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46 check-ins
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13:16 | Deleted the extended package. Reason: The extended package is pointless, the emulator engine should be as tiny as possible. ... (Leaf check-in: d291215649 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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18:31 | Fixed a very weird bug with the PMSC class, the bug was making the final executable code insanely big. ... (check-in: 4471e8d3ec user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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09:14 | Fixed a bug with the TGA class that caused a segmentation fault when accessing the VRAM. ... (check-in: 3f68655d09 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
07:47 | Changed the readme and updated the docs. ... (check-in: f25cdcc88d user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
07:23 | Abandoned the idea of making a maven repository. ... (check-in: 3378a51220 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
07:10 | Added maven repository. ... (check-in: f1631bbb77 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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21:21 | Added maven repository generation. Pending for testing. ... (check-in: 226e67aa3e user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
17:08 | Changed the entire organization of the repository, in the next commit i'll try to automate the creation of a maven repository to use the library with dub. ... (check-in: 6dac4fd264 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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11:18 | Porting WozMon to my emulator is way more complicated than i though, i had maded some progress but the program doesn't work, i also had updated the ASCIIConsole BusComponent to make it more simple to use. ... (check-in: 7acdddb306 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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11:58 | Added a new bus component consisting off a basic ascii console, also, added the original WozMon source code for future tests courtesy of: ... (check-in: ed02bca3cc user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
11:12 | Added tests for BCC, BCS, BEQ, BNE, BMI, BPL, BVC and BVS instructions. All of them seems to pass the tests. Initial testing phase finished, the emulator seems to work as intended like a real MOS6502 would work. ... (check-in: dd6be9c6d9 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:57 | Added test for BIT instruction. The instruction seems to pass the test. ... (check-in: ee6f9bcb34 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:51 | Added tests for CPX and CPY instructions. Both of the instructions seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 97f5b1a347 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:46 | Added test for CMP instruction. The instruction seems to pass the test. Also, added a handy function to instantiate an emulator with the default MOS6502 instruction set and some basic component. ... (check-in: 97d2635cb3 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
09:54 | Added tests for DEX, DEY, INX and INY instructions. All of them seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 4458b74dd6 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
09:50 | Added tests for DEC and INC instructions. Both of them seems to pass the tests. Also, fixed some bugs with the Negative and Zero flags on the DEC, DEX, DEY, INC, INX and INY instructions. ... (check-in: f11207050f user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
09:10 | Added tests for TAX, TAY, TSX, TXA, TXS and TYA instructions. All of them seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: a33e56ee2b user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
09:02 | Added test for JMP instruction. It seems to pass the test. ... (check-in: 9f02b1a3b8 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
08:49 | Added tests for SEC, SED, SEI, CLC, CLD, CLI and CLV instructions. All of them seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 330245ad51 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
08:33 | Tests for SBC and ADC instructions added. Both of the instructions seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 5ad6f33c78 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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10:43 | Tests for JSR and RTS instructions added. Both of them seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: ce6c893f17 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:38 | Tests for BRK and RTI instructions added. Both of them seems to pass the tests, also, fixed a bug with the addBusComponent and getBusDeviceByAddress methods. ... (check-in: 358664f39b user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:04 | Tests for ROL and ROR instructions added. Both of them seems to pass the tests, also, ROR had a bug with the carry flag that is now fixed. ... (check-in: 5d07d37c9d user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
09:43 | Tests for PHA, PHP, PLA and PLP added. The instructions seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 32c515108f user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
08:48 | Test for EOR added. The instruction seems to pass the test. ... (check-in: 07109cad76 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
08:23 | Minor changes to the readme. ... (check-in: ab9d1a9158 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
08:19 | Test for AND added. The instruction seems to pass the test. ... (check-in: 244945ba9a user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
08:14 | Test for ORA added. The instruction seems to pass the test. Also, updated the tracer API in the interfaces file and in the emulator file. ... (check-in: c1aa1773f9 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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20:33 | The entire 6502 original instruction set is fully implemented, the last thing to do is to finish the testing phase. ... (check-in: b12edc4ee3 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
16:40 | Tests for LSR ASL added. Both of them seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 1cc191d28f user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
12:36 | Added a link to the instant reference card. ... (check-in: 97823ded06 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
12:26 | Minor changes to the readme. ... (check-in: fa5adbc338 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
12:04 | Test for STY and LDY added. Both of the instructions seem to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 43c3d8ea79 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
11:54 | Minor changes in the readme. ... (check-in: ec4f071113 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
11:53 | Tests for STX and LDX added. Both of the instructions seems to pass the tests. Also, fixed some address mode methods that where messed up and added a new method to the tracer interface to trace stack operations. ... (check-in: 230a2823af user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
11:10 | Tests for STA and LDA instructions added. Both of the instructions seems to pass the tests. ... (check-in: 14f2de5c55 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:16 | Added basic test suite. ... (check-in: f7bb34de67 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
09:58 | Added a tracer component interface to make the debug process more easy for everyone. ... (check-in: d495064c47 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
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18:16 | Added the execution methods on the emulator class. ... (check-in: 1f5f64358f user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
15:50 | Added CMP, CPX and CPY instructions. ... (check-in: 79d394c8f2 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
15:37 | Added decimal mode support for ADC and SBC instructions. ... (check-in: 0278642869 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
14:04 | Documented the currently existing API. ... (check-in: d243712dfe user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
11:40 | Added placeholders for documentation. ... (check-in: 6eb21d082c user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
11:26 | Added readme file. ... (check-in: 210c1ec2dd user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:27 | Added project files. ... (check-in: 1a26a4572a user: csabio tags: trunk) | |
10:25 | initial empty check-in ... (check-in: 58171d8699 user: csabio tags: trunk) | |