Files from all 3 check-ins sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-05-31 16:26:16.
ClasseineLast ChangeSize
- CMakeLists.txtcurrent1,738
- codecurrent
- classeine-democurrent
- Main.cppcurrent2,446
- classeine-libcurrent
- clsncurrent
- core3.4 hours
- Configuration.h3.4 hours1,611
- Empty.h3.4 hours67
- EmptyEvent.h3.4 hours114
- Entity.h3.4 hours385
- Event.h3.4 hours467
- EventListener.h3.4 hours154
- EventListenerList.h3.4 hours1,001
- IEntity.h3.4 hours165
- MultiArgsEvent.h3.4 hours163
- Panic.cpp3.4 hours235
- Panic.h3.4 hours117
- Property.h3.4 hours5,233
- ValueChangedEvent.h3.4 hours620
- draw3.4 hours
- Color.cpp3.4 hours1,079
- Color.h3.4 hours639
- Colors.h3.4 hours336
- Dimension.cpp3.4 hours502
- Dimension.h3.4 hours382
- Font.cpp3.4 hours517
- Font.h3.4 hours948
- FontInfo.cpp3.4 hours521
- FontInfo.h3.4 hours747
- FontStyle.h3.4 hours143
- Point.cpp3.4 hours221
- Point.h3.4 hours221
- Region.cpp3.4 hours1,212
- Region.h3.4 hours723
- uicurrent
- Button.cpp3.4 hours110
- Button.h3.4 hours153
- ClickableControl.h3.4 hours1,496
- Container.h3.4 hours287
- Control.cpp3.4 hours1,303
- Control.h3.4 hours2,330
- controllerscurrent
- ButtonController.hcurrent-
- HBoxContainerController.hcurrent-
- MainWindowController.hcurrent-
- VBoxContainerController.hcurrent-
- defaultscurrent
- ButtonDefaults.cpp3.4 hours442
- ButtonDefaults.h3.4 hours149
- HBoxContainerDefaults.cppcurrent403
- HBoxContainerDefaults.hcurrent156
- MainWindowDefaults.cpp3.4 hours366
- MainWindowDefaults.h3.4 hours153
- ThemeDefaults.cpp3.4 hours808
- ThemeDefaults.h3.4 hours157
- VBoxContainerDefaults.cppcurrent403
- VBoxContainerDefaults.hcurrent156
- events3.4 hours
- ControlResizedEvent.h3.4 hours498
- MouseClickEvent.h3.4 hours678
- Graphics.h3.4 hours109
- HBoxContainer.cppcurrent1,766
- HBoxContainer.hcurrent240
- impl3.4 hours
- GraphicsImpl.h3.4 hours127
- MainWindowImpl.h3.4 hours194
- sdl23.4 hours
- GraphicsSdl2Impl.cpp3.4 hours2,686
- GraphicsSdl2Impl.h3.4 hours918
- MainWindowSdlImpl.h3.4 hours5,539
- Sdl2FontCache.cpp3.4 hours763
- Sdl2FontCache.h3.4 hours541
- Sdl2FontWrapper.h3.4 hours302
- Sdl2Helpers.cpp3.4 hours587
- Sdl2Helpers.h3.4 hours248
- ListContainer.hcurrent2,077
- MainWindow.hcurrent2,222
- modelscurrent
- BoxContainerModel.hcurrent-
- rendererscurrent
- BorderRenderer.cpp3.4 hours1,646
- BorderRenderer.h3.4 hours510
- ButtonRenderer.h3.4 hours2,511
- HBoxContainerRenderer.hcurrent1,275
- IRenderer.h3.4 hours410
- LabelRenderer.h3.4 hours845
- MainWindowRenderer.h3.4 hours338
- NullRenderer.h3.4 hours284
- VBoxContainerRenderer.hcurrent1,268
- UIManager.cppcurrent1,629
- UIManager.h3.4 hours1,440
- UIManagerDefaults.h3.4 hours582
- VBoxContainer.cppcurrent1,482
- VBoxContainer.hcurrent240
- LOC.csv3.4 hours274
- LICENSE3.4 hours1,518
- README.md3.4 hours807