4 """
5 This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
6 Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <mdipierro@cs.depaul.edu>
7 License: LGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
8 """
10 import os
11 import stat
12 import time
13 import re
14 import errno
15 import rewrite
16 from http import HTTP
17 from contenttype import contenttype
20 regex_start_range = re.compile('\d+(?=\-)')
21 regex_stop_range = re.compile('(?<=\-)\d+')
26 offset = 0
27 while bytes == None or offset < bytes:
28 if bytes != None and bytes - offset < chunk_size:
29 chunk_size = bytes - offset
30 data = stream.read(chunk_size)
31 length = len(data)
32 if not length:
33 break
34 else:
35 yield data
36 if length < chunk_size:
37 break
38 offset += length
39 stream.close()
48 if error_message is None:
49 error_message = rewrite.thread.routes.error_message % 'invalid request'
50 try:
51 fp = open(static_file)
52 except IOError, e:
53 if e[0] == errno.EISDIR:
54 raise HTTP(403, error_message, web2py_error='file is a directory')
55 elif e[0] == errno.EACCES:
56 raise HTTP(403, error_message, web2py_error='inaccessible file')
57 else:
58 raise HTTP(404, error_message, web2py_error='invalid file')
59 else:
60 fp.close()
61 stat_file = os.stat(static_file)
62 fsize = stat_file[stat.ST_SIZE]
63 mtime = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT',
64 time.gmtime(stat_file[stat.ST_MTIME]))
65 headers['Content-Type'] = contenttype(static_file)
66 headers['Last-Modified'] = mtime
67 headers['Pragma'] = 'cache'
68 headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'
70 if request and request.env.http_if_modified_since == mtime:
71 raise HTTP(304, **{'Content-Type': headers['Content-Type']})
73 elif request and request.env.http_range:
74 start_items = regex_start_range.findall(request.env.http_range)
75 if not start_items:
76 start_items = [0]
77 stop_items = regex_stop_range.findall(request.env.http_range)
78 if not stop_items or int(stop_items[0]) > fsize - 1:
79 stop_items = [fsize - 1]
80 part = (int(start_items[0]), int(stop_items[0]), fsize)
81 bytes = part[1] - part[0] + 1
82 try:
83 stream = open(static_file, 'rb')
84 except IOError, e:
85 if e[0] in (errno.EISDIR, errno.EACCES):
86 raise HTTP(403)
87 else:
88 raise HTTP(404)
89 stream.seek(part[0])
90 headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes %i-%i/%i' % part
91 headers['Content-Length'] = '%i' % bytes
92 status = 206
93 else:
94 try:
95 stream = open(static_file, 'rb')
96 except IOError, e:
97 if e[0] in (errno.EISDIR, errno.EACCES):
98 raise HTTP(403)
99 else:
100 raise HTTP(404)
101 headers['Content-Length'] = fsize
102 bytes = None
103 status = 200
104 if request and request.env.web2py_use_wsgi_file_wrapper:
105 wrapped = request.env.wsgi_file_wrapper(stream, chunk_size)
106 else:
107 wrapped = streamer(stream, chunk_size=chunk_size, bytes=bytes)
108 raise HTTP(status, wrapped, **headers)