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5 events for the month beginning 2022-04-01 by user cfuhrman

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17:13 Changes to wiki page "ShellPAK" artifact: de913f9dc7 user: cfuhrman
17:13 Edit [5c530ee23bceb55e|5c530ee23b]: Add tag "v2022.04". artifact: 70fdb3587b user: cfuhrman
17:12 Edit [5c530ee23bceb55e|5c530ee23b]: Cancel tag "v2022.04". artifact: 47cb0c381b user: cfuhrman
17:09 Edit [5c530ee23bceb55e|5c530ee23b]: Add tag "v2022.04". artifact: 38a07fe0a2 user: cfuhrman
Periodic sync w/ personal repository (docs/ - Bump Copyright (emacs.d/init.el) - Set the following variables: + custom-file + global-auto-revert-mode + global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers + warnings-suppress-log-types (needed to prevent log spewage in GNU Emacs 28) + warnings-suppress-types (needed to prevent log spewage in GNU Emacs 28) - Do not use melpa-stable any more as some non-stable packages rely on versions not found in melpa-stable - Replace all-the-icons-dired with treemacs-icons-dired - Do not install dictionary package if GNU Emacs 28.1 or greater detected. It is already included - Install and configure the following packages: + treemacs-magit[1] + treemacs-projectile[2] - Defer loading of w3m mode, leading to slightly faster start-up times - Use define-key lsp-mode-map instead of lsp-keymap-prefix to specify LSP command prefix. This is needed for GNU Emacs 28 - Customize lsp-ui-doc-show-with-[mouse|cursor] as appropriate (emacs.d/lisp/cmf-org-settings.el) - Switch to using file+olp+datetree - Further customization of org-mode face attributes (gitconfig) - Customize magit.hideCampaign (global-excludes) - Ignore the following: + .fossil-settings + eln-cache (generated by GNU Emacs 28) + games (must save that high score from snakes!) + intelephense ( - Bump copyright year - Install Xmodmap (See below) (Xmodmap) - Customize left control/caps lock. This works under XFCE but not Gnome Footnotes: [1] [2] check-in: 5c530ee23b user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2022.04
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