } return 1; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if(ev->button.x<x0 || ev->button.x>x1 || ev->button.y<y0 || ev->button.y>=y1) return 0; if(ev->button.button==2) { y=ev->button.y; goto move; } else if(ev->button.button==1) { set_cursor(XC_sb_up_arrow); } else if(ev->button.button==3) { set_cursor(XC_sb_down_arrow); } return 1; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if(ev->button.x<x0 || ev->button.x>x1 || ev->button.y<y0 || ev->button.y>=y1) return 0; f=(y1-y0)/(double)page; y=(ev->button.y-y0+0.5)/f; if(ev->button.button==1) { *cur+=y; } else if(ev->button.button==3) { *cur-=y; } draw_scrollbar(cur,page,max,x0,y0,x1,y1); SDL_Flip(screen); set_cursor(XC_sb_v_double_arrow); return 1; case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: draw_scrollbar(cur,page,max,x0,y0,x1,y1); return 0; default: return 0; } move: f=(y1-y0)/(double)(max+page); *cur=(y-y0+0.5)/f; draw_scrollbar(cur,page,max,x0,y0,x1,y1); SDL_Flip(screen); set_cursor(XC_sb_right_arrow); return 1; } // Popup text /* \0 to \7 (1 to 8) - Colours \b (15) - Horizontal line \c (12) - Centre align \i (14) - Image of class \l (11) - Left align \n (10) - Line break \q (16) - Quiz button \x (31) - Hex escape */ typedef struct { Uint8 a,h; Uint16 w; } PopLine; static void pop_bar(int x,int y,PopLine*li,int w) { Uint8*p=screen->pixels; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; if(x+w>=screen->w || y+8>screen->h) return; p+=(y+3)*pitch+x; while(w--) *p++=w&1?7:5; } static void pop_char(int x,int y,PopLine*li,Uint8 c,Uint8 v) { Uint8*p=screen->pixels; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; int xx,yy; const unsigned char*f=fontdata+(v<<3); if(li->h>8) y+=(li->h-8)/2; if(y+8>=screen->h || x+8>=screen->w) return; p+=y*pitch+x; for(yy=0;yy<8;yy++) { for(xx=0;xx<8;xx++) p[xx]=(*f<<xx)&128?c:0xF7; p+=pitch; ++f; } } static void pop_image(int x,int y,PopLine*li,const unsigned char*t) { const unsigned char*p=strchr(t,':'); int i,n; if(!p) return; n=strtol(p+1,0,10); if(li->h>picture_size) y+=(li->h-picture_size)/2; if(y+picture_size>=screen->h || x+picture_size>=screen->w) return; SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); if(p==t+1 && *t==7) { // This case is used for %i substitutions draw_picture(x,y,n); } else if(p) { for(i=1;i<0x4000;i++) if(classes[i]) { if(strlen(classes[i]->name)==p-t && !memcmp(t,classes[i]->name,p-t)) { if(n>=0 && n<classes[i]->nimages) draw_picture(x,y,classes[i]->images[n]&0x7FFF); break; } } } SDL_LockSurface(screen); } static void pop_quiz(int x,int y,PopLine*li,Uint8 c,Uint8 v) { SDL_Rect r; Uint8*p=screen->pixels; Uint16 pitch=screen->pitch; int xx,yy; const unsigned char*f=fontdata+(v<<3); if(li->h>16) y+=(li->h-16)/2; r.x=x; r.y=y; r.w=r.h=16; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x07); if(y+16>=screen->h || x+24>=screen->w) return; p+=(y+4)*pitch+x+4; for(yy=0;yy<8;yy++) { for(xx=0;xx<8;xx++) p[xx]=(*f<<xx)&128?c:0x07; p+=pitch; ++f; } } void draw_popup(const unsigned char*txt) { static colo[8]={1,144,188,173,83,98,218,15}; static PopLine li[64]; SDL_Rect r; int bx,by,x,y,c; int ln=0; // line number int lh=8; // height of current line int th=0; // total height int lw=0; // width of current line int tw=0; // total width const unsigned char*p=txt; li[0].w=li[0].h=li[0].a=0; // Figure out size while(ln<64 && *p) switch(*p++) { case 1 ... 8: // needing doing nothing yet break; case 10: th+=lh; li[ln].h=lh; li[ln].w=lw; if(tw<lw) tw=lw; if(*p && *p!=15) lh=8; else lh=0; lw=0; ln++; if(ln<64) li[ln].a=li[ln-1].a; break; case 11: case 12: li[ln].a=p[-1]-11; break; case 14: if(lh<picture_size) lh=picture_size; lw+=picture_size; p=strchr(p,'\\')?:""; if(*p) p++; break; case 15: th+=lh+8; li[ln].h=lh; li[ln].w=lw; if(tw<lw) tw=lw; lh=8; lw=0; ln++; if(ln<64) li[ln].a=li[ln-1].a; break; case 16: lw+=24; if(lh<16) lh=16; if(*p) p++; break; case 30: p=strchr(p,'\\')?:""; if(*p) p++; break; case 31: lw+=8; if(*p) p++; break; default: lw+=8; } done: if(ln<64) li[ln].h=lh,li[ln].w=lw; p=txt; th+=lh; if(tw<lw) tw=lw; if(tw>screen->w-32) tw=screen->w-32; if(th>screen->h-32) th=screen->h-32; bx=(screen->w-tw-8)/2; by=(screen->h-th-8)/2; // Draw box r.x=bx; r.y=by; r.w=tw+16; r.h=th+16; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xF7); r.w=tw+16; r.h=1; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x0F); r.w=1; r.h=th+16; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x0F); r.x++; r.y++; r.w=tw+14; r.h=1; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x0D); r.w=1; r.h=th+14; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x0D); r.x++; r.y++; r.w=tw+12; r.h=1; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x0B); r.w=1; r.h=th+12; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x0B); r.x=bx+tw+15; r.y=by; r.w=1; r.h=th+16; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x02); r.x--; r.y++; r.h-=2; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x05); r.x--; r.y++; r.h-=2; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x08); r.x=bx; r.y=by+th+15; r.w=tw+16; r.h=1; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x02); r.x++; r.y--; r.w-=2; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x05); r.x++; r.y--; r.w-=2; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0x08); // Draw text bx+=8; by+=8; tw-=8; th-=8; x=bx; y=by; c=colo[0]; ln=0; SDL_LockSurface(screen); while(*p && ln<64 && y+li[ln].h<screen->h) switch(*p++) { case 1 ... 8: c=colo[p[-1]-1]; break; case 10: y+=li[ln++].h; if(ln<64) x=li[ln].a?bx+(tw-li[ln].w)/2:bx; break; case 11: // do nothing break; case 12: if(x==bx) x+=(tw-li[ln].w)/2; break; case 14: pop_image(x,y,li+ln,p); x+=picture_size; p=strchr(p,'\\')?:""; if(*p) p++; break; case 15: y+=li[ln++].h; pop_bar(bx-8,y,li+ln,tw+22); y+=8; if(ln<64) x=li[ln].a?bx+(tw-li[ln].w)/2:bx; break; case 16: pop_quiz(x,y,li+ln,c,*p); if(*p) p++; x+=24; break; case 30: p=strchr(p,'\\')?:""; if(*p) p++; break; case 31: pop_char(x,y,li+ln,c,*p); if(*p) p++; x+=8; break; default: pop_char(x,y,li+ln,c,p[-1]); x+=8; break; } SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); } int modal_draw_popup(const unsigned char*txt) { SDL_Event ev; #if 0 SDL_Rect r; r.x=r.y=0; r.w=screen->w; r.h=4; SDL_FillRect(screen,&r,0xFE); #endif set_cursor(XC_iron_cross); redraw: draw_popup(txt); SDL_Flip(screen); while(SDL_WaitEvent(&ev)) switch(ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: SDL_PushEvent(&ev); return -1; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch(ev.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: case SDLK_ESCAPE: return 0; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return 0; case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: goto redraw; } return -1; }