Artifact [990056c98b]
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Artifact 990056c98bea441aa394b067d4faf29f4c94f31f:

Wiki page [RktFTPd] by misha 2014-12-20 16:02:01.
D 2014-12-20T16:02:01.009
P 2f39c933be4efe1a08ce9c59691d595a3fbbb782
U misha
W 1019
<b>RktFTPd</b> developed as a simple and user-friendly ftp server for Linux. The server is almost entirely corresponds to [ | RFC-959] and supports the most recent FTP features.

<h3>Implementation details</h3>
  *  Full support for IPv6 ([ | RFC-2428]).
  *  Full UTF-8 support and also an option to choose its own locale other than UTF-8.
  *  FTPS (FTP over TLS / SSL).
  *  Language support ([ | RFC-1766], [ | RFC-2640]).
  *  Supports virtually all the latest FTP features ([ | RFC-2389], [ | RFC-3659]).
  *  Support for new FTP commands: MFMT, MFF ([ | draft-somers-ftp-mfxx-04]).
  *  Support for virtual users.
  *  Per-user permissions configurability.
  *  Maximum and per-ip connection limits.
  *  Bandwidth throttling.

Z e7973d88b893bfe1ecb93e5481dafb17