Free Hero Mesh

Check-in [1114ae75d5]
This is a mirror of the main repository for Free Hero Mesh. New tickets and changes will not be accepted at this mirror.
Comment:Implement LastR, NextR, ThisR; this is not tested and not fully complete; it will be used in future to implement replacing objects with new ones in COLLIDE and COLLIDEBY messages.
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SHA1: 1114ae75d54a3f365cc5816689769bbd7b8e56ee
User & Date: user on 2022-10-05 23:26:45
Other Links: manifest | tags
Implement returning classes/objects from COLLIDEBY message to transform objects. (Not fully tested yet) check-in: 60b09ee8e4 user: user tags: trunk
Implement LastR, NextR, ThisR; this is not tested and not fully complete; it will be used in future to implement replacing objects with new ones in COLLIDE and COLLIDEBY messages. check-in: 1114ae75d5 user: user tags: trunk
Do not hard code number of pictures per row in the internal representation; use macros instead. This number is increased from 16 to 128 in order to avoid coordinate overflows for puzzle sets with large number of pictures if a large picture size is selected. check-in: 0a234d4210 user: user tags: trunk

Modified class.doc from [b11e8f2620] to [8db1014969].    [diff]

Modified exec.c from [70385a14e1] to [e8eae091e5].    [diff]

Modified game.c from [c6efffb6bc] to [522c906303].    [diff]

Modified heromesh.h from [f41b1c99d8] to [3c737c4009].    [diff]

Modified instruc from [ea8898a518] to [ff5a0f1f93].    [diff]

Modified instruc.h from [62a01ab909] to [ee33348f38].    [diff]