Ttk file selection dialog

Artifact [cfec0257e1]

Artifact cfec0257e126f3f74e56621cbc89219a44848b93:

Wiki page [Ttk file selection dialog] by schelte 2014-06-01 11:11:03.
D 2014-06-01T11:11:03.216
L Ttk\sfile\sselection\sdialog
U schelte
W 1008
The file selection dialogs on windows and mac use native dialogs. Only on unix-like platforms a very simple scripted dialog is used. This project was started to provide a better looking dialog for those platforms.

After a while people started to use this dialog on windows as well because of some of the features it provides.

  *  Show directories in a separate pane or mixed-in with the files
  *  Optionally show details of the files (size, modification time, etc.)
  *  Show or hide hidden files
  *  Sort the files by name, date, or size
  *  The user can interactively control the features mentioned above
  *  Select a directory using the file selection dialog

<b>Available commands</b>
  *  ttk::getOpenFile
  *  ttk::getSaveFile
  *  ttk::chooseDirectory
  *  ttk::getAppendFile (obsoleted by the -confirmoverwrite option)

For more information, see the [Manual page|ttk::getOpenFile and ttk::getSaveFile manual page] and the [ttk::chooseDirectory manual page].

Z 52756bbe29cbfed30f9777eed2cd1dae