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2 events for the month beginning 2021-05-01 by user cfuhrman

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20:03 Edit [8c81d99535af22b7|8c81d99535]: Add tag "v2021.05". artifact: 534765e213 user: cfuhrman
Sync in changes from personal repository (Xresources) - Add customizations for Emacs when using a version of GNU Emacs compiled using the Lucid X Toolkit (emacs.d/init.el) - Force scrollbar to right. This is needed when using a version of GNU Emacs compiled using the Lucid X Toolkit - Switch to using plain HTTP for connecting to MELPA archives. - Relocate ivy-rich stanza so it gets loaded properly - Remove treemacs-projectile and treemacs-magit which were causing issues. I suspect that these use features found in the development version of treemacs while I use the stable version. - Set lsp-response-timeout to 30 seconds - Clean up how projectile-project-search-path is set - Update custom safe themes. I am seeing the pattern where everytime doom-themes gets updatged, I have to update custom safe themes. - Install and configure lsp-mode for goLang development - Install and configure lsp-mode for Python development. Note use of Microsoft Python Language Server - Install and configure lsp-mode for YAML file editing (useful for editing ansible files) ( - Add support for installing the GoLang Language Server check-in: 8c81d99535 user: cfuhrman tags: trunk, v2021.05
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