Package web2py :: Package gluon :: Module main
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Module main

source code

This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
License: LGPLv3 (


- wsgibase: the gluon wsgi application

Classes [hide private]
the web2py web server (Rocket)
Functions [hide private]
guess the client address from the environment variables
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copystream_progress(request, chunk_size=100000)
copies request.env.wsgi_input into request.body and stores progress upload status in cache.ram X-Progress-ID:length and X-Progress-ID:uploaded
source code
serve_controller(request, response, session)
this function is used to generate a dynamic page.
source code
start_response_aux(status, headers, exc_info, response=1)
in controller you can use::...
source code
middleware_aux(request, response, *middleware_apps)
In you controller use:
source code
environ_aux(environ, request) source code
parse_get_post_vars(request, environ) source code
wsgibase(environ, responder)
this is the gluon wsgi application.
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save_password(password, port)
used by main() to save the password in the file.
source code
appfactory(wsgiapp=<function wsgibase at 0x13d0410>, logfilename='httpserver.log', profilerfilename='profiler.log')
generates a wsgi application that does logging and profiling and calls wsgibase ..
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Variables [hide private]
  web2py_path = 1
PyMySQL: A pure-Python drop-in replacement for MySQLdb.
  logpath = '/home/mdipierro/web2py/logging.conf'
  logger = logging.getLogger("web2py")
  requests = 0
  regex_client = re.compile(r'[\w-:]+(\.[\w-]+)*\.?')
  version_info = <closed file '/home/mdipierro/web2py/VERSION', ...
  web2py_version = 'Version 1.98.2 (2011-08-03 18:44:38)\n'
Function Details [hide private]


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guess the client address from the environment variables

first tries 'http_x_forwarded_for', secondly 'remote_addr' if all fails assume '' (running locally)

serve_controller(request, response, session)

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this function is used to generate a dynamic page. It first runs all models, then runs the function in the controller, and then tries to render the output using a view/template. this function must run from the [application] folder. A typical example would be the call to the url /[application]/[controller]/[function] that would result in a call to [function]() in applications/[application]/[controller].py rendered by applications/[application]/views/[controller]/[function].html

start_response_aux(status, headers, exc_info, response=1)

source code 

in controller you can use::

- request.wsgi.environ
- request.wsgi.start_response

to call third party WSGI applications

middleware_aux(request, response, *middleware_apps)

source code 
In you controller use:
   @request.wsgi.middleware(middleware1, middleware2, ...)
to decorate actions with WSGI middleware. actions must return strings. uses a simulated environment so it may have weird behavior in some cases

wsgibase(environ, responder)

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this is the gluon wsgi application. the first function called when a page
is requested (static or dynamic). it can be called by paste.httpserver
or by apache mod_wsgi.

  - fills request with info
  - the environment variables, replacing '.' with '_'
  - adds web2py path and version info
  - compensates for fcgi missing path_info and query_string
  - validates the path in url

The url path must be either:

1. for static pages:

  - /<application>/static/<file>

2. for dynamic pages:

  - /<application>[/<controller>[/<function>[/<sub>]]][.<extension>]
  - (sub may go several levels deep, currently 3 levels are supported:

The naming conventions are:

  - application, controller, function and extension may only contain
  - file and sub may also contain '-', '=', '.' and '/'

appfactory(wsgiapp=<function wsgibase at 0x13d0410>, logfilename='httpserver.log', profilerfilename='profiler.log')

source code 

generates a wsgi application that does logging and profiling and calls

.. function:: gluon.main.appfactory(
        [, logfilename='httpserver.log'
        [, profilerfilename='profiler.log']]])

Variables Details [hide private]


open(abspath('VERSION', gluon= True), 'r')