Not Tetris


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19 check-ins occurring on or before 2010-06-11 01:55:07.

tetrominos are now created with random types check-in: 6f71be024a user: tags: trunk
next block comes into play when previous one gets blocked downward. until i get random number generation implemented, all tetrominos spawned are type O. check-in: 59925b94c0 user: tags: trunk
the 'next' tetromino now properly displays on the screen (at least the 1st one at game start does). when tetrominos get blocked on the way down, g_onDownBlocked is called but at the moment it does nothing. moving in all 4 directions works fine now. the blocks of a tetromino are moved in the correct order to prevent the blocks tripping over each other during the move. next up is working on g_onDownBlocked, spawning the next block into play, and calculating completed lines for points. check-in: cf55d64cc8 user: tags: trunk
forgot to add temporary block art to last commit check-in: 5a709571c0 user: tags: trunk
fixed a few typos in the code that caused silent corruption of data. color key works, new game starts a new game. the first tetromino is spawned and you can move it around. moving to the right causes problems though, since the tetromino steps over itself as it tries to move and falls apart. a segfault occured when exiting the game (an issue with clearing up the blocks) but has been fixed. need to figure out a system for displaying the next tetromino on the right of the screen. after i figure that out, i have to make it so when you hit the bottom, the tetromino stays in place (it dies but the blocks stay behind), the next one moves to the start and i do it all over again. ill hold off actually calculating completed lines for a bit. check-in: ee9f7b251f user: tags: trunk
pixel locations for menu buttons has been entered. menu displays with all buttons and appears to work perfectly. next up is to work on getting the color key to make dark purple transparent. once that works, i can work on getting 'new game' to load the game properly, and from there work on getting the gameplay code correct (which is a big phase that will take me awhile to get working right) check-in: 54beec6474 user: tags: trunk
added new image loading functions as well as a seperate function to apply to the main screen surface. supports coordinate offsets to place images anywhere. my 2d array of spaces can be converted to proper pixel location on the screen via g_getImageCoords. now i must go back to photoshop to write down the pixel locations to place the menu buttons at, so i can test them and see if my menu logic is correct. ive read about having a state machine but i am unsure if i will attempt to implement it in this project since the example was using c++ and i already made a ton of if/else if and switch statements. check-in: 9cefd3c29d user: tags: trunk
added screen art to the repository. backgrounds also included. all pictures are to go in the pictures directory, so all code accesses image files with './pictures/imagename.bmp' check-in: ddffaff7bc user: tags: trunk
more menu update logic added. menu appears to work at a first glance. further testing is required to ensure there are no logic errors in the code. nothing appears on the screen yet. menu buttons must now be drawn, and g_drawGame() must be written to take the data stored in menu and display the right menu buttons. remember that each menu button must have a highlighted version and an unhighlighted version. check-in: 479ac3c909 user: tags: trunk
added more code to g_handleInput(). must find out the SDL names for the escape button and the spacebar to add their entries to g_handleInput(). also added some code to g_updateGame(). some menu art must be created so that once i finish the m_move function I can test my menus. check-in: c70b342d11 user: tags: trunk
added basic handleInput code. terminal responds to some input entered (such as keys pressed down or released). next up is to complete the handleInput code as well as updating the game based on the input (work on setting up functional menus). check-in: 013c310fc7 user: tags: trunk
block.h and .c removed and merged into tetromino.h and .c... some initial game loop code has been created but currently has an infinite loop, but the basic structure i will attempt is commented in there. check-in: 4159eed10b user: tags: trunk
merged all code from block.h and block.c into tetromino. block.h and .c will be removed next commit (code currently compiles) check-in: 9597731470 user: tags: trunk
program now compiles, includes and forward declarations should be reviewed because they seem to be a mess, also consider combining tetromino and block source files into one. combine their headers too possibly. check-in: 57a6b85052 user: tags: trunk
added game.c, trying to get most of the files to compile together (sdl init code was moved from main.c to game.c). may have to combine block and game source files into one. check-in: fbfd2463c1 user: tags: trunk
fixed silly error that was making me wonder why SDL wouldn't init. SDL_Init returns 0 on success. check-in: 37db27b836 user: tags: trunk
added more code to the files surrounding main, untested though check-in: 2015128b85 user: tags: trunk
added 1st executable code, sdl having problems initializing check-in: 0984c4c872 user: tags: trunk
added 1st executable code, sdl having problems initializing check-in: 7a11600ae1 user: tags: stable, trunk