
Files in cores/sia/ of 51b29796b766eee7

Files in directory cores/sia of check-in 51b29796b766eee7

The modules defined in this directory are intended to comprise the Serial Interface Adapter, or SIA, core. The following block diagram illustrates how the pieces fit together.

                                        +-----------------+                               +-----------------+
                                        |                 |                               |      Remote     |
                     .----------------->| Transmit engine |-----------------*------------>|     Loopback    |---> TXD
                     |                  |                 |                 |             |      Switch     |
                     |                  +----+------------+                 |             +-----------------+
                     |                       |    Rate    |                 |                      ^
                     |                       |  Generator |                 |                      |
                     |                       +------------+                 |                      |
                     |                           ^                          |                      |
                     V                           |                          |                      |
                +-----------------+              |                          |                      |
         A <--->|                 |              |                          |                      |
                | TileLink I'face |--------------*                          |                      |
         D <--->|                 |              |                          |                      |
                +-----------------+              V                          |                      |
     Channels        ^                       +------------+                 |                      |
                     |                       |    Rate    |                 |                      |
                     |                       |  Generator |                 V                      |
                     |                  +----+------------+         +----------------+             |
                     |                  |                 |         |     Local      |             |
                     `------------------| Receiver engine |<--------|    Loopback    |<------------*------------- RXD
                                        |                 |         |     Switch     |
                                        +-----------------+         +----------------+