
Artifact [7558f83f30]

Artifact 7558f83f307ad2e15aecbb2fca2ee0ac0ba0d5c8:

Wiki page [PicoCommand.1] by unaiur 2011-03-25 03:00:10.
D 2011-03-25T03:00:10.283
L PicoCommand.1
U unaiur
W 1381
<h1>Pico commands</h1>

<h2>Enumerate notification</h2>
The enumerate command is a notification which set the announce bit in all the slave nodes. The enumerate command can contain a filter condition with the following format:
  <object><register> op <value>

object   6 bits containing the object number
register 6 bits containing the register number in the object
op       2 bits containing the operation (eq lt gt and)
inv      1 bit inverting the comparation result
rsv      1 bit reserved
value   16 bits containing the value to compar

If a node doesn't support enumerate filters, the notifiction is ignored and no ACK bit is generated.

Otherwise, the slave should try to become master in the next election and should send an announce notification.

<h2>Announce notification</h2>
The announce notification is the first message sent after a node powers up. It contains the following data:

manuf  2 byte containing the manufacturer ID
model  2 byte containing the device model
nobjs  1 byte containing the number of objects
groups 1 byte containing the number of groups the node can belong to.

<h2>Get object info request</h2>
This request retrieves info about the 

<h2>Set address</h2>
This notification must be send to an unique device and instructs them to try to change its address. The data fields contains 4 bytes with the new address.

Z b22f315f992e1b8ca3dd2ac9cd89668d