Free Hero Mesh

Check-in [d15195a921]
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Comment:Implement the Sound instruction. (There are still a few problems such as clicks at the end of some sound effects, and a few problems with the sound test menu. However, it mostly works, now.)
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SHA1: d15195a921f6ff832bdb135bfb43a272f2294636
User & Date: user on 2022-01-29 05:55:37
Other Links: manifest | tags
Correct parsing instruction names beginning with a plus and minus sign. check-in: 547bf4ed86 user: user tags: trunk
Implement the Sound instruction. (There are still a few problems such as clicks at the end of some sound effects, and a few problems with the sound test menu. However, it mostly works, now.) check-in: d15195a921 user: user tags: trunk
Implement (attribute userflags) syntax, in order to access bit patterns of user flags directly in class codes (e.g. so that they can be passed to subroutines, etc). check-in: a724f44255 user: user tags: trunk

Modified TODO from [c921c09e17] to [a63cc0af2f].    [diff]

Modified bindings.doc from [09ad0658cd] to [ba75b7ef57].    [diff]

Modified class.c from [633629bcf7] to [5513be6ecd].    [diff]

Modified default.heromeshrc from [7f0656bbc7] to [eab9494892].    [diff]

Modified edit.c from [13e928d083] to [cc13f87281].    [diff]

Modified edit.doc from [a922353611] to [5f662b4d3a].    [diff]

Modified exec.c from [d3751950c5] to [a961423181].    [diff]

Modified game.c from [e517a0c994] to [73bec037e1].    [diff]

Modified game.doc from [7328cb695b] to [fefbd2794f].    [diff]

Modified sound.c from [8e65d6bcfc] to [cf457c80d7].    [diff]