Package web2py :: Package gluon :: Module sqlhtml :: Class SQLTABLE
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]


source code

       object --+            
html.XmlComponent --+        
             html.DIV --+    
               html.TABLE --+

given a Rows object, as returned by a db().select(), generates
an html table with the rows.

optional arguments:

:param linkto: URL (or lambda to generate a URL) to edit individual records
:param upload: URL to download uploaded files
:param orderby: Add an orderby link to column headers.
:param headers: dictionary of headers to headers redefinions
                headers can also be a string to gerenare the headers from data
                for now only headers="fieldname:capitalize",
                headers="labels" and headers=None are supported
:param truncate: length at which to truncate text in table cells.
    Defaults to 16 characters.
:param columns: a list or dict contaning the names of the columns to be shown
    Defaults to all

Optional names attributes for passed to the <table> tag

The keys of headers and columns must be of the form "tablename.fieldname"

Simple linkto example::

    rows =
    table = SQLTABLE(rows, linkto='someurl')

This will link rows[id] to .../sometable/value_of_id

More advanced linkto example::

    def mylink(field, type, ref):
        return URL(r=request, args=[field])

    rows =
    table = SQLTABLE(rows, linkto=mylink)

This will link rows[id] to
New Implements: 24 June 2011:

:param selectid: The id you want to select
:param renderstyle: Boolean render the style with the table

:param extracolums = [{'label':A('Extra',_href='#'),
                'class': '', #class name of the header
                'width':'', #width in pixels or %
                'content':lambda row, rc: A('Edit',_href='edit/%s',                     
                'selected': False #agregate class selected to this column
:param headers = {'':{'label':'Id',
                       'class':'', #class name of the header
                       'width':'', #width in pixels or %
                       'truncate': 16, #truncate the content to...
                       'selected': False #agregate class selected to this column
           'table.myfield':{'label':'My field',
                            'class':'', #class name of the header
                            'width':'', #width in pixels or %
                            'truncate': 16, #truncate the content to...
                            'selected': False #agregate class selected to this column
table = SQLTABLE(rows, headers=headers, extracolums=extracolums)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, sqlrows, linkto=1, upload=1, orderby=1, headers={}, truncate=16, columns=1, th_link='', extracolumns=1, selectid=1, renderstyle=True, **attributes)
:param *components: any components that should be nested in this element :param **attributes: any attributes you want to give to this element
source code
style(self) source code

Inherited from html.TABLE (private): _fixup

Inherited from html.DIV: __delitem__, __getitem__, __len__, __nonzero__, __setitem__, __str__, append, element, elements, flatten, insert, sibling, siblings, update, xml

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from html.TABLE: tag

Inherited from html.DIV: regex_attr, regex_class, regex_id, regex_tag

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, sqlrows, linkto=1, upload=1, orderby=1, headers={}, truncate=16, columns=1, th_link='', extracolumns=1, selectid=1, renderstyle=True, **attributes)

source code 

:param *components: any components that should be nested in this element :param **attributes: any attributes you want to give to this element

:raises SyntaxError: when a stand alone tag receives components
Overrides: html.DIV.__init__
(inherited documentation)