Package web2py :: Package gluon :: Module dal :: Class CouchDBAdapter
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Class CouchDBAdapter

source code

    object --+            
ConnectionPool --+        
       BaseAdapter --+    
          NoSQLAdapter --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
file_exists(self, filename)
to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem
source code
file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True)
to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem
source code
file_close(self, fileobj, unlock=True)
to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem
source code
expand(self, expression, field_type=1) source code
AND(self, first, second) source code
OR(self, first, second) source code
EQ(self, first, second) source code
NE(self, first, second) source code
COMMA(self, first, second) source code
represent(self, obj, fieldtype) source code
__init__(self, db, uri='couchdb://', pool_size=0, folder=1, db_codec='UTF-8', credential_decoder=<function <lambda> at 0xd73500>, driver_args={}, adapter_args={})
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
source code
create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=True, polymodel=1) source code
insert(self, table, fields) source code
_select(self, query, fields, attributes) source code
select(self, query, fields, attributes)
Always returns a Rows object, even if it may be empty
source code
delete(self, tablename, query) source code
update(self, tablename, query, fields) source code
count(self, query, distinct=1) source code

Inherited from NoSQLAdapter: ADD, AGGREGATE, AS, DIV, ENDSWITH, EXTRACT, LEFT_JOIN, LIKE, LOWER, MUL, ON, PRIMARY_KEY, RANDOM, STARTSWITH, SUB, SUBSTRING, UPPER, alias, close, commit, commit_prepared, concat_add, constraint_name, create_sequence_and_triggers, distributed_transaction_begin, drop, execute, integrity_error_class, lastrowid, log_execute, migrate_table, prepare, represent_exceptions, rollback, rollback_prepared, rowslice

Inherited from NoSQLAdapter (private): _count, _delete, _insert, _update

Inherited from BaseAdapter: ALLOW_NULL, BELONGS, COALESCE_ZERO, CONTAINS, GE, GT, INVERT, JOIN, LE, LT, MOD, NOT, NOT_NULL, bulk_insert, file_delete, filter_tenant, get_table, integrity_error, parse, select_limitby, sequence_name, tables, trigger_name, truncate

Inherited from BaseAdapter (private): _drop, _truncate

Inherited from ConnectionPool: find_or_make_work_folder, pool_connection

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from NoSQLAdapter: to_unicode

Inherited from ConnectionPool: close_all_instances, set_folder

Class Variables [hide private]
  uploads_in_blob = True
  types = {'blob': <type 'str'>, 'boolean': <type 'bool'>, 'date...

Inherited from BaseAdapter: commit_on_alter_table, driver, maxcharlength, support_distributed_transaction

Inherited from ConnectionPool: pools

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

file_exists(self, filename)

source code 
to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem
Overrides: BaseAdapter.file_exists
(inherited documentation)

file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True)

source code 
to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem
Overrides: BaseAdapter.file_open
(inherited documentation)

file_close(self, fileobj, unlock=True)

source code 
to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem
Overrides: BaseAdapter.file_close
(inherited documentation)

expand(self, expression, field_type=1)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.expand

AND(self, first, second)

source code 
Overrides: NoSQLAdapter.AND

OR(self, first, second)

source code 
Overrides: NoSQLAdapter.OR

EQ(self, first, second)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.EQ

NE(self, first, second)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.NE

COMMA(self, first, second)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.COMMA

represent(self, obj, fieldtype)

source code 
Overrides: NoSQLAdapter.represent

__init__(self, db, uri='couchdb://', pool_size=0, folder=1, db_codec='UTF-8', credential_decoder=<function <lambda> at 0xd73500>, driver_args={}, adapter_args={})

source code 
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
Overrides: BaseAdapter.__init__

create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=True, polymodel=1)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.create_table

insert(self, table, fields)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.insert

_select(self, query, fields, attributes)

source code 
Overrides: NoSQLAdapter._select

select(self, query, fields, attributes)

source code 
Always returns a Rows object, even if it may be empty
(inherited documentation)

delete(self, tablename, query)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.delete

update(self, tablename, query, fields)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.update

count(self, query, distinct=1)

source code 
Overrides: BaseAdapter.count

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{'blob': <type 'str'>,
 'boolean': <type 'bool'>,
 'date': <type ''>,
 'datetime': <type 'datetime.datetime'>,
 'double': <type 'float'>,
 'id': <type 'long'>,
 'integer': <type 'long'>,
 'list:integer': <type 'list'>,