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2 events for the month beginning 2022-05-01 by user cfuhrman

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19:03 Edit [990b2b7e780cd3f8|990b2b7e78]: Add tag "v2022.05". artifact: 157a17306d user: cfuhrman
Periodic sync with personal repository (emacs.d/init.el) - Optimize `gc-cons-threshold` - Update theme to doom-sourcerer - Install counsel-osx-app[1] - Change keybinding for `org-store-link` to `C-c C-o l`. This is so we can use `C-c l` as a prefix for LSP commands - Add ggtags mode hook to emacs-lisp-mode - Optimize `read-process-output-max` - Use `C-c l` as LSP command prefix - Make sure java-mode kicks off LSP (global-excludes) - Exclude .elpa directory (note dot) Footnotes: [1] check-in: 990b2b7e78 user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2022.05
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