GIMP Script-fu

Artifact [22fdfa15f8]

Artifact 22fdfa15f89cd67d55e0d36a53741ff47ca66333:

; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.

(define (script-fu-sg-platonic-calendar edge-length
                                        ym-layout ; 0 = y/m equal, 1=large month, 2=large year, 3=year-month, 4=month-year
                                        ; the following are common to script-fu-sg-calendar
                                        lang year sunday? letters-in-day 
                                        layout text-font number-font font-size% 
                                        justify? gravity 
                                        use-facet-image facet-image)
  ; traditional atan2 function - returns angle of a line
  (define (atan2 y x)
      (if (> x 0)
        (atan (/ y x))
        (if (< x 0)
          (if (< y 0)
            (- (atan (/ y x)) *pi*)
            (+ (atan (/ y x)) *pi*) )
          (cond ;; x is zero
            ((> y 0) (/ *pi* 2))
            ((< y 0) (- (/ *pi* 2)))
            (else ;; x==y==0 is typically undefined but we return 0 instead
              0 ) ) ) ) )
  (define (deg->rad x)
    (/ (* x *pi*) 180) )
  (define (rad->deg x)
    (/ (* x 180) *pi*) )

  ; polar to rectangular
  ; Returns a pair (x . y)
  (define (p->r rad ang) 
    (cons (* rad (cos (/ ang (/ 180 *pi*)))) 
          (* rad (sin (/ ang (/ 180 *pi*)))) ))
  ; return a list of pairs containing the anchor points of a path's stroke
  ; For example, ((x0 . y0) (x1 . y1) (x2 . y2) (x3 . y3) (x4 . y4))
  ; If stroke is not supplied then first stroke is assumed
  (define (get-anchors path . stroke)
    (let ((stroke (if (null? stroke) 
                      (vector-ref (cadr (gimp-vectors-get-strokes path)) 0)
                      (car stroke) )))
      (let loop ((points (vector->list (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points path stroke))))
                 (anchors '()) )
        (if (null? points)
          (if (null? anchors)
            (reverse anchors) )
          (loop (cdddr (cdddr points)) 
                (cons (cons (cadr (cdddr points)) (cadr points)) anchors) )))))
  ; Reverse the direction of a path's polygonal stroke. Works by creating
  ; a new (reversed) stroke and removing the original.
  ; Returns the new stroke.
  ; If stroke is not supplied then first stroke is assumed.
  (define (reverse-pent path . stroke)
    (let* ((stroke (if (null? stroke) 
                      (vector-ref (cadr (gimp-vectors-get-strokes path)) 0)
                      (car stroke) ))
           (anchors (get-anchors path stroke))
           (new-stroke 0) )
      ; mangle list order because strokes are built in reverse order
      (set! anchors (reverse (append (list (car anchors)) (reverse (cdr anchors)))))
      (set! new-stroke (car (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-new-moveto path 
                                                                   (caar anchors)
                                                                   (cdar anchors) )))
      (gimp-vectors-remove-stroke path stroke)
      (let loop ((anchors (cdr anchors)))
        (if (null? anchors)
            (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto path new-stroke (caar anchors) (cdar anchors))
            (loop (cdr anchors)) )))))
  ; For debugging only
;  (define (print-points path)
;    (let* ((stroke (vector-ref (cadr (gimp-vectors-get-strokes path)) 0)))
;      (display (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points path stroke)) ))

  ; Create a new pentagon (a polygonal path with five anchor points)
  ; xya is a list containing the x and y coordinates, and the angle (in degrees) of the first edge
  ; Returns the path ID of the created pentagon.          
  ; Note: the name of the month pentagrams is their numeric index (Jan=0, Feb=1, Mar=2,...)
  ; Note to programmers: the bezier-stroke-line-to routine prepends new points to
  ;                      the start of the stroke!
  (define (make-pent image name xya) 
    (let* ((path (car (gimp-vectors-new image name)))
          (stroke 0)
          (x (car xya))
          (y (cadr xya))
          (banner-angle (caddr xya))
          (points (list (cons x y))) )
      (gimp-image-add-vectors image path 0)
      (let loop ((count 4)
                 (x (+ x (car (p->r edge-length banner-angle))))
                 (y (+ y (cdr (p->r edge-length banner-angle))))
                 (angle 72) )
        (if (zero? count)
            (set! points (cons (cons x y) points))
            (loop (- count 1) 
                  (+ x (car (p->r edge-length (+ banner-angle angle))))
                  (+ y (cdr (p->r edge-length (+ banner-angle angle))))
                  (modulo (+ angle 72) 360) ))))
      (set! stroke (car (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-new-moveto path (caar points) (cdar points))))
      (set! points (cdr points))
      (while (pair? points)
        (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto path stroke (caar points) (cdar points))
        (set! points (cdr points)) )
      (gimp-vectors-stroke-close path stroke)
      path ))
  ; pent-ref returns a list containing the starting xy coords and angle (in degrees) of
  ; the nth path segment. (This list can then be passed to make-pent.)
  ; (x y angle)
  (define (pent-ref pent index)
    (let* ((points (get-anchors pent))
           (x0 (car (list-ref points index)))
           (y0 (cdr (list-ref points index)))
           (x1 (car (list-ref points (modulo (+ index 1) 5))))
           (y1 (cdr (list-ref points (modulo (+ index 1) 5))))
           (ang (atan2 (- y1 y0) (- x1 x0))) )
      (list x0
            (* 180 ang (/ *pi*)) )))

  ; Render a month for the specified pentagon. The path's name is
  ; the index of the month (Jan=0, Feb=1, Mar=2,...)
  ; Returns the image ID of the rendered image (this image only has one layer)
  (define (month-pent pent)
    (let* ((month-image (car (gimp-image-new edge-length (ceiling (/ (* edge-length 7) 6)) RGB)))
           (month-layer (car (gimp-layer-new month-image 
                                             RGBA-IMAGE "tmp" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
           (month (string->number (car (gimp-vectors-get-name pent)))) ; path name = month (0-11)
           (month-name (list-ref (list-ref sg-calendar-months lang) month))
           (date-layer 0)
           (text-month 0) ; layer for month banner
           (text-year 0)  ; layer for year banner
           (text-size 0)
           (banner-height 0) )
      ; For debugging only  !!!    
;      (gimp-display-new month-image)
      (gimp-image-add-layer month-image month-layer 0)
      (gimp-drawable-fill month-layer TRANSPARENT-FILL)
      (gimp-layer-set-offsets month-layer 0 (- (car (gimp-image-height month-image))
                                               (car (gimp-drawable-height month-layer)) ))
      ; draw the dates for the month 
      (set! date-layer (car (script-fu-sg-calendar month-image 
                                                   TRUE ; Sunday first 
                                                   layout ; (0=allow 6, 2=force 6, 3=wrap to w1, 4=wrap to w5)
                                                   font-size% ; text size as % of cell size
                                                   justify? ; right justify single-digit numbers
                                                   0 ; no borders
                                                   '(0 0 0) ; border color (ignored)
                                                   gravity ; center date in cell 
      (gimp-image-set-active-layer month-image date-layer)
      (plug-in-autocrop-layer RUN-NONINTERACTIVE month-image date-layer)
      (set! banner-height (* 0.9 (cadr (gimp-drawable-offsets date-layer))))
      ;; draw the banner
      (if (< ym-layout 3)  
        ; ym-layout is vertical  
        (let ((y/m-ratio (cond  
                           ((zero? ym-layout) 0.5)
                           ((= 1 ym-layout) 0.35)
                           (else 0.60) )))
          (set! text-size (sg-calendar-calc-fontsize month-name text-font 100 edge-length (* banner-height (- 1 y/m-ratio))))
          (set! text-month (car (gimp-text-fontname month-image -1 
                                                    0 0 month-name 0 TRUE text-size PIXELS text-font )))
          (gimp-image-set-active-layer month-image text-month)
          (plug-in-autocrop-layer RUN-NONINTERACTIVE month-image text-month)
          (gimp-layer-set-offsets text-month
                                  (/ (- edge-length (car (gimp-drawable-width text-month))) 2) ; center horiz
                                  (+ (* banner-height y/m-ratio)
                                     (/ (- (* banner-height (- 1 y/m-ratio)) 
                                           (car (gimp-drawable-height text-month))) 2) ))
          (set! text-size (sg-calendar-calc-fontsize (number->string year) text-font 100 edge-length (* banner-height y/m-ratio)))
          (set! text-year (car (gimp-text-fontname month-image -1 0 0 (number->string year) 0 TRUE text-size PIXELS text-font)))
          (gimp-image-set-active-layer month-image text-year)
          (plug-in-autocrop-layer RUN-NONINTERACTIVE month-image text-year)
          (gimp-layer-set-offsets text-year
                                  (/ (- edge-length (car (gimp-drawable-width text-year))) 2)
                                  (/ (- (cadr (gimp-drawable-offsets text-month))
                                        (car (gimp-drawable-height text-year))) 2) )
        ; ym-layout is horizontal
        (let ((ym-text (if (= 3 ym-layout)
                         (string-append (number->string year) "  " month-name)
                         (string-append month-name "  "(number->string year)) )))
          (set! text-size (sg-calendar-calc-fontsize ym-text text-font 90 edge-length banner-height))
          (set! text-year (car (gimp-text-fontname month-image -1 0 0 ym-text 0 TRUE text-size PIXELS text-font)))
          (gimp-image-set-active-layer month-image text-year)
          (plug-in-autocrop-layer RUN-NONINTERACTIVE month-image text-year)
          (gimp-layer-set-offsets text-year
                                  (/ (- edge-length (car (gimp-drawable-width text-year))) 2)
                                  (/ (- (cadr (gimp-drawable-offsets date-layer))
                                        (car (gimp-drawable-height text-year))) 2) ) 
      (gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size month-layer)
      (set! month-layer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers month-image CLIP-TO-IMAGE)))

  ; Renders a rotated month calendar within the specified pentagon. The path's name is
  ; the index of the month (Jan=0, Feb=1, Mar=2,...)
  (define (make-month target-layer pent)
    (let* ((tmp-image (month-pent pent))
           (xya (pent-ref pent 0))
           (buffer (car (gimp-edit-named-copy (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable tmp-image)) "tmp")))
           (floated (car (gimp-edit-named-paste target-layer buffer FALSE))) )
      (gimp-image-delete tmp-image)
      (gimp-buffer-delete buffer)
      (gimp-floating-sel-to-layer floated)
      (gimp-layer-set-offsets floated (car xya) (cadr xya))
      (gimp-drawable-transform-rotate floated 
                                      (deg->rad (caddr xya)) ; delta-y delta-x for end points
                                      (car xya) (cadr xya)
                                      TRUE 3 TRANSFORM-RESIZE-ADJUST )
      (gimp-drawable-set-name floated 
                              (list-ref (list-ref sg-calendar-months lang) 
                                        (string->number (car (gimp-vectors-get-name pent))) ))

  ; Renders a properly sized and rotated facet from the given facet image.
  ; If the facet image has more than one layer, those layers are 
  ; "cycled through" bottom-to-top (repeated if necessary).
  ; If the source layer is not chain linked, it will be resized to fit
  ; the facet (centered); else the upper-left region of the layer is used.
  (define (copy-facets target-image target-layer facet-image facets pents)
    (let* ((x (ceiling (* edge-length (cos (deg->rad 72)))))
           (width (+ 1 edge-length (* 2 x)))
           (height (ceiling (+ 1 (* edge-length (+ (cos (deg->rad 18)) (sin (deg->rad 36)))))))
           (image (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB)))
           (layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGB-IMAGE "target" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
           (frame (make-pent image "tmp" (list x 0 0)))
           (xya '())
           (buffer "")
           (floated 0)
           (tmp-layer 0) )
      (gimp-image-add-layer image layer 0)
      (while (pair? pents)
        (set! xya (pent-ref (car pents) 0))
        (set! buffer (car (gimp-edit-named-copy (car facets) "tmp")))
        (set! tmp-layer (car (gimp-edit-named-paste layer buffer FALSE)))
        (gimp-buffer-delete buffer)
        (gimp-floating-sel-to-layer tmp-layer)
        (when (zero? (car (gimp-drawable-get-linked (car facets))))
          (let* ((layer-width (car (gimp-drawable-width tmp-layer)))
                 (layer-height (car (gimp-drawable-height tmp-layer)))
                 (aspect (/ layer-height layer-width)) )
            (if (> (/ width layer-width) (/ height layer-height))
                (gimp-layer-scale-full tmp-layer 
                                       (* width aspect)
                (gimp-layer-set-offsets tmp-layer 0 (/ (- height (* width aspect)) 2)) )                          
                (gimp-layer-scale-full tmp-layer 
                                       (/ height aspect)
                (gimp-layer-set-offsets tmp-layer (/ (- width (/ height aspect)) 2) 0) ))))
        (gimp-vectors-to-selection frame CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE TRUE FALSE 0 0)
        (set! buffer (car (gimp-edit-named-copy tmp-layer "tmp")))
        (set! floated (car (gimp-edit-named-paste target-layer buffer FALSE)))
        (gimp-buffer-delete buffer)
        (gimp-floating-sel-to-layer floated)
        (gimp-layer-set-offsets floated (- (car xya) x) (cadr xya))
        (gimp-drawable-transform-rotate floated 
                                        (deg->rad (caddr xya)) ; delta-y delta-x for end points
                                        (+ (car xya) 0) (cadr xya)
                                        TRUE 3 TRANSFORM-RESIZE-ADJUST )
        (gimp-drawable-set-name floated (car (gimp-drawable-get-name (car facets))))
        (gimp-image-lower-layer-to-bottom target-image floated)
        (gimp-image-raise-layer target-image floated)
        (set! pents (cdr pents))
        (set! facets (cdr facets))
      (gimp-image-delete image)

  (define (make-tab image name pent)
    (let* ((xya (append (butlast (pent-ref pent 2)) (cddr (pent-ref pent 1))))
           (tab (car (gimp-vectors-new image name)))
           (stroke 0) )
      (gimp-image-add-vectors image tab 0)
      (set! stroke (car (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-new-moveto tab (car xya) (cadr xya))))
      (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto tab
                                         (+ (car  xya) (car (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya)))) 
                                         (+ (cadr xya) (cdr (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya)))) )
      (set! xya (pent-ref pent 3))
      (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto tab
                                         (- (car  xya) (car (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya))))
                                         (- (cadr xya) (cdr (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya)))) )
      (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto tab
                                         (car xya)
                                         (cadr xya) )
      (set! xya (append (butlast (pent-ref pent 3)) (cddr (pent-ref pent 2))))
      (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto tab
                                         (+ (car  xya) (car (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya)))) 
                                         (+ (cadr xya) (cdr (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya)))) )
      (set! xya (pent-ref pent 4))
      (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto tab
                                         (- (car  xya) (car (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya))))
                                         (- (cadr xya) (cdr (p->r (/ edge-length 3) (caddr xya)))) )
      (gimp-vectors-bezier-stroke-lineto tab
                                         (car xya)
                                         (cadr xya) )                                  
      tab ))
  (let* ((image 0) (bg-layer 0) (folds-layer 0)
         (stroke 0) 
         (jan 0) (feb 0) (mar 0) (apr 0) (may 0) (jun 0) 
         (jul 0) (aug 0) (sep 0) (oct 0) (nov 0) (dec 0)
         (ref 0) (tmp 0) (tab-mar 0) (tab-apr 0) (tab-may 0) (tab-jun 0)
         (months '())
         (tabs '())
         (xya '())
         (facets '()) )
    (set! image (car (gimp-image-new (* 6 edge-length) (* 8 edge-length) RGB)))
    (gimp-display-new image)
    (gimp-image-undo-disable image)
    (set! bg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image 
                                        (car (gimp-image-width image))
                                        (car (gimp-image-height image))
                                        NORMAL-MODE )))
    (gimp-image-add-layer image bg-layer 0)
    (gimp-drawable-fill bg-layer WHITE-FILL)
    (set! jan (make-pent image "0" (list (* 2.2 edge-length) (* 2.9 edge-length) 252)))
    (set! ref (car (gimp-vectors-copy jan)))
    (gimp-image-add-vectors image ref 0) ; not necessary
    (gimp-vectors-set-name ref "ref")
    (reverse-pent ref)
    (set! feb (make-pent image "1" (pent-ref ref 0)))
    (set! mar (make-pent image "2"    (pent-ref ref 1)))
    (set! apr (make-pent image "3"    (pent-ref ref 2)))
    (set! may (make-pent image "4"      (pent-ref ref 3)))
    (set! jun (make-pent image "5"     (pent-ref ref 4)))

    (gimp-image-remove-vectors image ref)
    (set! ref (car (gimp-vectors-copy feb)))
    (gimp-image-add-vectors image ref 0) ; not necessary
    (gimp-vectors-set-name ref "ref")
    (reverse-pent ref)

    (set! tmp (make-pent image "tmp" (pent-ref ref 2)))

    (gimp-image-remove-vectors image ref)
    (set! ref (car (gimp-vectors-copy tmp)))
    (gimp-image-remove-vectors image tmp)
    (gimp-image-add-vectors image ref 0) ; not necessary
    (gimp-vectors-set-name ref "ref")
    (reverse-pent ref)

    (set! dec (make-pent image "11" (pent-ref ref 1)))

    (gimp-image-remove-vectors image ref)
    (set! ref (car (gimp-vectors-copy dec)))
    (gimp-image-add-vectors image ref 0) ; not necessary
    (gimp-vectors-set-name ref "ref")
    (reverse-pent ref)

    (set! jul (make-pent image "6" (pent-ref ref 1)))
    (set! aug (make-pent image "7"   (pent-ref ref 2)))
    (set! sep (make-pent image "8" (pent-ref ref 3)))
    (set! oct (make-pent image "9"  (pent-ref ref 4)))
    (set! nov (make-pent image "10"  (pent-ref ref 0)))
    (gimp-image-remove-vectors image ref)

    (set! months (list jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec))

    (set! tab-jun (make-tab image "tab-jun" jun))
    (set! tabs (cons tab-jun tabs))

    (set! tab-may (make-tab image "tab-may" may))
    (set! tabs (cons tab-may tabs))

    (set! tab-apr (make-tab image "tab-apr" apr))
    (set! tabs (cons tab-apr tabs))

    (set! tab-mar (make-tab image "tab-mar" mar))
    (set! tabs (cons tab-mar tabs))
    (map (lambda (month) (make-month bg-layer month)) months)
    (when (and (= use-facet-image TRUE) (= (car (gimp-image-is-valid facet-image)) TRUE))
      (set! facets (vector->list (cadr (gimp-image-get-layers facet-image))))
      (while (<= (length facets) 12)
        (set! facets (append facets facets)) )
      (set! facets (list-tail (reverse facets) (- (length facets) 12)))
      (copy-facets image bg-layer facet-image facets months) )

    (gimp-context-set-paint-method "gimp-paintbrush")
    (gimp-context-set-foreground '(128 128 128))
    (gimp-context-set-brush "Circle (01)")
    (set! folds-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image 
                                           (car (gimp-image-width image))
                                           (car (gimp-image-height image))
                                           NORMAL-MODE )))
    (gimp-image-add-layer image folds-layer 0)
    (gimp-drawable-fill folds-layer TRANSPARENT-FILL)
    (map (lambda (path)
            (gimp-edit-stroke-vectors folds-layer path))
         (append tabs months) )
    (gimp-image-undo-enable image)

(script-fu-register "script-fu-sg-platonic-calendar"
  "Platonic calendar..."
  "Generate a dodecahedron with a monthly calendar on each face"
  "Saul Goode"
  "Saul Goode"
  "updated Jan 2011"
  SF-ADJUSTMENT "Edge length" '(450 100 1500 1 10 0 1)
  SF-OPTION "Banner format" '("Year/Month equal size" "Large Month" "Large Year" 
                              "Year Month (horiz)" "Month Year(horiz)")
  SF-OPTION "Language" '("English" "German" "Italian" "Spanish" "French")
  SF-ADJUSTMENT "Year" '( 2011 1753 2050 1 10 0 1 )
  SF-TOGGLE "Sunday first" TRUE
  SF-OPTION "Day format" '("S M T ..." "Su Mo Tu ..." "Sun Mon Tue ...")
  SF-OPTION "Layout" '( "Allow 6-week span" "Force 6-week span" "Wrap Week 6 to Week 1" "Wrap Week 6 to Week 5")
  SF-FONT "Text font" "Sans" 
  SF-FONT "Number font" "Sans" 
  SF-ADJUSTMENT "Font Size (% of maximum)" '( 100 0 100 1 10 0 1)
  SF-TOGGLE "Right Justify" TRUE
  SF-OPTION "Date Position" '( "top-left" "top-center" "top-right" "left-center" "center" "right-center" "bottom-left" "bottom-center" "bottom-right")
  SF-TOGGLE   "Use facet image" FALSE
  SF-IMAGE    "Image"    0

(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-sg-platonic-calendar"